314e IT Solutions Interview Experience for Software Engineer Role | On-Campus 2021

Online Test:

10 Quantitative Aptitude Questions: Medium level

3 Coding questions: 2 Medium, 1 Hard

  1. Given an equation with a digit represented by x, find the value of x that satisfies the equation.
    Ex. “1x0 + 5 = 105”, Output: 0
    Ex. “75 / x5 = 3”, Output: 2
  2. Determine whether a given password satisfies all the requirements:
    • Must contain a Capital Letter.
    • Must contain a number.
    • Must contain a punctuation symbol or a math symbol.
    • Must not contain the word “password” in any form.
    • Should be of less than 7 characters and less than 31 characters.
  3. Switch Sort: Last question on this page under Sorting Hard Tag.
    • http://wiki.alexjslessor.com/en/codebyte-answers
  4. One SQL query: Medium difficulty involving join, count(), group by, and order by.

    Note: Candidates who did 2 coding questions fully and a hard one partially and sql query completely were shortlisted for the next round.

    Technical Discussion Round 1:

    1. Discussed all the codes from the online round.
    2. Switch sort question had a corner case for [3,4,1,2] for which my code won’t work. Made me correct my previous code for 1.5 hours till it was fully correct.
    3. Taking Command line arguments in Python.
    4. File handling in python – opening the file, file modes, writing a file, detecting the end of the file.

    Technical Discussion Round 2: This round was with the CTO of the company.

    1. Started by asking which language I was comfortable with, I said Python.
    2. Started with the same command-line arguments and file handling in detail.
    3. How to write the main function.
    4. How to declare class, how to declare objects?
    5. What is the init function? Its function in any development, that is role of init.py? 
    6. What is your final year project? Explained, no counter questions.
    7. Have you done any projects on databases? Explained using python Tkinter library and sqlite3.
    8. Have you done any projects on web development? Explained internship project using Angular, typescript, APIs, no counter questions.
    9. What OS are you comfortable with? I said Windows, with not much experience with Linux, he said not an issue.
    10. How fluent are you in SQL? I said intermediate, asked a query between two tables, gave the logic, satisfied.

    Special thanks to w3wiki for the preparation resources. All the very best ?