7 Signs of a Negative Person

We all have some flaws in our personalities. Some of us try to resolve and minimize them while some try to cherish them assuming the issues to be their ‘Strength’ or a ‘Quality’. Though the pandemic has started several conversations across the globe ‘Being Hopeful, Optimistic and Staying Positive‘ are among them. While anyone can have a bad day and can feel rage about something, it is an undeniable fact that some people actually make issues huge at times intentionally and unintentionally. We call them ‘Negative People‘.

How do you identify whether a person is ‘Positive’ or ‘Negative’? 

It’s important to ask this question to yourself before reaching a conclusion as there is a possibility that the thing we assume to be ‘Negativity‘ can be a cry for help. There is a clear distinction between being negative and suffering from a serious problem. To save yourself from confusion you need to be sure before giving any judgment.

Here are 7 Signs of a Negative Person, so you won’t end up regretting your conclusion:

1. Overthinking is Their Go-To Friend

The way you think says a lot about your personality. When it comes to negative people, they have this habit of what we call ‘overthinking’. Now, overthinking can have its own importance based on the circumstances. So, how can we differentiate between negativity and a valid reason for these long thoughtful sessions? Let’s simplify:

  • Overthinking by negative people is a process that exaggerates the problem and makes look like a giant when it’s actually not that huge.
  • Thinking might bring plus and negative points of an issue, but negative people always stick to the dangers of the negative points.

Negative people stick to this habit of overthinking no matter how many times you make them aware of its consequences.

2. Criticizing Everything, Not Constructively

Going against the establishment is definitely a good sign that adds to a different perspective. However, always staying on the other side makes you look like someone who is doing this for a purpose. Just like that, ‘Criticism‘ is a good habit until it stays within the limit, when it goes beyond, it makes you stand in the queue of the negative people.

We all criticize something or the other, or even people. Offering a solution and criticizing in a way that doesn’t cross the line, makes it a ‘Constructive Criticism‘ otherwise, the words may end up looking like bullying, teasing, and incitement. There are clear distinctions and here are some points that definitely are not ‘criticism’ and are a sign of you being a negative person:

  • Negative comments on the other person’s appearance are neither criticism nor an opinion.
  • Giving negative feedback with no solution at all.
  • Speaking with the purpose of making other people feel under-confident.

3. Staying Away From Taking Responsibilities

Taking responsibilities helps a person grow faster and adds a great set of experience and learning to their journey of life. But negative people avoid responsibilities as much as possible. Be it the fear of failure or getting caught up with new ‘Problems’ (obstacles) on their way, this keeps them marking the box of ‘Safe from Responsibilities‘ all the time.

Well, fear of failure is natural but if it continuously keeps you away from taking a chance even for once, then you surely need a session of introspection. If it is done to save yourself more work, then you need to wake up!

4. Gossiping at the Back of People/Organizations

Everybody enjoys talking about their bosses or colleagues and gossiping about how the worst person are they are but they save it for gossip only and pretend as if they like the same boss/colleague the most and even admire them. Here, you caught them, the negative people. The same goes with their approach towards organizations they worked for.

  • Organizations can be toxic? Yes! But constantly talking about it at your new workplace harms your image.
  • Rather than offering polite feedback, constantly talking on people’s backs hampers your relations with your colleagues.

You can escape from being marked as a ‘Negative Person’ by throwing this worst habit into the trash. Because one negative aspect of your personality can cover all goods done by you.

5. Afraid of Failures So, They Escape From Trying

We are all afraid of failures and at times not ready to try new opportunities as we find them to be out of our reach. This approach can be at times practical and if done constantly, may leave a mark of a ‘Negative Person’ on your personality. Because you fail to recognize that there is an opportunity to learn even if you fail.

So, there is no escape from the aspect of ‘Trying‘ on your way to success and if you constantly think about being failed, you surely are a ‘Negative Person’, and changing this is definitely in your hands as only you can break the chain of the wall of ‘Not Trying at All’.

6. Refuse to Take Up Other’s Perspectives

The person who gets respect is the one who is inclusive in nature, welcomes others’ perspectives, and respects their thoughts as well. And the negative person does the exact opposite. They are in the misunderstanding of being correct all the time and this prevents them from taking up other people’s perspectives and they like to impose their thoughts over anyone else.

Having a strong opinion and suppressing the voice of others is a sign of arrogance and so adds to the negative aspects of your personality. This can be tackled and when you implement the other person’s suggestions/perspective, there can be chances that they solve the problem that you might have been ignoring or missed by mistake?

7. Says ‘Ifs’ and ‘Buts’ Frequently

  1. “I feel it’s a great opportunity, let’s see how it goes.”
  2. “I feel it’s a great opportunity, ‘but’ let’s see how it goes.”

These are two sentences that can be said at a similar place. However, which one will you use, will say a lot about your personality. ‘Sentence 1’ can make you look more confident while, on the other hand, ‘Sentence 2’ will make you look doubtful, under-confident, and that’s a sign of a negative person as you should clear your doubt straight before reaching a conclusion.

Frequent, use of terms like ‘If’ or ‘But’ makes sentences complicated, highlights the negative aspects of your personality, and drops the level of trust of the people around.

These were the 7 Signs of a Negative Person that may help you recognize them easily. And as it is said that isolating people benefit none. So, rather than maintaining distance, taking along giving help or trying to resolve these signs in your personality, will help you deal with these signs better. However, there might be circumstances when you can’t help but stay away from negativity, so, do that by staying guilt-free!