8 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Quitting Your Job

You go through a huge storm of thoughts inside you when you take such a decision that can be considered one of the biggest decisions in your life, ‘Quitting a Job‘. It’s definitely not everyone’s cup of tea to say goodbye to the source of survival. But some of us are compelled to take this decision and move on from our current place.

However, there can be several reasons behind taking the decision of quitting a job. Looking for a change, a toxic workplace, life-altering trauma, or unsatisfied growth, are among the reasons that force people to quit their job

But, it’s important to process the thought, articulating all the pros and conses of the whole scenario before you actually hit send button for your resignation. So, here are 8 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Quitting Your Job:

1. Am I Really Convinced with My Decision?

To make others understand your decision, it’s important that you are convinced with it first and have processed the thought well. In case, your family depends on your income, it becomes way more important to explain to yourself why are you quitting the job, and getting an answer ready for them is a different task altogether.

You have to be clear about the reasons as you are firstly answerable to yourself and then make it clear for others so that they understand your stand as well. That will make your journey to your next job easier as nothing can be better than the support of family and friends to cope with any hard time.

2. Is This the Right Time to Quit the Job?

The most important thing here is to first be sure that you are not hurrying up and directly jumping to ‘Quitting the Job’. Have you taken enough time or this decision is a rage of a moment of anger? Apart from this, you need to look at other aspects as well that include the timing of quitting the job. How? Let’s make it easy for you that when should you wait before quitting the job:

  • Working on a major project, let’s not leave your team in the middle of chaos.
  • When you are in debt, what about clearing them and saving some amount first?
  • Is the appraisal month approaching? Let’s wait so you’ll quote a better amount for the next job?
  • If the holiday season is here, have those paid vocations, and then go ahead maybe!

Well, we can never find a right or a wrong time to quit but giving it time and thinking about your current situation first, can save you from a lot of problems later. 

3. How Will I Bear the Expenses Until I Find a New Job?

This is the question that surely should be your priority in order to be practical before moving on. Because obviously, this is the sole reason why you are working in the first place. So, have you saved enough to survive the gap between this job and the next job?

On average, you need to have a proper plan and finance to fund your next few months (10-12 months) during this ‘Temporary Unemployment‘. And even if you have such plans or enough funds, maybe it’s the right time when you explore the benefits of Gig and Freelancing until you get the new job?

4. Am I Ready to Give up on Benefits and Perks?

The reason why a settled and a ‘Real Job‘ is considered to be an opportunity is this, ‘Benefits of Having a Job‘ as it covers your other finances comes along with several perks like childcare, health insurance, paid vacations, saving for retirement, and much more.

So, it is definitely very important to ask yourself that are you actually ready to give up on these benefits and go for months or the time till you secure another job? Or are you having a backup plan to afford these during the gap? So, let’s take a moment, think about it, and then proceed.

5. What will be My Answer to the Counteroffer?

If you are an ‘Asset’ to your company and perform well, then, there are chances that your boss or HR will try to retain you by offering you the promotion, an increment in salary, and benefits. The counteroffer will take you through another process of thinking about the whole scenario. So, how are you going to answer them? The answer lies in the reason for quitting the job and the thought that took you here at this point.

To answer this question comfortably, you need to be clear about what you want and why? Is it worth staying here and can you move forward with the offer or do you want to quit anyway? All you need to know for yourself.

6. Have I Tried All Options Here?

If you are quitting your job because of reasons that are not linked with an abusive environment. You might want to give another thought to your decision. Maybe, you try the following mentioned steps:

  • Sort out the issue of communication gap to communicate better with your manager,
  • Change your work habit,
  • Upskill yourself,
  • Try new ways of time management, and
  • Take a break for a while.

You must be sure that you are not missing an option in order to save yourself from regretting your decision later.

7. How Am I Going to Get a New Job and What are My Expectations?

Are you networking? Or there’s a person or a friend who might help you in getting a new job? Or do you have a place in mind to move next? What are your expectations from the new job? Does the other company really fulfill that and the current one can’t? These are some questions that you need to consider while you have made up your mind to leave the current place you are working at.

Researching well, having a proper network, a new set of skills, and your preparation will save you a lot of time and effort afterward. So, take time, think about it, and find the right place of solution as well.

8. Is that a Wrong Career or the Wrong Organization?

The most crucial part of life is the ‘Realisation’ of the fact that we have opted for something that we are not happy rather, struggling with it and in the other situation when you find out that you are caught in the wrong organization, ends up making every bit of you working hours, a huge struggle.

Both the situations are neither good for your physical as well as mental health. So, you really have to find out the actual reason why you want to quit the job? Because you don’t like the organization or you aren’t enjoying your work?

This was definitely a heavy session of thoughts. Now, you are ready to take your decision! What questions are you going to ask yourself?