How To Stop Comparing Yourself To Others?

Do you ever compare yourself to others? While there’s nothing wrong with having people you look up to and aspire to be like, some pitfalls come with constantly comparing yourself to other people in your life. In today’s world, social media has become an essential part of people’s daily lives, but it’s also one of the biggest culprits in making them unhappy with themselves and their lives. 

If you find yourself constantly comparing to others by watching their social media sites, these tips will help you stop comparing yourself to others to live a happier life!

1. Determine Your Baseline

The first step in breaking free from negative self-comparison is knowing your baseline confidence level. When you can identify your personality traits and how they manifest, you’ll be able to see where you stand on other people. For instance, if someone is naturally shy or introverted, it makes sense that they might compare themselves with more extroverted individuals; if someone is an optimist, it makes sense that they might have a more positive outlook than a pessimist. Before you can stop comparing yourself to others, you need to determine what type of person you are – because each type will likely produce different comparisons. Always remember what the famous Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu once said: “When you are content to be simply yourself and don’t compare or compete, everyone will respect you.”

2. Pay Attention To The Present

It’s impossible not to compare yourself to others, but you can learn not to let your competitive urges get out of control. Keep your eyes on what’s in front of you. Stop focusing on what other individuals are doing and start focusing on where you’re going. There will always be someone doing better than you, or worse; whether or not they’re getting attention for it doesn’t matter – they have their own lives and priorities that make their successes different from yours, making them less relevant. Likewise, there will be someone worse off than you; pity is a waste of time and energy, so don’t dwell on it or use it as an excuse for inaction. Remember these famous lines by the famous personality Evan Rauch: “Other people’s lives seem better than yours because you’re comparing their director’s cuts with your behind the scenes.”

3. Focus On Self-Improvement

Instead of worrying about what people have that you don’t, focus on improving yourself. Be confident in who you are and appreciate your unique qualities. Have a set of non-negotiable standards by which you live. Instead of comparing yourself to others, choose people who inspire and motivate you instead of bringing down your self-esteem. 

By focusing on how you can improve yourself and be better each day, the comparison will soon become a thing of the past. Focus on becoming better rather than wishing you were someone else. You’ll feel much happier about it. When in doubt, remember these famous words from the popular American singer, actress, and dancer Judy Garland: “Always be a first-rate version of yourself and not a second-rate version of someone else.”

4. Avoid The Comparison Trap

It’s common for people to compare themselves to others. Social media feeds are full of images of friends in their new apartments, colleagues on vacation, and neighbors enjoying an active social life. You see these people seemingly having fun while you’re stuck at your desks and become envious. While it can be hard not to compare yourself with other people, primarily if you work in an office environment where everyone is looking at their laptops; you mustn’t do so as that only makes you feel bad about yourself, and it will get more challenging for you even to want to go out. Instead, try focusing on your own goals and what makes you happy, and soon enough, everyone else won’t matter because your happiness will be all that matters for yourself. When in doubt, remember the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson, an American philosopher: “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”

5. Be Aware Of Your Self-Talk

How often have you told yourself that someone has a better job than you or has a more excellent car than yours? To stop comparing yourself to others, start by being aware of your self-talk. When it comes down to self-talk, negative thoughts are usually behind feelings of envy and jealousy. Whenever those feelings arise, look at them rationally rather than letting them build up into something bigger. 

Be proud of yourself and appreciate what strengths or qualities you possess over others instead! Understand that comparison kills happiness; Comparisons will always exist in society, but they should never come between someone’s sense of worthiness and happiness! When you start comparing yourself to others, recall these lines from Chinese novelist Betty Jamie Chung: “Comparison with myself brings improvement; comparison with others brings discontent.”

6. Be Grateful For What You Have

It’s quite straightforward to take your life for granted and compare yourself with others, but it’s important to remember that everyone has their own problems. Instead of focusing on how significant others have it, try thinking about what you’re grateful for in your own life. If you need a kick in the pants, consider everything you don’t have and how grateful you are for those things not being part of your life. For example, think about those who would love a chance at a new job or anything else currently missing from your life. Once you start looking at things from that perspective, it’ll be easier to stop comparing yourself to others. Remember these remarks from a prominent French author if you ever start condemning yourself: “It is better to be hated for who you are than loved for something you are not.”


This blog post gives you tips on stopping comparing yourself to others and living a better life for yourself. All want to be happy, right? But how can you do that when you’re constantly comparing yourself to others and feeling unhappy? The answer lies in accepting yourself for who you are, flaws and all. Once you start to do that, you’ll be able to build a more fulfilling life without constantly looking outside of yourself for validation. So, what are you waiting for? Start living your best life today by following these simple tips!