Absconding from Work : Meaning, Reason, Measures, and Actions

What is Absconding from Work?

Absconding from Work is a term used in HR management for the case when an employee does not report to work without providing any information about the reason or seeking leave from the employer. This absence of work can lead to a breach of contract by the employee or employer, which is considered a serious offence and can lead to legal consequences. It also disrupts workflow in the organisation, creates problems in the planning of the workplace, and may require additional resources to fill the gap left by the absent employee.

Geeky Takeaways:

  • Absconding from work can lead to serious professional repercussions, such as termination of employment.
  • Depending on the employment contract, absconding may have legal ramifications. Contracts often outline notice periods or specific procedures for resigning from a position.
  • Absconding from work can lead to negative references, making it challenging to secure future employment.

Table of Content

  • Why Do Employees Abscond From Work?
  • Measures to Stop Employees From Absconding
  • Disciplinary Actions Against Absconded Employees
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why do Employees Abscond from Work?

1. Better Job Opportunities: It happens when employees get better job prospects, which may offer better compensation or work-life balance and they might want to join immediately. That is why some employees leave their jobs without serving the notice period or exit formalities, they decide to abscond from work without telling anyone. They might feel a lack of career growth in the company, so they start to look for better opportunities.

2. Not Interested in the Existing Job Role: Some employees might feel bored in the job. They have lost interest and motivation in the work so they have thought to stop working. They might think that their skills and talent are not properly utilised in the work. So, they look for places or opportunities where their skills are appreciated, and valued and that suit their interests and aspirations.

3. Not Being Able to Cope with Work Pressure and Stress: The workload in the organisation may be too much for some employees. They might feel stressed or could not balance a work-life balance due to the workload. This can be a possible reason for employees to abscond from work.

4. Personal Issues: Some employees might have serious personal issues (like family emergencies, or mental health issues like anxiety, stress, or depression) and they might have felt the manager will not give them leave for those reasons, which is why they decide to abscond from work.

5. Communication Issues: Sometimes employees want to leave the job, but are not able to discuss it with the manager due to a lack of communication skills. There may be a lack of communication, and trust between employees that can lead to absconding. Also, there could be inflexible policies for leave or inadequate support for personal emergencies that can lead employees to take these measures when they face unexpected challenges.

Measures to Stop Employees from Absconding

1. Clear Policies: Maintain clear and well-defined policies regarding absenteeism and absconding. You can include notice period clauses in employment contracts to discourage sudden departures without notice. This will avoid legal complications. Communicate the policies to all employees, so everyone will know the proper ways of taking leave. Make sure that employees understand the consequences of unnecessary absences and encourage them to take leave through the proper method.

2. Regular Check-Ins: Regular check-in means that employees and managers will discuss the goals, and objectives and give and take feedback. This will reduce the chances of absconding as the manager could discuss about problems of the employee during regular check-ins. It will promote trust and loyalty in employees and managers.

3. Employee Engagement Initiatives: It is seen that some employees abscond from jobs due to loss of interest, less engagement, motivation, and feeling bored. There can be initiatives taken by the organisation that could keep the employees engaged in their work, such as challenges, competition, rewards, bonuses for good work, and appreciation. Also, these initiatives will make employees feel valued.

4. Training for Managers: In some cases, employees abscond because no one can understand their problems. So, it will reduce the chances of absconding if we provide managers training on respectful and professional communication, ways for conflict resolution, and providing appreciation and motivation to employees. This will create a supportive and positive work environment.

5. Offer Competitive Compensation and Benefits: If the salary and benefits are good, then the chance of absconding will be reduced because employees will feel that they are properly rewarded for their contribution. They will also think about their financial security while leaving because most organisations try to hire employees with average or lower salaries. This will also increase the commitment of employees toward their jobs.

Disciplinary Actions Against Absconded Employees

1. Investigation and Attempted Contact: In the case, an employee disappears without any notice, the company needs to find out what happened, and what are the reasons behind the absence. They can try to find out in various ways, like by communicating with colleagues, observing the previous absence patterns, and past messages. These things will help to find out why the employee left suddenly. After that, the company tries to contact the employee using phone numbers, email, and social media to find the reasons for leaving. This is important to provide the employee with a chance to explain and come back to work.

2. Written Warning: A written warning is sent to the employee stating the consequences of absence without notice. This can be sent through email or mail. This will outline the leave policies that the employee is violating by doing this. A copy of this email will be attached to the employee’s records in the company.

3. Conduct an Inquiry: In the case, that the employee responds to the notice, then the employer should conduct an inquiry to hear the employee’s side of the story to know what were the reasons behind the absence without notice. The employer should examine the evidence of whether the employee is telling the truth or not. In this way, the employer should provide an opportunity for the employee to defend themselves and provide necessary documents and witnesses.

4. Termination Letter: In the case, that the employee does not respond to the notice, then the employer should issue a termination letter stating the reasons for dismissal and the date of termination. This letter should contain information about the employee’s rights, like returning the company property, settling the dues, and collecting the final settlement.

5. Initiate Legal Action: If the employee has committed fraud, theft, or breach of contract, then the employer can take legal action against the employee, which can include going to the police and filing a complaint in court. The employer can ask for compensation for the damage caused by the employee. The employer can also blacklist the employee by giving a negative reference to the future employers.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the signs that an employee might consider absconding?

Absenteeism means disappearing without giving notice or informing anyone. Disengagement in work and avoidance of communication with managers and colleagues are some signs that the person might consider absconding.

What are the ways by which employers can deal with absconding employees?

Employers should try to contact them from all the sources available like mobile, email, letter, social media, etc. They can send termination letters and take legal action if necessary.

What possible steps could be taken by the organisation to reduce the amount of employees to abscond from work?

Many initiatives can be taken to increase the engagement of employees in their work because that is one main reason behind absconding, making the employee feel valued and part of the company will also help, it could be done by providing appreciation and recognition to employees for smallest of their achievements.

Will organising mental health support initiatives help in reducing the chances of absconding?

Yes, as for some employees, the main reason behind absconding is stress. So, taking mental health initiatives such as stress management, dealing with depression, and meditation will help.

Can you rejoin after absconding from work?

It could be difficult because by absconding you have lost the trust and loyalty of the employer. You can try apologising by giving reasons, but also be ready for disciplinary action, legal action, or reduced pay, which are consequences of absconding.