Accenture Interview Experience

In Accenture there were three Round:

Firstly there was an assessment held that had 6 sections and if we pass we pass then coding assessments will open which combine 2 coding questions.

Secondly, If we pass the coding section there will be Communication Round in which we have to do Reading, Filling the blanks, Check Grammer, and Speak on any particular topics. This sound should be done in a quiet place and with good earphones.

As I have attempted all the Apti questions and done both the Coding assessment, I was qualified for the Communication round when I completed this round then Interview was scheduled, and had to pick the date and time offered by Accenture. So I choose a particular date and time as 2 p.m.

Now on the interview day, I joined the meeting at 1.55 p.m. but my interviewer joined at 3.05.

Questions were:

  • How are you?
  • How is your family?
  • Where are you from?
  • He gave his brief intro.
  • Then he asked me to introduce myself.

After my introduction part was over he asked to have done any group projects and started asking about it.

  • Project tech used?
  • Explain your Project.
  • While making this project problems you faced?
  • How many members were there in your project?
  • How you divided the work between them?
  • Did you show your project to the superior what was his response? I answered him “Yes, I showed this project to my mentor and he told me to do some changing and pointed out some of the errors in the project”.
  • If u showed one of your projects to your superior and he disagree with the project in front of others what you will do? I answered him ” I will take his disagreement as advice and work on it and if in the future I get any chance to present the project, I will try my best that this time he won’t disagree with the project”.
  • After this, he asked while making this project if there was any situation where in the team some agreed to any part and some disagreed with that part, How you handled it?
  • Again he asked that there be one member in your team and tomorrow is your deadline and currently, one member is not working what you will do? I answered him “ In such a scenario, I will ask him about his issue as either he isn’t able to do it by himself or have any other problem, I will try to clear thing’s up if there is any but still he doesn’t want to work without any reason in that case as the deadline is important so I will complete the project and submit it before the deadline after that I will report this incident to my superior.
  • Any extra curriculum certification do u have?
  • Which was your worst subject and how did you overcome it? I told him as it is my 6th semester and have a subject named Philosophy which I think is little tricky for me so in order to overcome from it I watched YouTube videos, took help from the teacher for certain clarification, and also discussed it with my friends.
  • There was one more question where he asked me to give him any idea or solution to any problem statement based on any stack or technology. So here I gave the problem and solution of recent project which I was working on for the Smart India Hackathon.
  • Tell me about Accenture.
  • Why should I hire you?
  • Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
  • How will you overcome your stress?
  • Any questions?
    Thank you !!

After a few days, I got a mail from Accenture that I have been selected.