Accenture Interview Experience for Adv. Application Engineering Analyst FTE (On-Campus)

This was an On-campus offer. There were total of 3 rounds (1 Coding Test+1 Technical Interview+ 1 Managerial)

Coding Test / Online Assessment:

This was the toughest round to get through due to the sheer number of Questions that the test had overall (around 200). they had 4 sections in total:

  1. Computer Science / Cloud Fundamentals (Medium)
  2. Pseudocode (Medium – Hard)
  3. Aptitude (Quantitative + logical + verbal) (Easy)
  4. DSA (Easy-Medium) – 2Questions

Hash-table-based – 3hours

Technical Interview:

Alright, Moving onto the meat of the topic:

The interviewer introduced herself and asked me to introduce myself (keep the introductions prepared, don’t make up an introduction during an interview).

She went through my resume and asked a few questions related to my branch (Biomedical Engineering) and what is the role of data science & programming in my branch.

The next Questions that followed were aligned with the projects that I did and what was the tech stack and software architecture of the Projects. I handled these pretty smoothly.

Then She moved on to DMBS & SQL Questions:

  1. what is a DBMS, and what are RDBMS and their difference?
  2. what are Transactions and ACID properties??
  4. How to do some data cleaning

The interview ended with a few Coding interview-style Questions:

  1. A Hash-table-based? The question would be in the easy territory.
  2. Min- heap Question which would be Easy-Medium if you know Heaps. (modified version of kth minimum or kth maximum Kth smallest element | Practice | w3wiki )

This round started after 2-3 hours of the scheduled time. So, I was basically prepared and ready for 2-3 hours and fatigue started to kick in. I would advise the candidates to have adequate sleep and keep some food and water with them. Although they may seem insignificant the Mind frame that you are in the interview does make a difference.

Time – Around 1hr 30mins

3. Managerial / HR interview:

This was an easy round in my opinion. They didn’t ask any of those typical HR interview questions rather they asked questions about me. Though it was a managerial round they asked me about my project’s details and team activities and how did I contribute to the team. They asked me about my PORs and if there are any in my College.

All that you need to do for this round is to be in the Present. Don’t throw off the interviewer with any weird answers, just be focused and try to be in the present. Treat it like a conversation.

Time – 30-45mins

Final Result – Selected