Access & Collect Data with APIs in R

Application Programming Interface is referred to as API. Communicating and sharing data between various software systems is made possible by a collection of protocols, procedures, and building blocks for software applications.

You can access and gather data from a variety of sources, including social networking sites, news websites, online marketplaces, and many more, thanks to APIs. Sending an API endpoint a request and waiting for it to respond with the necessary data in a format like JSON or XML allows you to achieve this.

Access and Collect data with APIs in R

In R programming, to access and collect data with an API, the following steps are taken in care

  • Find the API that has the data.
  • Recognize how to use the API by understanding the endpoints and documentation.
  • Acquire, if necessary, an API key or permission to use the API.
  • To submit queries to the API endpoint and obtain the data, using a programming language in this R is used.
  • When required, process and evaluate the data.

For example, if you want to collect data from the w3wiki API, you would need to first sign up for a w3wiki Developer account and obtain a set of API keys. Then, by using a programming language like Python or R to send requests to the w3wiki API endpoints and retrieve the data. You could then analyze the data to gain insights about w3wiki users or trends.

Concepts related to the API

  • HTTP Requests: The main way that R users communicate with APIs is through HTTP requests. APIs often include endpoints that accept several HTTP queries, including GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. These queries are sent using R packages like httr or curl, which offer GET(), POST(), PUT(), and DELETE capabilities ().
  • API Authentication: Several APIs need authentication before granting access to their data. Tokens, OAuth authentication, and API keys can all be used for this. The HTTP queries sent to the API endpoints frequently contain these credentials as arguments.
  • Data Formats: Standard data formats like JSON, XML, or CSV are typically returned by APIs. The data given by the API may be processed and parsed using R tools like jsonlite or XML.
  • Rate Limits: To avoid misuse or overloading of the API servers, APIs frequently include a cap on the number of requests that may be made in a certain amount of time. These boundaries must be understood by developers, who must make sure that their code stays inside them.
  • Error handling: When using APIs, it’s crucial to deal with any errors that can arise from server problems, network problems, or erroneous parameter input. There are methods to look for mistakes and deal with them properly in R packages like httr.

Steps needed to Access and Collect data using APIs in R

To access and collect data using an API in R, you need to follow the following steps:

  1. Identify the API: Locate the API that offers the information you desire, then study its documentation to learn about its endpoints, parameters, and any authentication needs.
  2. Install the required software: Install the R packages needed to access and work with the API’s data. A few popular packages include httr, jsonlite, and XML.
  3. Set API parameters: Provide the necessary inputs for the API request, such as query parameters, endpoint URLs, and API keys or tokens. The HTTP request functions offered by the R packages normally receive these arguments.
  4. Make the API request: To submit the request and any relevant arguments to the API endpoint, use the appropriate HTTP request function from the R package.
  5. Parse and process the data: After receiving the API response, use R packages like jsonlite or XML to transform the data into manipulable R objects like data frames or lists.
  6. Data analysis and visualization: To carry out any required analyses or visualizations on the data gathered via the API, use R functions and packages.


In this example, we will be using the OpenWeatherMap API in R to fetch the current weather conditions for New Delhi.

Step 1: Install and load the necessary packages

First of all, we will install the necessary packages that are required to access and collect the data from APIs. 




# installing the package to fetch
# the data from openWeatherMap API
# loading the packages

Step 2: Setting API parameters

The API key in the OpenWeatherMap can be found on the account page.


# setting the API paramater.
# API endpoint URL
url <- ""
# Enter your api key
api_key <- "Enter API KEY"
# your preferred city
city <- "New Delhi"
# country code in which city is located
country <- "IN"
# creating a list of parmater to send with API request
params <- list(q = paste(city,country,sep =",") , appid=api_key)

Step 3: Making the API request

To make an API request, we will use the GET() method.

GET(url, query = NULL, ...)


  • url: It is the website link.
  • query: It is a list of parameters that can be involved in the request.


# Making API request
res <- GET(url,query=params)

Step 4: Parse and Converting the data into an R object

To parse and convert the data into an R object, we will use fromJSON() method.

fromJSON(txt, flatten = TRUE, ...)


  • txt: It is the JSON-written document that will be converted into an R object.
  • flatten: If a value is TRUE then it converts the nested list into a single list.


# Parsing and processing the data
ans <- fromJSON(content(res,"text"),flatten=TRUE)

Step 5: Retrieving the data



  • string 1 and string 2 are two different string


# Converting the temperature into Celsius from Kelvin
tem <- ans$main$temp - 273.15
# Printing the temperature
print(paste("The temperature is", round(tem,2), "C in", city))


"The temperature is 27.09 C in New Delhi"