Steps needed to Access and Collect data using APIs in R

To access and collect data using an API in R, you need to follow the following steps:

  1. Identify the API: Locate the API that offers the information you desire, then study its documentation to learn about its endpoints, parameters, and any authentication needs.
  2. Install the required software: Install the R packages needed to access and work with the API’s data. A few popular packages include httr, jsonlite, and XML.
  3. Set API parameters: Provide the necessary inputs for the API request, such as query parameters, endpoint URLs, and API keys or tokens. The HTTP request functions offered by the R packages normally receive these arguments.
  4. Make the API request: To submit the request and any relevant arguments to the API endpoint, use the appropriate HTTP request function from the R package.
  5. Parse and process the data: After receiving the API response, use R packages like jsonlite or XML to transform the data into manipulable R objects like data frames or lists.
  6. Data analysis and visualization: To carry out any required analyses or visualizations on the data gathered via the API, use R functions and packages.


In this example, we will be using the OpenWeatherMap API in R to fetch the current weather conditions for New Delhi.

Step 1: Install and load the necessary packages

First of all, we will install the necessary packages that are required to access and collect the data from APIs. 




# installing the package to fetch
# the data from openWeatherMap API
# loading the packages

Step 2: Setting API parameters

The API key in the OpenWeatherMap can be found on the account page.


# setting the API paramater.
# API endpoint URL
url <- ""
# Enter your api key
api_key <- "Enter API KEY"
# your preferred city
city <- "New Delhi"
# country code in which city is located
country <- "IN"
# creating a list of parmater to send with API request
params <- list(q = paste(city,country,sep =",") , appid=api_key)

Step 3: Making the API request

To make an API request, we will use the GET() method.

GET(url, query = NULL, ...)


  • url: It is the website link.
  • query: It is a list of parameters that can be involved in the request.


# Making API request
res <- GET(url,query=params)

Step 4: Parse and Converting the data into an R object

To parse and convert the data into an R object, we will use fromJSON() method.

fromJSON(txt, flatten = TRUE, ...)


  • txt: It is the JSON-written document that will be converted into an R object.
  • flatten: If a value is TRUE then it converts the nested list into a single list.


# Parsing and processing the data
ans <- fromJSON(content(res,"text"),flatten=TRUE)

Step 5: Retrieving the data



  • string 1 and string 2 are two different string


# Converting the temperature into Celsius from Kelvin
tem <- ans$main$temp - 273.15
# Printing the temperature
print(paste("The temperature is", round(tem,2), "C in", city))


"The temperature is 27.09 C in New Delhi"

Access & Collect Data with APIs in R

Application Programming Interface is referred to as API. Communicating and sharing data between various software systems is made possible by a collection of protocols, procedures, and building blocks for software applications.

You can access and gather data from a variety of sources, including social networking sites, news websites, online marketplaces, and many more, thanks to APIs. Sending an API endpoint a request and waiting for it to respond with the necessary data in a format like JSON or XML allows you to achieve this.

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