Accolite Digital Interview Experience for Software Engineer (Off-Campus)

Round 1(Coding Round): This round had one coding question that is expected to be solved in an hour. It was conducted on Accolite’s own coding platform called Codelyzer.

The problem statement given is as follows :

  • Given a list of integers of length N. Find the length of largest strictly increasing contiguous subarray given that atmost 1 element from the list can be deleted.

Those who cleared this round got the mail for second round.

Round 2(MCQ Round): Online 30 MCQ’s 

30 Minutes 

  • This particular round was of 30 minutes and it is conducted on Accolite’s own platform Eduthrill. The questions were of easy-medium level difficulty. The questions were from the CS Core fundamentals like OS/CN/DBMS/DSA and one or two from the aptitude.

Those who cleared this round got the mail for Technical Round 1.

Round 3: Technical Interview 1 (Video Call)

Time: 40 Minutes

One good thing about Accolite is that the interviewers are very friendly. He started the interview by introducing himself. And started asking the following questions.

  • What is an Algorithm ? Purpose of Algorithms?
  • Differences between SQL and NoSQL. Uses of DBMS and its advantages.
  • Difference between Windows and Web Applications?
  • He Asked about the problem statements of Projects(I had 2 projects).
  • What are the Oops concepts? What are the uses of Inheritance? Write a code to implement Inheritance ( by sharing screen)
  • What is Stack and How do you implement it? Write a code to implement different operations in array.
  • Discussed the question which was asked to me in the the coding round. He asked me to write the code for that       question.
  • What is the use of Data structure ? What is the Array purpose and usage ? Give me an algorithm for implementing Arrays.
  • Then, the interview ended by the discussion of the time and space complexities of my approaches.

Round 4: Technical Interview 2(Video Call)

Time: 55 Minutes

He started the interview by introducing himself and asked me to introduce myself. He was an expert in Data Science domain.

  • Asked me to explain my project which I have done using Machine Learning Algorithms. How did you wrote the algorithms ? Which languages you have used ? Why did you use feature selection instead of other algorithms? What is the advantage? And some more questions related to it. (Discussion went for 15 mins)
  • Then asked me in which language I am good in. I told C++ . He started asking questions about C++ language.
  • Why C++ is faster than java ? Applications of C++ ? Why C++ good for gaming? 
  • Tell me about any technology other than ML. I told Cloud Computing because I have done 30 Days of google cloud program. He asked me about Google cloud , Kubernetes etc.
  • He asked a few basic questions on Transaction Management and Concurrency control in RDBMS and NoSQL Databases, some basic questions on Normalization were also asked.
  • Asked me to share my screen. Then told me write C++ program to implement Selection sort.
  • Write a C++ program to find the largest element in an array , to search an element in an array (Optimized Approaches).

Round 5: Online HR Round

Time: 35 Minutes

  • Interviewer introduced herself and then asked me to introduced myself. 
  • Asked me about my projects.
  • Basic HR questions like – Strengths and Weaknesses , why do you want to join Accolite , where do you want to see yourself in 5 years.
  • She told me about Accolite . In the end, she gave me the details regarding the CTC offered and few insights on the internship that is being offered.