Accolite Digital Interview Experience for Software Engineer (Off-Campus) 2023

Round 1 (MCQ + Coding Round): 30+ MCQ questions based on topics like Java, DBMS, Networking, OS, DSA, etc., and 1 coding question. The test was conducted on Accolite’s own platform Eduthrill. The test duration was of 90 minutes with Camera and Web proctoring.

After 2-3 days, I got a call for an interview.

Round 2 (Technical Interview – I): The interviewer asked me to introduce myself and directly dived into questions.

  1. Print all prime numbers from 1 to 20 (both inclusive). 
  2. Check given string is palindrome or not.
  3. Remove duplicates from an array.
  4. Discussion on Git commands
  5. What are joins and types of joins?
  6. What is a deadlock and how can we avoid deadlock?
  7. What are recursion, array, stack, and queue?
  8. Discussion on my projects.

The interview was of about 30 minutes.

Round 3 (Technical Interview – II): The same day, I got a call for 2nd interview round. The interviewer was very friendly and first made me comfortable and asked me about my city. Then he asked me to introduce myself and then proceeded with the following questions:

  1. Given a sorted array, print the missing numbers. 
  2. There is an unsorted array of integers, print the longest consecutive sequence. 
  3. Reverse a linked list. 
  4. What is Where clause, Having clause, Group by and asked me to write some MySQL queries.
  5. Asked me about the working of NoSQL and SQL and the difference between the two.
  6. Difference between IPv4 and IPv6.
  7. Discussion on my projects.

The interview was of about an hour.

Round 4 (Technical Interview – III): I got a call for 3rd interview the next day. The interviewer asked me to introduce myself and then proceeded with the following questions:

  1. Discussion on working and complexities of Merge Sort and Quick Sort.
  2. Find the power of a given number using the Divide and Conquer Approach without using the inbuilt function. 
  3. Aggregation and Composition in Java.
  4. He asked me to write some MySQL queries.

The interview was of about an hour.

Round 5 (HR Round): Next day, I got a call for the HR round. The HR introduced herself and asked me to introduce myself. She then told me about the company in detail. She asked me some questions. She told me about different working locations, salary breakups, work environments, etc. She told me that there are two offers: Internship + FTE Offer and FTE Offer and the offer and location choice is mine.

The interview was of about 45 minutes.

Verdict – Selected.

Overall Experience:

  • Interviewers are friendly and always there to help you in case you are stuck anywhere.
  • All the questions were of Easy to Medium Difficulty level.
  • Practice as much as you can on platforms like LeetCode, w3wiki, etc.


  • Before writing the code, first think about the approach and explain it to the interviewer. When the interviewer is happy with your approach, then proceed towards writing the code. Make sure you write a clean code that is easily understandable by the interviewer. Use understandable variable names.
  • Visit their website to know more about the company.
  • Be calm & confident while answering the questions and keep a smiling face.
  • Don’t be nervous and don’t think of it as an interview, think of it as a discussion on various topics.
  • Always ask unique and interesting questions in the end.