Adobe India Women-in-Technology Interview Experience for Scholarship

Each year Adobe invites applications to the Adobe Research Women-in-Technology Scholarship for women in technology to drive participation and innovation in the field. The application portal opens around the second half of the year. This scholarship acknowledges undergraduate female students who are studying computer science in India. 

The scholarship covers:

  • Fund toward tuition fees for the remainder of the award recipient’s university education.
  • Opportunity for Summer Internship at Adobe India.*
  • Mentoring by a senior technology leader from Adobe.
  • Travel to Grace Hopper Conference India, including participation fees.

The application process includes:

  • Essays: Short essay type questions are to be answered.
  • Resume
  • Letter of Recommendation from a Professor with whom you have taken a college course.
  • Academic transcripts from your current and past institutions.

Tip: Don’t be apprehensive. Apply for knowledge and learning. It doesn’t matter if you win or lose. The application process itself teaches you quite many things.