Adobe Interview Experience For SDE Internship (On-Campus) 2024

Adobe visited our campus to hire SDE interns, The process consisted of CGPA-based shortlisting, followed by one Online Assessment round and one Technical Interview Round.

Online Assessment:

  • The online assessment consisted of 25 mcqs based on core topics like OS, DBMS, and OOPS in Java.
  • Additionally, there were 2 very simple coding questions.

Technical Interview:

  • I was asked 3 questions in the interview round.
  • The first one was to find all possible paths in the rat maze problem.
  • The second one was quickly sorting an array with its correct code and implementation.
  • The last one was maintaining a prefix sum array and querying it to find the sum of the subset of the array indices.

Final Verdict: [Rejected]

The overall process of Adobe is relatively easier than other companies, it focuses more on the individual’s confidence and core understanding of topics, rather than deep knowledge of complex topics and data structures.