Advanced Interview Experience for Trainee Engineer Developer (Off-Campus) 2023

I was Interviewed for a Trainee Engineer Development role at Advanced. Generally Advanced takes 5 rounds for the selection of candidates.

Round 1 (Aptitude Round): This was the first round having 40 aptitude questions. The level of the question was easy – medium with a given time limit of 20 minutes.

Round 2 (Technical Assessment Round):  This was 1 hour round Assessment test. This was taken over Hackerrank Platform. Mostly there were MCQ questions from the topics like DBMS, OS, OOPs, and Java. There were 2 coding questions also which you need to solve using Java.

Round 3 (Technical Interview – 1 hour): There were two interviewers and this round was also conducted over the Hackerrank Platform. 

  • First both the interviewers introduced themselves and ask me to give a short intro.
  •  After that, they opened a tab which was having a coding question i.e Count the number of duplicate products in the given 3 arrays of Name, Price, and Weight. I solved the question partially. 
  • Then the interviewer moved to 2nd question which was of topic Inheritance. 
  • Functions were given and the interviewer asked me to solve all the functions so that all the test cases should be passed correctly. I manage to solve it with 100% test cases passed. 
  • Then one of the Interviewers asked me for Joins (SQL) and 2 SQL queries. I answered both and at last, the interviewers asked whether I have some questions for them.

I passed this Technical Interview round as I got to know it from HR.

Round 4 (Hiring Manager Round): This was the 4th round of duration 15-20 minutes and this round started when a senior from the company joined the meeting then he introduced himself and asked me to do the same. After that, there was a normal talk between us regarding the technologies I’m comfortable with and the Job location along with the projects over which I worked during my college time.

Verdict: REJECTED 

Round 5 (HR Round): I got to know about this round from an employee of the company in this round only basic formalities are done regarding joining the company and so on…