Testpress Interview Experience for Software Developer Trainee Internship (Off-Campus)

Road Map:

  • Applied through Naukri.com
  • Got an assessment to complete in 1 week’s time.
  • Got a call from HR for a telephonic interview.
  • Telephonic interview.
  • Selected

Applied through Naukri.com:

  • This point explains itself.

Got an assessment to complete in 1 week time:

Got an assessment in which they asked to build a simple web application. Basically, in this web app, 

  • One should be able to take tests online. I can take input from the user like name and roll number, and they can hit a button named “start test” (you can call it anything related to the context). 
  • The test that starts is an MCQ-based test. 
  • A total of 10 questions can be taken into account and it should load only one question and its options at a time and there should be a button named “next question” (Again, call it whatever you like related to the context). You can pull questions from APIs like Open trivia DB or something. 
  • The timer should begin as soon as the user hits the start button and the number of correct answers given should be visible and updated in real-time. 
  • In case the user marks a wrong answer, the correct answer should be highlighted and the next question should appear in .2 – .5 seconds.
  • After 10 questions, the user should get a brief result in which I have to display information like the time taken to complete the test, the number of correct answers given out of total questions, name, roll number, etc.

You have to upload your code on GitHub and host your web app on Heroku or python anywhere and mail them the link.

The preferred technology is Django but you can use any of your choices, it doesn’t matter::

Got a call from HR for a telephonic interview:

  • If the code is original and the work done is good, you’ll get a call from HR.
  • I got a call from HR within 7-10 days.

Telephonic interview:

  • This interview will be technical, and they expect brief and accurate answers.
  • The questions asked are simple and basic. (stack, queue, LIFO, FIFO, linked-lists, Class, object, characteristics of OOP, etc)
  • They asked around 20-25 questions which took around 20 minutes to complete.
  • They are very friendly, so no need to be afraid in the interview.
  • After the interview, the person who took my interview explained to me about the job.


About Testpress:

  • It is a product-based company. This company provides a platform to organizations, coaching institutes, educational institutes, etc to conduct their test online in a well-mannered and organized way. (They have a Youtube channel, you should check out their product. Worth watching). 

About Testpress (My experience):

  • I would say the learning opportunity is amazing, people are friendly, and you’ll love the office environment. Ideal office hour: 10 to 7. Work-life balance is a plus. 5-day work.