Selection and Sowing of Seeds

Selection and sowing of seeds are important steps in growing crops. Agriculture is cultivating crops to produce food in large amounts to feed the population. Agriculture involves various activities such as soil preparation, seed selection, sowing of seeds, protection of crops, irrigation, harvesting and storage of harvests. In this article, we will cover the steps of selection and sowing of seeds in detail.

Table of Content

  • Selection Of Seeds
  • Importance Of Seed Selection
  • Methods Of Seed Selection
  • Sowing Of Seed
    • Methods of Sowing of Seeds
  • Steps Of Seed Sowing

Selection Of Seeds

Selecting the right seed is the first and most important step in agriculture. The seed’s quality determines the success of the crop, as it must withstand various challenges to yield a high output. There are various methods for seed selection which are selected on different bases such as selection of disease resistance, yield potential, germination rate, drought resistance, pest resistance etc. All seed traits are determined by the genes which keep on transferring from one generation to the next generation of the crop.

Steps involved in Agriculture

Importance Of Seed Selection

Seed selection is crucial for crop performance and sustainability in agriculture. To understand in detail let us look at the importance of seed selection:

Crop performance

Crop performance involves overall productivity of crops. The choice of seed directly impacts the resilience to crop yield, pest, disease and environmental condition. Selecting high quality seed like pest resistance and adaptability of seed to a local condition can enhance the crop performance. Moreover, the genetic capability of a plant to produce biomass or harvestable products play a very important role in crop performance.


Choosing seeds for crops that have high market demand and price can enhance profitability. Also, selecting seed with high yield capacity can lead to higher output per unit of land hence can increase the overall revenue generated by the farmer.


Sustainability in seed selection involves choosing seeds that maintain ecosystem, biodiversity, and resilience to climate change. While seed selection, prioritize the selection of genetically diverse seeds to preserve various genetic traits within crop species.

Methods Of Seed Selection

There are various method of seed selection, some of the common methods involved are:

  • Visual Inspection: selecting seed based on its shape, size, weight and color.
  • Germination Testing: selecting seed based on its capacity of seed germination or sprouting under normal conditions.
  • Field Trials: Planting seeds in test plots to monitor crop germination under different climate conditions.
  • Heritage Preservation: promote non GMO (genetically modified organism) crops and traditional varieties to maintain genetic diversity.

Sowing Of Seed

Sowing of seed is another important step in agriculture. The process involves planting seeds in well-tilled soil, which can be done either manually,(conventional method) or with a machine (modern method). Seeds must be sown during their specific seasons, as not all times or seasons are suitable for successful germination and growth. On the basis of season, seeds are classified into three types:

  • Rabi crops: These are winter crops sown in October-November and harvested in April-May. Examples include wheat, barley, peas, and mustard.
  • Kharif crops: These are summer crops sown in June-July and harvested in September-October. Examples include rice, maize, cotton, and soybeans.
  • Zaid crops: These are short-duration crops grown between the rabi and kharif seasons, typically between March-June month . Examples include watermelon, cucumber, and muskmelon.

Rabi and Kharif Crops

Methods of Sowing of Seeds

The different methods of sowing of seeds are:

Traditional Method of Sowing of Seeds by Hands

This method is also called broadcasting. Here, seeds are scattered and sown by hands. Farmers dig the soil and place the seeds inside by their hands or by some handheld tools. It is an economical method.

Modern Method of Seeds Sowing

In modern methods, specialized equipment like seed drills or mechanical planters are used to place the seeds at precise depths. These equipments also help in spacing the soil which optimizes growth conditions. This method ensures uniformity and efficiency, saving time and labor compared to traditional hand planting. Modern seed sowing also allows use of advanced technologies such as GPS guidance systems, which enhance accuracy and reduce environmental impact.

Steps Of Seed Sowing

The steps involved in sowing seed are:

  • Prepare the Soil: Ensure the soil is well tilled, free of weeds and is properly fertilized.
  • Seed selection: Choose high-quality seeds suitable for a particular climate.
  • Create Furrows: Use seed drill to make holes in the soil, spaced according to the plant’s requirements.
  • Seed sowing: Place seeds into the holes at the appropriate depth, typically 6 – 13 mm depth. Depth may vary depending on soil texture and seed dimension.
  • Cover Seeds: Gently cover and press down the seeds with soil to ensure proper seed-to-soil contact.
  • Watering: providing moisture to the soil.

Conclusion – Selection and Sowing Of Seeds

In conclusion, seed selection is important to maintain the quality of crop success and crop yield. Various methods help in selecting seeds with desired traits like disease resistance and yield potential. The significance of seed selection lies in its impact on crop performance, profitability, and sustainability. Furthermore, the sowing of seeds, whether through traditional or modern methods, marks a crucial step in the agricultural process. It ensures proper soil preparation, seed selection, and watering for optimal growth.

FAQs on Selection and Sowing of Seeds

What are the Steps in Sowing of Seeds?

The steps involved in sowing of seeds are: preparing soil, seed selection, create furrows, seed sowing, cover seeds, and watering.

What is the Method to Select Good Seeds for Sowing?

The methods to select good seeds for sowing are – Visual inspection where seeds are assessed by size and color; Germination testing where seeds are checked for viability.

What are the Factors in Selecting Seeds?

The factors involved in selecting seeds are – Disease resistance, yield potential, germination rate, pest resistance, and adaptability to climate.

What is Broadcasting?

Broadcasting is the method of selecting seeds by hand.

What is the Importance of Seed Selection?

The importance of seed selection is that it determines crop success and also affects yield and quality.