Sowing – Definition and Methods of Planting Seeds

Around 70 – 80 percent of the total populace rehearses agribusiness. There are sure boundaries and different rural practices, which should have been followed for good quality and amount of harvest creation. Crops are plants developed by ranchers. Horticulture assumes a vital part of the Indian economy. It is the foundation of our country. It is a significant occupation in the country’s regions. The development of yields relies fundamentally upon the climate and soil conditions.


Planting is the interaction by which seeds are covered inside the dirt. Subsequent to planting, the seeds sprout inside the dirt and afterward grow up to turn into a total plant. Germination is otherwise called the growing of seeds. It is the interaction through which the whole life form develops from a seed or a spore. There are different techniques by which planting should be possible. There are a few safeguards, which should be remembered while planting the seeds, for example, picking solid infections free seeds, and planting at ordinary spans with legitimate dispersing and profundity. Planting assumes a significant part in cultivating. Once, after the dirt is slackened and furrowed, the upside, sickness-free, and unadulterated nature of seeds are chosen and planted into the dirt. The dirt ought to be of ideal dampness and should not be excessively dry or excessively wet. The planting by penetrating strategy is worthwhile to use as the seeds can be planted in steady profundity and space. Subsequent to choosing seeds of good quality, they are planted on the pre-arranged land. The seeds, which give significant returns are generally chosen and are planted by the accompanying techniques.

Methods of Sowing 

Dibbling method 

Dib-bling is the most common way of setting seeds in openings made in seedbeds and covering them. It is a cone-shaped instrument used to make legitimate openings in the field. The little hand dibbler is made with a few cone-shaped projections made in a casing. In this strategy, seeds are put in openings made at clear profundity at fixed dispersing. The hardware utilized for dib-bling is called a dibbler. This is an exceptionally tedious cycle, so it isn’t reasonable for little seeds. For the most part, vegetables are planted along these lines.


  • It really takes care of Seedling power and Fewer seeds are required.
  • Germination is fast and uniform.

Traditional Method

An instrument is utilized to plant the seeds customarily that is a channel formed. The channel is loaded up with seeds and the seeds go through a few lines with sharp closures. These finishes go into the dirt and the seeds are set there. Customary strategies for agribusiness and age-old types of gear are utilized in this sort of cultivating. For instance, the furrowing in the field is finished by a couple of bullocks

Drilling Method 

The seeds are dropped into wrinkle lines in a nonstop stream and are then covered with soil. This is done either precisely or physically. The legitimate measure of seeds is planted at appropriate profundities and legitimate spaces. Penetrating should be possible in the accompanying ways:

  • Planting behind the furrow.
  • Bullock-drawn seed drills.
  • Farm vehicle drawn seeds drills.

Broadcasting Method 

Broadcasting is the method involved in sending signals over a huge region.TV and radio transmissions are communicated over wireless transmissions, and individuals can get them with suitable hardware.

Individuals can get communicated signals with a TV or radio recipient, or they can utilize a gadget like a satellite dish to catch the transmissions and convert them into a structure that can be shown or paid attention to. TV and radio telecasters utilize huge receiving wires to convey their messages over a wide region. These radio wires can be situated on top of structures or pinnacles, or they can be mounted on vehicles like trucks or trailers.


  • It requires less investment than different strategies and the manual strategy is modest.
  • This strategy is reasonable just for little cultivated and crops were planted to establish distance is little or doesn’t make any difference.

Seed Dropping behind the Plough

This strategy is normally utilized in towns to plant an assortment of food yields like maize, peas, wheat, grain, and gram. Seeds are dropped in wrinkles behind the furrow by a gadget known as malo-bansa. One handles the bullocks and the furrow and different drops the seeds. In any case, this technique consumes a ton of time and is work serious. It includes a bamboo tube with a channel-formed mouth. It needs two men to drop the seeds.  It utilizes in two ways called Kera and Pora. Kera is a manual technique wherein, one man drops the seeds behind the furrow. Pora is a mechanical strategy as seeds are dropped by man through the pipe. This is a sluggish and relentless technique.

Check Row Planting 

It is a technique for planting, wherein line to column and plant-to-establish distance is uniform. In this technique, seeds are established exactly along straight equal wrinkles.

The lines are consistently in two opposite headings. A machine utilized for check column planting is called really take a look at line grower.


Relocating comprises getting ready seedlings in the nursery and afterward establishing these seedlings in the pre-arranged field., Moreover, it is likewise utilized in paddy crops either physically or through a paddy transplanter. It is ordinarily finished for vegetables and blossoms usually known as establishing the strategy. Hardware for setting plants in the dirt is called a transplanter.

Hill Dropping    

In this technique, seeds are dropped at fixed dispersing and not in a nonstop stream. In the event of drills, the seeds are dropped in the persistent stream and the dispersing between plants to establish straight isn’t steady. Subsequently, the separation between plants to establish straight is consistent.


  • Seeds should be planted in right good ways from one another.
  • Seeds ought to be planted at the right profundities. They ought to be set at the highest point of the dirt so it is amazed by wind and creatures, nor would it be advisable for them to be planted excessively profound into the dirt with the end goal that it doesn’t grow.
  • Seeds ought to be planted to such an extent that every one of the harvests ought to get an equivalent measure of light, supplements, and water.
  • The seeds ought to be sans infection.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: Make sense of the benefits of the current strategy utilizing seed drill?


The seed drill is utilized with the assistance of work vehicles in this advanced strategy. Seeds are covered  by soil in the wake of planting, in this manner they are not eaten by birds. Seeds are sowed consistently at an equivalent distance, accordingly, there is no congestion and plants get adequate daylight and supplements.

Question 2: What is implied by sowing?


The seeds of the harvest are planted in soil whenever it is ready by furrowing, evening out, and maturing. Before planting, great quality, perfect and sound seeds of significant returns are chosen. The most common way of dispersing seeds in the dirt for developing the harvest plants is called sowing.

Question 3: Explain the disadvantages of the broadcasting method of sowing? 


  • A portion of the Seeds is not covered by soil.
  • The thickness and profundity of seeds are lopsided.
  • In this technique the Seed dissemination is lopsided.
  • Crop stand is impacted by lopsided dissemination.
  • The germination of the seed is Non-uniform.

Question 4: What are the benefits and impediments of penetrating techniques for planting?



  • Additional tedious.
  • More work is required.
  • Cost is high.


  • The amount of seed required is less.
  • During penetrating Manures, composts and revisions can apply with seeds.

Question 5: List the kinds of planting strategies there and what are they?


  • Broadcasting
  • Conventional strategy
  • Dib-bling strategy
  • Boring strategy
  • Slope Dropping strategy
  • Planting behind the nation furrow strategy
  • Establishing strategy
  • Relocating technique

Question 6: Why do we really want a nursery?


Seeds might be planted straightforwardly or they can be relocated. For relocating strategy, the seeds are planted in the nursery, and afterward, the nursery is relocated to the field. It is can permit different harvests each year. Accomplished for cultivated crops are little similar to rice which requires shallow planting and successive water systems for appropriate germination. An additional consideration is accommodated explicit seedlings.