Alcoholism In India

Alcoholism in India has affected people of all ages, genders and social backgrounds in the country for ages. It is referred to by several names like drunkenness, alcoholism, drinking habit, alcohol dependence etc., depending on the severity of dependency on alcohol and the manifestation of it. Alcoholism often leads to many physical and mental problems such as cirrhosis, liver cancer, lung disease, hepatitis, depression etc.

What is Alcohol?

Alcohol is a substance that is produced by fermentation of yeast, sugars, and starches. It is most commonly consumed in the form of ethanol, which is the active ingredient in alcoholic beverages such as beer, wine, and liquor.

What did you Understand about Alcoholism?

According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), alcoholism is a chronic and often relapsing brain disease that is characterized by compulsive alcohol seeking and use, despite harmful consequences. More than 7% of adults in the United States have an alcohol use disorder, but only 1 in 10 seek treatment.

Types of Alcoholic:

There are different types of alcoholic beverages consumed in India. 

  • The most popular type of alcohol is called distilled spirits. It includes whiskey, rum, and vodka. These are typically made from fermented grains or fruits. Beer is also popular in India. It is made from grains that have been malted and brewed. Wine is not as commonly consumed in India, but it is made from fermented grapes. 
  • Another type of alcohol is called liqueur. It contains fruit, flowers, or herbs that are added to a base liquor such as brandy. 
  • Another form of alcohol is sake which is Japanese rice wine. 
  • Finally, there are flavoured liquors such as cognac which is French liquor with a vanilla flavour and Bailey’s Irish Cream which has flavours like chocolate, coffee, and nutmeg mixed in with cream liqueur.

What are the Factors that Affect Alcoholism?

There are many factors. For some people, it may be genetic. Others may develop alcoholism after drinking to cope with stress or trauma. Some people may drink because they enjoy the feeling of being intoxicated. Others may drink because they feel peer pressure to do so. Whatever the reason, alcoholism is a serious problem that can have devastating consequences. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), excessive alcohol use caused 88,000 deaths in America each year from 2006-2010. The CDC estimates that 18 million Americans age 12 and older had an alcohol use disorder in 2014.

Health Effects of Alcohol Consumption in India:

An estimated 25% of Indian men suffer from alcohol dependence, making it a serious public health concern. Alcohol consumption can lead to several health problems, including liver disease, cancer, heart disease, and stroke. It can also increase your risk of accidents and violence. If you’re pregnant, drinking alcohol can harm your developing baby. The best way to avoid these risks is to abstain from alcohol altogether. Although this may be difficult at first, as with any addiction, there are treatment options available that can help you achieve sobriety.

What are the Causes of Alcoholism in India?

1.2 billion people live in India, and a large percentage of the population engages in regular alcohol consumption. Though there are many reasons why people drink, some of the most common reasons include wanting to relax, relieve stress, or celebrate. However, for some people, alcohol consumption can lead to addiction and alcoholism. Researchers have found that drinking is linked to less time spent at work and more time spent on leisure activities such as visiting friends, watching TV, or playing games. The risk of developing an addiction is higher among those who often mix their drinks with other substances like tobacco or marijuana. The social stigma associated with being addicted also adds to the likelihood of continuing alcohol abuse even when it starts causing health problems such as liver damage and cancer.

Alcoholism in India

What are the Problems of Alcoholism?

Alcoholism is a serious problem in India. There are many problems associated with alcoholism, such as health problems, social problems, and financial problems. alcoholism can also lead to death. Other alcohol-related diseases include mouth cancer, esophageal cancer, breast cancer, liver cirrhosis, and alcohol dependence syndrome. Alcohol is considered a depressant of the central nervous system which may cause drowsiness, slow reaction time, slurred speech, lack of coordination, and difficulty concentrating.

Health Effects of Alcohol Consumption in India:

According to a study done by the World Health Organization, it is estimated that around 2.5 million people in India suffer from alcohol dependence. This number is only increasing as alcohol consumption in India continues to rise. Some of the health effects of alcoholism include liver damage, cancer, heart disease, and neurological damage. alcoholism can also lead to social problems such as unemployment, financial instability, and relationship problems. 

Ways to Prevent and Deal with Alcoholism in India:

There are many ways to prevent and deal with alcoholism in India. One way is to educate people about the dangers of alcohol. Another way is to provide support for people who are struggling with alcoholism. There are also many treatment options available for people who want to quit drinking. The Govt. of India has come up with a new scheme for the Prevention of Alcoholism in order to discourage people from consuming alcoholic beverages, the center on its latest policy decision said that liquor is a factor in several diseases and increased the problem. As per the report made by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, the Ministry says alcohol consumption contributes to liver cirrhosis and cancer, has adverse effects on fetal development during pregnancy, and leads to alcohol dependence.
This new move by the govt. can be seen as a step forward in their strategy to reduce the addiction to alcoholism which has been an age-old tradition of Indian culture. We hope this will result in fewer deaths due to various diseases caused by it such as Liver Cirrhosis, Cancer Fetal Development, etc. In addition, this will also lead to fewer addiction problems like Alcohol Dependence. We hope that this Government Scheme will help us to overcome all these bad consequences of alcoholism.