Social and Ethical Perspective

Ethical Concerns and Social Impacts are part of doing business, and companies must take them into account before doing any type of marketing or business operations. Legal issues often impose on business operations, but companies must make sure that they do not violate the law at the same time that they maintain compliance with all relevant regulations and laws. In addition to ethical and legal issues, businesses also have to consider how their actions will impact society overall in terms of social responsibilities and social impacts.

Types of Ethics

Social Perspective:

  • The social perspective analyzes how society reacts to a product or idea.
  • It examines society’s power, organization, distribution of goods, and means of production. For example, from a social perspective, advertisers will be concerned with their target audience, which may influence the style of their ad campaigns.
  • Advertisers need to be aware that different age groups will react differently to an advertisement, for example, teens are more likely to spend money on in-app purchases for games.
  • A person taking a social perspective would use marketing techniques such as branding or public relations to increase sales and expand their customer base.

Ethical Perspective:

An ethical perspective refers to the way in which an individual or group of individuals make moral judgments about what constitutes right or wrong behavior within society or other groupings, such as families, churches, or companies. It’s important to note that ethical perspective is often based on individual beliefs and that any given point of view may not be universally agreed upon within a particular society or community. Even when two people have the same value system, they may have different interpretations of what it means to live an ethical life.

The ethical perspective is a way of looking at things that are right or wrong. To determine what is ethically right, three fundamental questions must be answered: What values? Why? Who benefits? From this view, anything can be deemed ethically good or bad depending on how it answers these questions.

Importance of Personal Ethical Perspective:

Personal ethical perspectives are important because they help you make decisions that are more in line with your values. If everyone cared about social justice, for example, there would be fewer problems with inequality in the world. Although it is not always easy to live up to our standards and values, it is important to know what those personal ethical perspectives are so that we can do the best we can to live by them.

Central Ethical Perspective:

The ethical perspective of a business relates to the ethicality of the means and ends of an organization. There are three main perspectives: moral, social, and environmental. All three address the impact a company has on its stakeholders (i.e., environment, community). The moral perspective focuses on how an organization’s practices affect the character or spirit of those with whom it interacts, such as employees or consumers. The social perspective is concerned with whether an organization is meeting the needs of people in society who depend on it for goods and services. The environmental perspective considers whether an organization is protecting natural resources, ensuring safe conditions for all workers, minimizing waste products that can harm human health or the environment, recycling material wherever possible and choosing environmentally sound suppliers.

Best Ethical Perspective:

One ethical perspective is the utilitarian or the Utilitarian perspective. This perspective looks at the greatest good for the greatest number of people. It doesn’t look at rules but rather seeks to find a solution that satisfies everyone involved.

Role of the Ethical Perspective:

The role of the ethical perspective is to balance individual needs with societal expectations. Ethical perspectives encourage individuals to act morally, balancing the demands of society with the needs of an individual. In some cases, this might mean that the individual does not get what they want but helps their community or someone else who might need it more. For example, people often give up what they want for themselves because it is the morally right thing to do for others. 
In other cases, ethics can be used as justification for self-serving actions that are harmful to other people such as refusing service at a restaurant or breaking into someone’s house because you think it will benefit you more than them.

Role of Social Perspective:

The social perspective is one of the two main ways in which business ethics are looked at. The other is the ethical perspective. The social perspective examines the consequences of an action in society, whether it be positive or negative. One can have a greater understanding of what their decision will do to the people around them if one takes this perspective into account. From a company’s standpoint, its decisions have a great impact on society. They should therefore always think from this angle when making decisions on how to proceed with any project.

Difference between Ethical and Social Perspectives:

The main difference between ethical and social perspectives is that the social perspective looks to understand the point of view of a specific group or class. In contrast, ethics focuses on understanding the point of view and needs of society as a whole. Generally, those on the ethical side are more concerned with what is best for society, while those in the social position are more interested in an individual or small group’s needs. 
Ethics focuses on what is moral; being honest and giving others their due consideration. For example, it would be unethical to steal from someone else because it violates the person’s right to their property. It would also be unethical to lie because it robs people of information they need. On the other hand, there are many instances where the individual may need more resources than society can provide – this is when ethics turns into social work.

Advantages and Disadvantages of an Ethical Perspective:

An ethical perspective on business looks to ensure that company operations are conducted in a way that contributes to the greater good of society and the world. This means pursuing goals, such as environmental sustainability and social responsibility, that are part of a company’s core values and what it stands for. It also requires setting up policies and establishing practices at the company level. The main advantage of this perspective is that it can lead to increased revenue and customer loyalty by promoting organizational values in a genuine way that aligns with customers’ expectations. 

While there may be some disadvantages associated with an ethical perspective, like requiring more resources or time than other perspectives, these costs typically offset the benefits so that all stakeholders end up being better off. One disadvantage is that companies may not achieve their goals if they don’t have enough information about the impact of their actions. For example, ExxonMobil didn’t know how much damage its drilling was causing until after the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill – an event which led to billions of dollars in damages and cleanup efforts. As always, there are pros and cons to any perspective on business. An ethical perspective offers organizations a set of guiding principles that drive positive change while still leaving room for innovation.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Social Perspective:

The advantages of a social perspective are that it can build up a better, stronger, and more united community. It is also cost-effective and practical. On the other hand, the disadvantages of the social perspective are that it is easier to deceive people and they have less liberty. Social perspective may affect more vulnerable groups in society such as ethnic minorities, the LGBT community, and other religious minorities. Furthermore, it may be used by certain parties for propaganda purposes. 
Furthermore, there is a lack of transparency in some cases because the information is not available to all citizens. Citizens also might feel like their vote does not count or have power because many different interests are involved when considering policies. 
Moreover, under this form of government people do not always have an equal opportunity to express their opinions and the welfare state cannot be guaranteed since needs cannot be predicted with certainty.