Amazon Interview Experience For SDE Summer Internship (2022)

Online Test: 2hrs

2 coding Question( 75 min)

  1. Easy, based on “Fractional Knapsack Problem”: Given array boxes({weight, profit}), and truck capacity W, find max profit.
  2. Medium, based on binary search: Given an array of candies (arr) and several children(n). Each element in the array denotes a pile of candies of size, you can merge the continuous pile and give it to any child.
    Find max (min ( candy given to ith child ) 1<=i<=N ).
  • 10 question( c++ error correction )
  • 20 reasoning.
  • 40 behaviour questions.

Interview (One round) For 2 hrs

  1. Introduction
  2. Project related Question
  3. Basic of OOPs, ( class, abstraction, inheritance ).
  4. Coding Question
  • Longest substring: using recursive, using iterative
  • zig zag traversal using: deque, two queues

Result: Selected