UBS Interview Experience for Summer Internship 2022 (On-Campus)

The process consisted of 4 rounds in total.

  • Coding test
  • Technical round 1
  • Technical round 2
  • HR

Coding test : (1 hr 30 min): The coding test consisted of 20 MCQ questions based on OS, DBMS, CN, and OOP. 2 coding questions one on the binary search and one on array operations. The difficulty level was medium.

Technical round – 1 : (30-35 minutes)

  • Started with my introduction
  • My favorite/ Comfortable language said C++.
  • Difference between C and C++.
  • Shallow vs Deep copy
  • Moved towards OOP. What is it? Pillars?
  • Types of inheritance?
  • virtual functions and abstract class.
  • Access specifiers and their uses.
  • Accessing private attributes? lead to a discussion on friend class and friend function.
  • End with do you have any questions?

Technical round – 2 :(40-45 minutes)

  • Started with my introduction and technical interest.
  • Had 2 projects in my resume discussion on both.
  • Schema of my projects.
  • Which database and why?
  • What is REST?
  • How is authentication handled?
  • What is JWT? Its uses and how is the flow? (Had a good discussion on this as I had used an http-only cookie with refresh and access tokens and handled different attacks).
  • Coding question – Given a sorted array having all elements from 1 to n where 1 element is missing. Find the missing element? Solved.

4. HR round (10 min):

  • How was your day? (all above rounds took place on the same day).
  • Any questions?

The second round really went great.
Done selected.