Ancient Mesopotamian civilization: History, Map, Timeline

Ancient Mesopotamian Civilization: Mesopotamian civilizations were built on the banks of two rivers, the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, which are now known in Iraq and Kuwait. The early Mesopotamian civilizations started around the time of the Neolithic Revolution. Major Mesopotamian civilizations consist of the Sumerian, Assyrian, Akkadian, and Babylonian civilizations. It was evident during that time that the use of technology, literature, law, philosophy, codes, and architecture was extensively used in these societies. In this section, we will learn the details about the Mesopotamian civilization.

Ancient Mesopotamian Civilization

Ancient Mesopotamian Civilization: History, Map, Timeline


Built amidst the banks of two mighty rivers, Euphrates & Tigris, was the great Mesopotamian Civilisation, which in present day lies in Iran & Kuwait. Mesopotamia is known as the cradle of civilization because it witnessed the rise of some of the most influential early city-states & empires. It derives its name from the two Greek words: mesos (middle) & potamos (river)—which means a “country between two rivers.”

The Mesopotamian civilization was not only one of the first people to practise agriculture, but it was also located at the crossroads of two major civilisations: the Egyptian civilisation & the Indus Valley civilization. This was one of the reasons as to why many languages & cultures emerged from here which left a significant impact in the realms of writing, technology, language, trade, religion & law.

Mesopotamian Civilization Map

Mesopotamian Map

Timeline of Mesopotamian Civilization

Below given are some of the major events that occurred in the course of one of the greatest civilisations of the world, the Mesopotamian Civilization.

Time Period


7000-5500 BCE 

Early Neolithic

4700 BCE 

Hassunah period: earliest pottery making culture

4500 BCE

The City of Uruk founded

4400 BCE 

Halaf period: pottery culture with knowledge of metal

4000 BCE 

First settlement of Ur

3900 BCE

Ubaid period in Sumer: first well-known culture from southern Mesopotamia; the Ubaids – first evidence of temple and other sophisicated architecture

3600 BCE

Invention of writing in Sumer at Uruk

3400 BCE

Priests become the rulers of Mesopotamian cities

2900 BCE

Start of the Early Dynastic Period in Sumer

2750 BCE

First Sumerian dynasty of Ur

2570 BCE 

First Dynasty of Lagash under King Eannutum – first empire in Mesopotamia

2340-2125 BCE

Akkadian rule in Mesopotamia

2334 BCE – 2279 BCE 

Sargon of Akkad reigns over Mesopotamia

2330 BCE 

Sargon of Akkad sacks the city of Ur

2047-1750 BCE

Third Sumerian dynasty of Ur – the Sumerian Renaissance

1795 BCE – 1750 BCE

Reign of Hammurabi, king of Babylon

1792 BCE 

King Hammurabi builds walls of Babylon

1500 BCE 

Rise of the kingdom of Mitanni

1220-612 BCE 

Assyrian period

1220 BCE

Babylon is under Assyrian control

612-539 BCE 

Neo-Babylonian Period

539 BCE

Conquest of Babylon by Cyrus the Great of Persia, Return of the Jewish community

539-331 BCE 

Persian Era

Origin of Mesopotamian Civilization

Mesopotamia, which in the present day is modern-day Iraq and Kuwait, is referred to as the origin of civilization, which is evident because the most influential city-states and empires first emerged during that period.

The name ‘Mesopotamian’ comes from the Greek words Mesos meaning middle and Potamos meaning ‘river’ ; thus, it means a “country which is between two rivers.” These two rivers that surround civilization are the Tigris and Euphrates.

Mesopotamia was among the first places to develop the practice of agriculture, while also serving as the crossroads for the Egyptian and Indus Valley civilizations during that period. This made it a hotspot for various languages and cultures, which led to the growth of writing, technology, language, trade, religion, and the practice of law.

It also engaged with ancient cultures like the Sumerians, Akkadians, Babylonians, and Assyrians. The Mesopotamian civilization is regarded as the most ancient civilization to have recorded human history to date.

The history of the Mesopotamian city is marked by many important inventions, like the concept of time, the wheel, math, maps, sailboats, and writing.

Major Mesopotamian Civilizations

Major Mesopotamian civilizations consist of the Sumerian, Assyrian, Akkadian, and Babylonian civilizations. It was evident during that time that technology, literature, law, philosophy, codes, and architecture were extensively used in these societies.

1. Sumerians

The Sumerians were one of the ancient civilizations that happened in the Mesopotamian age. It first began in southern Mesopotamia around 4000 BCE, or 6000 years ago.

The Sumerians are known for building many ships that allowed people to travel to the Persian Gulf; this helped them trade with other early civilizations, like the Harappans. The Sumerians traded in several items, like textiles, leather goods, and jewellery.

They worshipped multiple gods—most of them were anthropomorphic—and their gods took on a human-like form. Temples of these gods were constructed at the top of the massive ziggurats, which were the structured centres in most of the dwelling cities. It is said that these structures were made by around thousands of people and took several years to be constructed.

2. Akkadian Empire

Around 3000 BCE, the Sumerians had a cultural drift with another group, the Akkadians, who were located in northern Mesopotamia. They were named after the city-state called Akkad. The Akkadian language is very similar to the modern Hebrew and Arabic languages, known as the Semitic languages.

3. The Assyrian Empire

The Assyrian Empire is named after its capital city, Ašur, an ancient city located in northern Mesopotamia. Asur was originally the name for a number of Akkadian-speaking city-states ruled by Sargon and his descendants during the reign of the Akkadian Empire. After several hundred years of the collapse of the great Akkadian Empire, Assyria became a major empire in this area.

4. Babylon

Babylon, located in the central part of Mesopotamia, was a minor city-state and was founded in 1894 BCE. Hammurabi’s reign is said to have changed life in Babylon from 1792 to 1750 BCE.

Hammurabi, an excellent ruler, established a centralised bureaucracy and taxation system. He freed Babylon from foreign rule and brought stability to the whole religion.

Facts Related to Mesopotamian civilization

  • The Sumerian civilization was the first among other urban civilizations in ancient Mesopotamia. It began in the Taurus foothills and the Zagros mountains, but in 9000 BC, the people began to shift towards Mesopotamia’s southern region.
  • Copper was the first metal that was found and extracted from its ore around 5000 BC.
  • Around the 25th century BC, Lagash, the Sumerian king named Eannatum, started the military campaign, whose goal was to annex all the Sumerian cities and bring them under his own rule.


Thus, we see how the Mesopotamian civilization was located at the confluence of two mighty rivers, the Tigris and Euphrates, in present-day Iraq and Kuwait. It was known as the country between two rivers. The major Mesopotamian civilizations consisted of the Sumerian, Assyrian, Akkadian, and Babylonian civilizations. It was evident during that time that the use of technology, literature, law, philosophy, codes, and architecture was extensively used in these societies. This civilization is considered one of the earliest civilizations in the world and is also said to have relations with the Indus Valley Civilization.

Ancient Mesopotamian civilization – FAQs

What do you mean by Mesopotamia?

The name ‘Mesopotamian’ comes from the Greek words Mesos meaning’middle’ and Potamos meaning ‘river’ ; thus, it literally means a “country which is between two rivers.” These two rivers that surround civilization are the Tigris and Euphrates.

Which cultures developed in the Mesopotamian civilization?

The major Mesopotamian civilizations consisted of the Sumerian, Assyrian, Akkadian, and Babylonian civilizations.

What were the important inventions during the Mesopotamian civilization?

The history of the Mesopotamian city is marked by many important inventions, like the concept of time, the wheel, math, maps, sailboats, and writing.

Who were the Sumerians?

The Sumerians were one of the ancient civilizations that happened in the Mesopotamian age. It first began in southern Mesopotamia around 4000 BCE, or 6,000 years ago. The Sumerians are known for building many ships that allowed people to travel to the Persian Gulf; this helped them trade with other early civilizations, like the Harappans. They traded in several items, like textiles, leather goods, and jewellery. They worshipped multiple gods—most of them were anthropomorphic—and their gods took on a human-like form.

Who was Hammurabi?

Hammurabi’s reign is said to have changed life in Babylon from 1792 to 1750 BCE. He was an excellent ruler who established a centralised bureaucracy and taxation system. He had freed Babylon from foreign rule and brought stability to the whole religion.