Application Area of Microprocessors

Pre-requisites: Introduction of Microprocessor, Evolution of Microprocessors

Microprocessors are small, central processing units (CPUs) that are found in a wide range of electronic devices and computing systems. It is responsible for executing instructions and performing various operations in these devices, making them an essential component of modern electronics. You can say that the microprocessor is used as the brain of the computing devices which control overall execution and operations.

The history of microprocessors dates back to the 1970s when the first microprocessors were developed by companies like Intel and Motorola. These early microprocessors were relatively simple and relatively very slow. As technology advanced, microprocessors became more powerful and capable of executing instructions at faster speeds. Today’s microprocessors are capable of performing billions of operations per second. The development of microprocessors has played a crucial role in the evolution of modern electronics and will continue to do so in the future.


Today microprocessors can be found in almost every computing device. Microprocessor-based systems are used in every sphere of life and their applications are increasing day by day. Some of the applications are given below:-

1. Smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices all rely on microprocessors to function. They execute instructions, process data, and perform various operations to make these 
devices work.

2. It is used in every computer, ranging from personal computers to supercomputers. All the instruction execution and operational execution work are done by microprocessors present inside them.

3.  It is used in automobiles to control a wide range of functions including engine management, and entertainment systems.

4. Computers are used in database management and storing data through the internet. Microprocessors present inside the computing device store and manage the data according to the instructions given to it.

5. It is used in lift control, Traffic light control, fuel control of furnaces in power plants, etc.

7.  It is used in robots, video games, smart cameras, etc.

8. Microprocessors having a single chip are known as microcontrollers, which are used for automatic control. For example, It is used to measure and control the temperature of the furnace and oven, the speed of the running car, the pressure of the boiler, etc.

9. Microprocessors are used in various aerospace applications, including aircraft navigation, guidance systems, and flight control systems.

10. It plays an important role in server management where it executes millions of data stores and retrieves instructions in milliseconds.

Overall, microprocessors play a crucial role in enabling the functionality and operation of many electronic devices and systems. They are an essential component of modern electronics and will continue to be so in the future.