Types of Microprocessors

A microprocessor is a computer processor that is found in most modern personal computers, smartphones, and other electronic devices. It is a central processing unit (CPU) that performs most of the processing tasks in a computer system. The microprocessor is a key component of a computer, as it controls the fetching, decoding, and execution of instructions that are stored in memory. You can say that microprocessor is used as the brain of the computing devices which control overall execution and operations. The development of microprocessors has played a significant role in the evolution of computers and has made it possible for them to become smaller, faster, and more powerful over time.


Types of Microprocessors

Vector Processor: 

A vector processor is a type of central processing unit (CPU) that is designed to perform mathematical operations on arrays of data, called vectors, more efficiently than a scalar processor, which operates on single data elements. Vector processors can perform operations on multiple data elements simultaneously, which can lead to faster and more efficient processing. Vector processors can be found in some supercomputers and servers, as well as in some specialized graphics processing units (GPUs).

Array Processor or SIMD Processor: 

Array processors are also designed for vector computations. The difference between an array processor and a scalar processor is that a vector processor uses multiple vector pipelines whereas an array processor employs a number of processing elements to operate in parallel.  Array processors can also be found in some supercomputers and servers, as well as in some specialized graphics processing units (GPUs). Array processors are different from scalar processors, which operate on single data elements and are more common in general-purpose computing applications.

scalar Processor: 

It is a processor which executes scalar data. The simplest scalar processor makes the processing of only integer instruction using fixed point operands. A powerful scalar processor makes the processing of both integers as well as floating point numbers. It contains an integer ALU and a floating point unit (FPU) on the same CPU chip. A scalar processor may be a CISC or RISC processor. A super scalar processor contains multiple pipelines and executes more than one instruction per clock cycle.

RISC and CISC Processor: 

RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computing) and CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computing) are two approaches to designing a central processing unit (CPU), which is the main component of a computer that performs most of the processing tasks. RISC processors have a smaller, simpler instruction set, which means they have fewer types of instructions that they can execute. This makes them easier to design and manufacture, and allows them to execute instructions faster than CISC processors. RISC processors are typically used in devices that require high performance and low power consumption, such as smartphones and tablets. RISC processors are faster and more efficient than CISC processors.

CISC processors, on the other hand, have a larger and more complex instruction set, which means they can execute a wider range of instructions. This makes them more versatile, but also more expensive and slower to execute instructions than RISC processors. CISC processors are typically used in devices that require more flexibility, such as desktop computers and servers.

For more detail please refer to RISC and CISC articles.

Digital Signal Processor: 

A digital signal processor (DSP) is a specialized microprocessor designed to perform high-speed mathematical operations on digital signals, which are sequences of digital data representing physical quantities such as sound, images, and other sensory information. DSPs are used in a range of applications that require fast processing of digital signals, including audio and video processing, telecommunications, and scientific computing. DSPs are optimized for performing mathematical operations common in signal processing, like filtering, convolution, and FFTs, and have specialized instructions and hardware support for these tasks, making them faster and more efficient than general-purpose microprocessors.

Symbolic Processor: 

It is a processor that is designed to perform symbolic computation, which is the manipulation of mathematical expressions and symbols using algorithms and rules of symbolic logic. Such processors are designed for expert systems, machine intelligence, knowledge-based system, pattern recognition, etc.  Symbolic processors are also called PROLOG processors.

Graphics Processor: 

A graphics processor is a specialized microprocessor designed to accelerate the rendering of 2D and 3D graphics in a computer system. It is used in devices like PCs, laptops, smartphones, and gaming consoles, as well as specialized graphics hardware. A GPU(Graphics processing unit) is different from a CPU and is specifically designed to perform complex calculations for high-quality graphics in real time. It performs tasks related to graphics renderings, like shading and texturing, more efficiently than a CPU. A GPU is also used in specialized graphics hardware such as graphics cards and accelerators.