Arcesium Interview Experience

There were total 5 rounds consisting 1 written round/ coding round ,

3 technical rounds and 1 HR round .

Round 1 / Coding Round :

Here , plenty of mcq’s were asked based on aptitude , language test and theory subjects. One thing I noticed ,A lot of java pseudo code problems were asked . Then after this mcq , 2 coding problems were there .

Problem 1 :

You have to count the maximum consecutive 1’s in the array provided you can flip almost k values in the array . Array has only 0 and 1 .

Problem 2 :

It was simple bfs problem , the only thing here to notice was you have to round the answer variable upto 1 decimal places .

Round 2 (Technical Round) :

This round was started with my introduction and after that interviewer asked me about my project , he asked : Describe your project , what it does and what all tech stack you have used .

After that he jumped to DSA problems :

Problem 1 :

Given the linked list , find if the linked list is palindrome or not . I had to create the node and stuff related to linked list and then I had to define the method .

Problem 2 :

Given the 2 head of the linked list , I was asked to find if it is Y shaped linked list or not . For this problem , I gave 5-6 approaches (brute force to optimal ) and then I came up with the most optimal approach . Don’t think of the standard approaches , we just have to check if it has the intersection point or not , we don’t need to find the first intersecting node.

In all the problem , I had to write the code.

Round 3 (Technical Round ) :

She asked me , how was your first round , after I answered she asked if I know the tree data structure or not . Then ,

Problem 1 :

You are given the binary tree , you have to find the vertical order traversal of the binary tree . She saw my code , she asked a lot of questions about my code , Like :

• What is auto keyword?

• Why did you use by reference here?

• Why have you used the const keyword here ?

• How is the memory allocated in c++.

Problem 2 :

Before starting the problem she asked some minor questions :

• What is a binary search tree .

• What is a heap .

• What are the types of heap .

• How the insertion works in heap (not code , only dry run )

• What is heapify , how will you do this (not code , only dry run)

You are given a BST which is also a complete binary tree , you have to change the BST to min Heap in O(n) complexity , you don’t have to Create extra nodes , you need to change the value in the BST accordingly. After this problem , she asked a lot of minor questions about my project again :

• What all tech stack you have used ?

• What all dependencies you used in your project?

• How did you achieve login/ signup ?

• What the passport does in your project ?

• Why did you use mongoDB ?

• What was the schema you used in your project?

Round 4 (Technical Round ) :

It was the toughest round for me . He started off with the DSA Problems again but I was expecting to get theory questions.

Problem 1 :

What is expression tree , draw the expression tree for the given expression .

Problem 2 :

Give me the Log(n) approach to find the Nth fibonacci number .

Problem 3 :

Find the number of correct bracket sequence if you can use n ‘(‘ and n ‘)’ brackets or n pairs of parentheses .

This problem boils down to Nth Catalan number , then he asked me 2 methods to find the Nth Catalan number : I gave 1 analytical method formula based and 2nd DP approach .

Problem 4 :

He said , I expect you know the knapsack problem , then he said I’m changing the standard knapsack problem slightly , he said you can change the weight of almost 1 item provided and then find the maximum profit you can get , it is 0-1 knapsack. It will need 3 Dimensional dp array .

Round 5 (HR round ) :

There were some standard questions which was asked to me . Here it goes :

• Give me your introduction , which is not mentioned in your resume.

• Why did you take engineering ?

• Tell me something about your family .

• What all companies visited your campus till now , why did you reject in DEShaw ?

• Why do want to join arcesium ?

• What is your dream comapny other than arcesium ?