Time series data, consisting of observations measured at regular intervals, is prevalent across various domains. Accurately forecasting future values from this data is crucial for informed decision-making. Two powerful statistical models, ARIMA and SARIMA, are widely used in time series forecasting. In this tutorial, we will explore the difference between ARIMA and SARIMA models for time series forecasting, understanding their strengths, limitations, and practical applications.

Table of Content

  • What is ARIMA (Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average)?
  • What is SARIMA(Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average)?
  • ARIMA vs SARIMA: Seasonality
  • ARIMA vs SARIMA: Model flexibility
  • ARIMA vs SARIMA: Forecast accuracy
  • ARIMA vs SARIMA : Use-Cases
  • Difference Between ARIMA and SARIMA
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of ARIMA Model
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of SARIMA Model
  • When to use : ARIMA VS SARIMA
  • Conclusion

What is ARIMA (Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average)?

ARIMA, standing for Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average, is a versatile model for analyzing and forecasting time series data. It decomposes the data into three key components:

  1. Autoregression (AR): This component captures the influence of a series’ past values on its future values. In simpler terms, AR considers how past observations (lags) affect the current value. It’s denoted as AR(p), where ‘p’ represents the number of lagged observations included in the model.
  2. Differencing (I): Stationarity is a crucial assumption for many time series analyses. Differencing involves subtracting a previous value from the current value, often required to achieve stationarity. The degree of differencing needed is denoted by I(d).
  3. Moving Average (MA): This component accounts for the effect of past forecast errors (residuals) on the current prediction. It considers the average of past errors (lags) to improve the forecast accuracy. MA is denoted by MA(q), where ‘q’ represents the number of lagged errors incorporated in the model.

For instance, imagine predicting monthly sales figures for a clothing store. ARIMA can model and forecast future sales based on past sales data. It considers trends in sales, the influence of past sales on current sales (AR), and the impact of past forecasting errors (MA) to refine future predictions.

What is SARIMA(Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average)?

SARIMA (Seasonal ARIMA) builds upon ARIMA’s strengths by incorporating an additional dimension: seasonality. This is particularly beneficial for data exhibiting recurring patterns at fixed intervals, such as monthly sales data with holiday spikes. Here’s how SARIMA tackles seasonality:

  1. Seasonal Autoregression (SAR): Similar to AR, SAR considers the influence of past seasonal values on the current value. It captures the impact of past seasonal patterns on future forecasts.
  2. Seasonal Differencing (SI): Analogous to differencing, seasonal differencing focuses on removing seasonal patterns from the data to achieve stationarity.
  3. Seasonal Moving Average (SMA): This component incorporates the influence of past seasonal forecast errors into the current prediction, similar to the moving average component in ARIMA.

Going back to the clothing store example, suppose sales data reveals a significant seasonal pattern with higher sales during holiday seasons. SARIMA can account for this by incorporating the seasonal dimension. It considers not only past sales trends and error terms but also the influence of past seasonal sales patterns, leading to more accurate forecasts.

ARIMA vs SARIMA: Seasonality

The key difference between ARIMA and SARIMA models lies in how they handle seasonality in time series data.

  • ARIMA (AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average): This model is powerful for capturing trends and short-term dependencies in data, but it assumes stationarity, meaning the statistical properties (like mean and variance) are constant over time. ARIMA struggles when data exhibits recurring patterns at fixed intervals, like monthly sales figures with holiday spikes.
  • SARIMA (Seasonal ARIMA): This is an extension of ARIMA specifically designed to account for seasonality. SARIMA includes additional parameters to capture these seasonal effects. It essentially combines the strengths of ARIMA for non-seasonal patterns with the ability to model recurring seasonal cycles. Seasonality is incorporated through extra parameters (P, D, Q) along with a seasonal period (m). These parameters model the impact of past seasonal values on future forecasts.

ARIMA vs SARIMA: Model flexibility

When it comes to model flexibility, ARIMA and SARIMA offer a trade-off:

  • ARIMA: ARIMA is simpler, with fewer parameters to estimate. This makes it more adaptable to various non-seasonal data patterns. It can handle trends, cycles, and random fluctuations without being overly specific about the underlying process.
  • SARIMA: SARIMA introduces additional parameters for seasonality, making it less flexible for purely non-seasonal data compared to ARIMA. It might become overly complex for straightforward forecasting tasks. The true strength of SARIMA lies in its ability to model recurring seasonal cycles. This makes it significantly more flexible for data exhibiting seasonality. It can capture the impact of past seasonal values on future forecasts, leading to more accurate predictions.

ARIMA vs SARIMA: Forecast accuracy

When it comes to forecast accuracy, SARIMA generally outperforms ARIMA, but there are some considerations to consider:

  • Strength of Seasonality: The stronger the seasonal patterns in your data, the more significant the advantage SARIMA offers. For subtle seasonality, the difference between ARIMA and SARIMA might be minimal.
  • Data Length: With a larger dataset, both ARIMA and SARIMA can produce more accurate forecasts. However, the benefit of SARIMA’s seasonality handling becomes more pronounced with longer datasets that capture multiple seasonal cycles.
  • Model Selection and Parameter Tuning: Optimizing the model parameters (p, d, q for ARIMA and P, D, Q, m for SARIMA) is crucial for both models. Using techniques like grid search or statistical tests can help identify the best configuration for your specific data.

While SARIMA generally leads to more accurate forecasts due to its ability to handle seasonality, it’s not always the best choice.

  1. Prioritize SARIMA if your data exhibits strong seasonal patterns.
  2. Consider ARIMA for purely non-seasonal data, especially if interpretability of the model is important.

ARIMA vs SARIMA : Use-Cases


  • Financial Forecasting: ARIMA models are widely used in finance for forecasting stock prices, currency exchange rates, and other financial metrics. Traders and investors rely on ARIMA to make informed decisions about buying and selling securities based on historical price trends.
  • Demand Forecasting: ARIMA is employed in various industries, including retail, manufacturing, and logistics, to forecast demand for products or services. Companies use ARIMA to optimize inventory management, production planning, and resource allocation based on anticipated demand fluctuations.
  • Economic Analysis: ARIMA models are utilized by economists and policymakers to analyze and forecast economic indicators such as GDP growth, inflation rates, and unemployment rates. These forecasts inform monetary and fiscal policies, business strategies, and investment decisions.
  • Traffic and Transportation Management: ARIMA models can be applied to analyze and predict traffic patterns, public transportation ridership, and travel demand. Urban planners and transportation authorities use ARIMA forecasts to optimize traffic flow, plan infrastructure projects, and enhance public transit services.


  • Retail Sales Forecasting: SARIMA models are commonly used in retail to forecast sales of seasonal products, such as clothing, electronics, and holiday merchandise. Retailers leverage SARIMA forecasts to optimize inventory levels, plan promotions, and allocate resources effectively throughout the year.
  • Energy Consumption Prediction: SARIMA is employed in the energy sector to forecast electricity demand, fuel consumption, and renewable energy generation. Utilities and energy providers use SARIMA models to optimize energy production, distribution, and pricing strategies, especially in regions with distinct seasonal variations in energy demand.
  • Weather Forecasting: SARIMA models are utilized by meteorologists and climate scientists to forecast seasonal weather patterns, including temperature, precipitation, and atmospheric conditions. SARIMA forecasts help in planning agricultural activities, managing natural disasters, and mitigating the impacts of extreme weather events.
  • Hospitality and Tourism: SARIMA is applied in the hospitality and tourism industry to predict seasonal fluctuations in hotel occupancy rates, airline passenger traffic, and tourist arrivals. Hotels, airlines, and travel agencies use SARIMA forecasts to adjust pricing, marketing campaigns, and capacity planning based on anticipated demand patterns.

Difference Between ARIMA and SARIMA





Does not explicitly handle seasonal patterns

Explicitly models seasonal patterns along with non-seasonal ones


ARIMA consists of autoregression, differencing, and moving average components

SARIMA includes seasonal autoregression, seasonal differencing, and seasonal moving average components in addition to ARIMA components

Use Cases

Suitable for time series without seasonal patterns

Suitable for time series with seasonal patterns

Notable Application

Predicting financial market trends where seasonality is not prominent

Forecasting sales data with clear seasonal trends

Mathematical Representation

ARIMA(p, d, q)

SARIMA(p, d, q)(P, D, Q)s

Seasonal Parameters

ARIMA does not require specification of seasonal parameters

SARIMA requires specification of seasonal parameters (P, D, Q, s)


ARIMA assumes stationarity of time series after differencing

SARIMA deals with both seasonal and non-seasonal stationarity

Handling Seasonality

ARIMA may fail to capture seasonal patterns effectively

SARIMA explicitly models and incorporates seasonal patterns

Model Complexity

Generally simpler compared to SARIMA

More complex due to inclusion of seasonal components

Forecast Accuracy

May be lower for time series with clear seasonal patterns

Tends to provide more accurate forecasts for seasonal data

Data Preprocessing

May require deseasonalizing data before applying ARIMA

Incorporates seasonal differencing to address seasonality

Advantages and Disadvantages of ARIMA Model

Advantages of ARIMA

  • Simplicity: ARIMA is relatively simple to understand and implement, making it accessible to users with basic knowledge of time series analysis.
  • Versatility: It can handle a wide range of time series data, including stationary and non-stationary series, making it applicable in various domains.
  • Interpretability: The parameters of ARIMA models (e.g., autoregressive coefficients, moving average coefficients) can provide insights into the underlying dynamics of the time series.

Disadvantages of ARIMA

  • Assumption of Linearity: ARIMA assumes that the relationship between the observations and their lagged values is linear, which may not always hold true in real-world scenarios.
  • Limited Handling of Seasonality: ARIMA models are not explicitly designed to capture seasonal patterns in the data, which can lead to inaccuracies in forecasting for datasets with significant seasonal variations.
  • Parameter Selection: Determining the appropriate values for the ARIMA parameters (p, d, q) often requires experimentation and can be challenging, particularly for users without extensive experience in time series analysis.

Advantages and Disadvantages of SARIMA Model

Advantages of SARIMA

  • Seasonal Modeling: SARIMA extends ARIMA by incorporating seasonal components, allowing it to capture and forecast seasonal patterns in time series data more effectively.
  • Improved Accuracy: By accounting for seasonal variations, SARIMA models can provide more accurate forecasts for datasets with prominent seasonal fluctuations.
  • Long-Term Forecasting: SARIMA is well-suited for long-term forecasting tasks where seasonal trends play a significant role, such as sales forecasting for seasonal products.

Disadvantages of SARIMA

  • Complexity: SARIMA models are more complex than traditional ARIMA models due to the inclusion of seasonal parameters, which may require additional expertise to implement and interpret accurately.
  • Data Requirements: SARIMA models require sufficiently long and detailed time series data to estimate the seasonal parameters accurately. Inadequate data may lead to unreliable forecasts.
  • Risk of Overfitting: SARIMA models with numerous seasonal parameters run the risk of overfitting, especially when applied to datasets with limited observations or noisy data.

When to use : ARIMA VS SARIMA

The choice between ARIMA and SARIMA boils down to whether your time series data has seasonality:

  • Use ARIMA if:
    • Your data has no seasonality or very weak seasonal patterns.
    • Model interpretability is a priority. ARIMA’s simplicity makes it easier to understand the factors influencing forecasts.
    • You’re dealing with limited data. ARIMA’s fewer parameters can be advantageous in such cases.
  • Use SARIMA if:
    • Your data exhibits strong seasonality, like monthly sales figures with holiday spikes or quarterly customer churn.
    • You have a large dataset that captures multiple seasonal cycles. SARIMA’s ability to handle seasonality becomes more pronounced with more data.
    • Forecast accuracy is your main concern. SARIMA generally leads to more accurate predictions for seasonal data.


In conclusion, ARIMA and SARIMA models find diverse applications across various industries and domains, providing valuable insights and forecasts for decision-making and planning purposes.


How do I determine the parameters for ARIMA and SARIMA models?

Parameters for ARIMA models (p, d, q) are typically selected using methods like AIC (Akaike Information Criterion) or BIC (Bayesian Information Criterion).

Parameters for SARIMA models (p, d, q)(P, D, Q)s involve additional seasonal parameters (P, D, Q) and the seasonal period ‘s’. These parameters can also be determined using statistical criteria like AIC or BIC.

Are there any limitations to using ARIMA or SARIMA models?

ARIMA and SARIMA models may not perform well with highly irregular or noisy data. Additionally, they may require careful tuning of parameters and preprocessing of data to achieve optimal performance.

Are there any alternatives to ARIMA and SARIMA for time series forecasting?

Yes, there are several alternatives, including Exponential Smoothing methods, Prophet (developed by Facebook), machine learning algorithms like LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) networks, and hybrid approaches combining multiple techniques.