Advantages and Disadvantages of ARIMA Model

Advantages of ARIMA

  • Simplicity: ARIMA is relatively simple to understand and implement, making it accessible to users with basic knowledge of time series analysis.
  • Versatility: It can handle a wide range of time series data, including stationary and non-stationary series, making it applicable in various domains.
  • Interpretability: The parameters of ARIMA models (e.g., autoregressive coefficients, moving average coefficients) can provide insights into the underlying dynamics of the time series.

Disadvantages of ARIMA

  • Assumption of Linearity: ARIMA assumes that the relationship between the observations and their lagged values is linear, which may not always hold true in real-world scenarios.
  • Limited Handling of Seasonality: ARIMA models are not explicitly designed to capture seasonal patterns in the data, which can lead to inaccuracies in forecasting for datasets with significant seasonal variations.
  • Parameter Selection: Determining the appropriate values for the ARIMA parameters (p, d, q) often requires experimentation and can be challenging, particularly for users without extensive experience in time series analysis.


Time series data, consisting of observations measured at regular intervals, is prevalent across various domains. Accurately forecasting future values from this data is crucial for informed decision-making. Two powerful statistical models, ARIMA and SARIMA, are widely used in time series forecasting. In this tutorial, we will explore the difference between ARIMA and SARIMA models for time series forecasting, understanding their strengths, limitations, and practical applications.

Table of Content

  • What is ARIMA (Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average)?
  • What is SARIMA(Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average)?
  • ARIMA vs SARIMA: Seasonality
  • ARIMA vs SARIMA: Model flexibility
  • ARIMA vs SARIMA: Forecast accuracy
  • ARIMA vs SARIMA : Use-Cases
  • Difference Between ARIMA and SARIMA
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of ARIMA Model
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of SARIMA Model
  • When to use : ARIMA VS SARIMA
  • Conclusion

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Difference Between ARIMA and SARIMA

Feature ARIMA SARIMA Seasonality Does not explicitly handle seasonal patterns Explicitly models seasonal patterns along with non-seasonal ones Components ARIMA consists of autoregression, differencing, and moving average components SARIMA includes seasonal autoregression, seasonal differencing, and seasonal moving average components in addition to ARIMA components Use Cases Suitable for time series without seasonal patterns Suitable for time series with seasonal patterns Notable Application Predicting financial market trends where seasonality is not prominent Forecasting sales data with clear seasonal trends Mathematical Representation ARIMA(p, d, q) SARIMA(p, d, q)(P, D, Q)s Seasonal Parameters ARIMA does not require specification of seasonal parameters SARIMA requires specification of seasonal parameters (P, D, Q, s) Stationarity ARIMA assumes stationarity of time series after differencing SARIMA deals with both seasonal and non-seasonal stationarity Handling Seasonality ARIMA may fail to capture seasonal patterns effectively SARIMA explicitly models and incorporates seasonal patterns Model Complexity Generally simpler compared to SARIMA More complex due to inclusion of seasonal components Forecast Accuracy May be lower for time series with clear seasonal patterns Tends to provide more accurate forecasts for seasonal data Data Preprocessing May require deseasonalizing data before applying ARIMA Incorporates seasonal differencing to address seasonality...

Advantages and Disadvantages of ARIMA Model

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Advantages and Disadvantages of SARIMA Model

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When to use : ARIMA VS SARIMA

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