Top Countries to Study Abroad in 2024 for Indian Students

Top Countries to Study Abroad in 2024 for Indian Students: Many students aim to attend a university outside their own country. Immersing oneself in a new culture, gaining unique international perspectives, and receiving a first-rate education are all ways in which studying abroad can benefit students. Many things should be considered while deciding where to study abroad, including academic strictness, cost, cultural diversity, security, and way of life. To help you choose wisely, we have compiled a list of some of the top study-abroad destinations, along with information that will be useful to you.

Factors to consider when choosing the top international universities

When looking for an alternative, what factors should Indian students consider?


Points to note

About the country

  • The availability of prestigious educational institutions
  • Low cost of living
  • Reasonable tuition and living expenses
  • The relative ease of immigration regulations

About the Institute

  • The institutes educational system
  • The best colleges and universities for your preferred choice of course
  • The benefits of studying at that institute as compared to others

About the future

  • Considered the country’s job market
  • Regulations regarding work visas after graduation
  • Typical salaries as a fresher and growth
  • Research the minimum wage, most popular industries, availability of part-time work permits, and countries in which they are most commonly issued.

Additional pointers

  • Ease of making money while studying according to the regulations of part-time jobs
  • Nations with a large English-speaking population are ideal because of the lack of linguistic obstacles
  • The country should provide a range of social advantages comparable to what its citizens receive
  • Socioeconomic security for students is a hallmark of a multiculturally inclusive nation
  • Given the importance of safety, Indian students should also look at the crime rates in their home nations
  • Students from India studying abroad should consider a country that scores highly in all three categories

Top International Study Abroad Destinations for Indian Students

Below is a list of the most popular top study-abroad destinations for Indian students. We have also listed the reasons that make these destination the most preferred choice for Indian students.

S. No.

Countries as per ranking among Indian students














New Zealand


The US receives the most international students. It’s top universities and academic ecosystem justify this large number.

  • The US offers good education, opportunity, and culture.
  • In its enormous World University Rankings by Subject survey of more than 15,000 courses at 1,543 outstanding universities, QS found 239 US programmes in the top 10, outperforming the UK (131) and nine other nations.
  • Over the past five years, U.S. top institutions have dropped from 71% to 53%.

Other reasons to study in the US –

  • Four thousand world-class universities in the US provide a variety of academic degrees and courses.
  • The US has great programmes with internationally recognised degrees.
  • All skilled graduates have an equal chance in the US market.
  • All majors are qualified for one year of OPT, which allows international students to work in the US after graduation. STEM graduates can also acquire a three-year work permit.


For Indian students, Germany has recently emerged as one of the top study abroad destinations.

  • Affordable, golden professional scope and cultural exposure are reasons.
  • Public universities do not charge tuition, even for overseas students.
  • However, private universities are cheaper than US and UK universities.

Additional explanations include –

  • German universities emphasise research and practical training.
  • Students can cover costs by working part-time.
  • It has top universities.


Over time, Australia has simplified visa rules so students can study at prestigious universities without fuss.

  • The third-most popular study destination is Australia. Cultural diversity, quality education, and job prospects attract many students.
  • International students might work part-time to cover living expenses. Each week, they can work 20 hours.
  • Many government scholarships are available to deserving international students.
  • Low crime rates make Australia one of the safest nations.


Canada’s education and employment policies favour international students. About 14% of Canadian students are Indian, and thousands attend top colleges.

  • Students here study medical, engineering, MBA, biotechnology, cybersecurity, and data science.
  • Canada the most popular study destination is multilingual (English and French) and offers great opportunities to improve your language abilities for a successful career.
  • Indian students find it one of the greatest countries to study abroad due to its top colleges, internationally recognised degrees, and promising future.
  • Canada ranks first for international student safety.

The UK

Excellent British universities are famous. The most popular study destination UK offers many educational degrees and specialisations in response to industrial needs.

  • International students graduating in the summer of 2021 can work in the UK for 24 months under the new post-study work visa regime.
  • International students can work 20 hours per week during the term.
  • Chevening Scholarship, GREAT Scholarship, Commonwealth Fellowship and Scholarship, Scotland Saltire Scholarship, and Charles Wallace India Trust Scholarship are available to eligible applicants.

Best Foreign Universities for Indian Students

According to QS 2024 rankings, the universities are the best options for Indian students studying abroad. Ranking so highly is a testament to these schools’ dedication to cutting-edge research, access to first-rate educational facilities, and stellar reputations among students and employers. Being at the top means a lot of competition and stringent entry standards.

Common Tests for International Students

The most popular entrance tests for international schools are country- and level-specific. Here are a few typical ones:

  • GRE
  • LSAT
  • DET
  • CPE
  • GMAT
  • ACT
  • CAEL
  • ECCE
  • SAT
  • MCAT
  • CAE
  • AP


Numerous chances to study abroad exist, and 2024, after a turbulent couple of years, will be a great year to fully immerse yourself in a foreign culture as things settle down. Whether you prefer to study remotely or travel, you’ll have the opportunity to broaden your horizons, experience amazing adventures, and connect with people from all over the globe.

Best Countries to Study Abroad – FAQs

What factors should Indian students consider when choosing an international university?

Indian students should consider factors such as the presence of prestigious educational institutions, affordability in terms of tuition and living expenses, ease of immigration regulations, educational system of the institute, job market prospects in the country, regulations regarding work visas after graduation, and the socio-economic security offered to students.

Why is the USA considered a top destination for Indian students to study abroad?

The USA is considered a top destination due to its vast array of world-class universities offering a wide range of academic degrees and courses, internationally recognized degree programs, equal job opportunities for skilled graduates, and specific work permits like OPT for international students, which allow them to work in the US post-graduation.

How does Germany stand out as a study abroad destination for Indian students?

Germany stands out due to its no tuition fee policy at public universities for international students, emphasis on research and practical training, affordability, and the opportunity for students to cover their expenses through part-time work.

What makes Australia attractive to international students?

Australia is attractive due to its simplified visa rules, cultural diversity, quality education, job prospects, availability of government scholarships for international students, and being one of the safest countries with low crime rates.

What are some common entrance tests international students should prepare for?

Common entrance tests include the GRE, TOEFL, LSAT, DET, CPE, GMAT, IELTS, ACT, CAEL, ECCE, SAT, USMLE, MCAT, CAE, and AP. These tests are country- and level-specific, catering to various academic and professional requirements.