Best Time To Post on TikTok in 2023

TikTok has always been a great source of entertainment for people worldwide and with over 1 billion TikTok users now major companies prefer to market their product with the help of content creators on TikTok to boost their brand. But for any person, only content is not important to boost a brand or make a real go viral, timing plays an equal amount of role. To gain a specific amount of followers people need to make sure when they are posting and which content they are posting, so overall they need to find the best time to post on TikTok.

For Content Creators, posting a video that easily grabs the public’s attention requires scheduling the content at a certain time when most people are active on TikTok and all these are now possible with the ample amount of data that is present on the Internet today.

In this blog, we will discuss the Best Time To Post On TikTok, by date, location, and business in detail.

Table of Content

  • Best Time To Post On TikTok in 2023 (in IST and EST)
  • The Best Time to Post On TikTok by Location
  • How to Find The Best Time To Post On TikTok For Your Business
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs – Best Time to Post on TikTok in 2023

Best Time To Post On TikTok in 2023 (in IST and EST)

For different days, different timings are best suitable for people to make their videos reach a certain bigger audience. According to one of the reports by an Instagram Marketing Hub, there are certain timings for each day which are the best to engage a lot of people and also it is tested through more than 1 Lakh posts.

Best Time To Post On TikTok on Monday

According to the Instagram Marketing Hub report, the best time to post TikTok on Monday is 6 a.m.,10 a.m., or 10 p.m. which suggests that mostly students or working professionals see TikTok before going to their work places, or maybe right before sleeping and it could be before their lunch.

Best Time To Post On TikTok on Tuesday

According to the Instagram Marketing Hub report, the best time to post TikTok on Tuesday is 2 a.m., 4 a.m., or 9 p.m. which means people are looking at content before going to work, early in the morning and right before sleeping.

Best Time To Post On TikTok on Wednesday

According to the Instagram Marketing Hub report, the best time to post TikTok on Wednesday is 7 a.m., 8 a.m., or 11 p.m. which means creators can post brand contents early in the morning or right before sleeping to engage more audience.

Best Time To Post On TikTok on Thursday

According to the Instagram Marketing Hub report, the best time to post TikTok on Thursday is 9 a.m., 12 p.m., or 7 p.m. which means creators can post brand contents easily just before lunch and dinner of the people.

Best Time To Post On TikTok on Friday

According to the Instagram Marketing Hub report, the best time to post TikTok on Friday is 5 a.m., 1 p.m., or 3 p.m. which means creators can post their videos early during Friday morning or during lunch or mid afternoon as these are also suitable timings if any creator miss to post in the morning.

Best Time To Post On TikTok on Saturday

According to the Instagram Marketing Hub report, the best time to post TikTok on Saturday is 11 a.m., 7 p.m., or 8 p.m. which means creators can post their videos late in the morning or before having their lunch.

Best Time To Post On TikTok on Sunday

According to the Instagram Marketing Hub report, the best time to post TikTok on Sunday is 7 a.m., 8 a.m. or 4 p.m., which means posting a video early in the morning is a good option and convenient way for people who like to use TikTok early in the morning.

Use Third Party Dates as a Jumping Off Point

There are various people or organizations present today who suggest different timings to creators for posting their posts and videos but these are just an analysis as different people have different audiences so, it may vary from person to person.

People just after posting some videos get their personalized data according to their audience engagement and the type of the data they make and according to which creators can decide the best suitable time for their audiences and they can easily post their videos which will help them engage a lot of audiences.

These third party dates are only for trials as most of the creators have this timing only but this timing mainly varies from one country to another and also depends upon creators followers. Some creators majorly have an international audience and some have their hometown audience. So, never take these timings too seriously.

The Best Time to Post On TikTok by Location

The main idea of this Instagram Marketing Hub is to provide content creators best time for posting content online and for people with a wider audience creators need to consider their audiences time zone with their location.

For instance, if a creator is posting a video on Tuesday at 9 o’clock in the morning and that creator is from Canada and his majority followers are from London mainly then that creator should post their video at 2 p.m.

How to Find The Best Time To Post On TikTok For Your Business

Timing and the type of content plays an important role, as they both are directly connected to each other but when the creator is posting their video or is the timing matching audience timing matters the most. Any creator does not need a third party timing, each creator is different and their content is different therefore anyone can find what is their audience analytics by considering the following steps:

Step 1: By Creating a Business account

Creators need to have a business account, which will provide users with some special features.

Step 2: Open TikTok analytics

Creators can get their daily analysis report by clicking at the top right corner of the user profile, then tap on creator tools and then press on analytics. Through which creators will land to their professional dashboard.

Step 3: Check for Activity

To get the best post time, creators need to scroll down and tap on followers activity and according to which decide the best time for you.


In the above blog, we have studied about the best time to post on TikTok for creators on different days from Monday to Sunday. Creators were also suggested to see their personal analytics to get the audience in a better way and the best timings they are mostly active to get their attention. To get the best information people must have at least 100 followers on their account to get right analytics reports, that means the more post creators will do, the more clear will be the time report.

FAQs – Best Time to Post on TikTok in 2023

1. What is the important timing of posting a video on TikTok?


Timing is very important as it should be considered by creators when posting on TikTok because it will directly impact the number of viewers and engagement of the creators. Creators post videos to reach their target audience and get to know when the audience is most active which also increases creators chances of reaching a larger audience.

2. Can a person use third-party data as a reference for their TikTok posts?


Yes, third-party data can serve as a starting point for a creator’s posting schedule which varies from one individual to another, so it’s essential to analyze their personal analytics and adjust their post times accordingly.

3. What are the recommended posting times for TikTok on Saturdays?


According to the Instagram Marketing Hub, the best times to post on TikTok on Saturdays are 11 a.m., 7 p.m., and 8 p.m. Posting late in the morning or before dinner is mostly advised to get better attention of people.

4. What specific data creator should check on TikTok analytics to determine their best posting time?


To find the best posting time for any creator, check users’ followers’ activity data, which will help them get a detailed timing and country details to understand their audience better.