10 Best WordPress Comment Plugins 2024

Are you a blogger or any content creator who values comments and feedback? If yes, then using WordPress comment plugins on your website is one way to go. Comments are one way to interact with your customers and know their feedback and reviews while also getting information about all the different demands of consumers.

By leaving an option to comment, you are opening a way to form a fan base while at the same time is one way to improve your products or content according to the needs and demands of consumers. Comments are one way you can check whether your product is serving its purpose or not.

What are WordPress Comment Plugins?

WordPress comment plugins are tools that allow a website to have a comment section, where consumers can comment on your website. They should also be able to reply or react to each other by liking or disliking certain comments. Moreover, simple features like commenting and then editing should also be provided. Many website owners or content creators are keen on keeping these features on their websites and for this there are many plugins available. So you should make sure to select carefully, look at what each plugin offers, consider their prices, and then choose what suits best for your content.

10 Best WordPress Comment Plugins

There are 10 comment plugins listed below with all its key features and advantages highlighted, if interested you can go through them to choose the best option for yourself.

1. Thrive Comment

This plugin has all the features available to make an interactive comment section. Moderation features and other tools to have a smooth workflow post comments are all available. It is also very beginner-friendly and easy to set up. But no free plan is available for this plugin.

Key Features:

  • Comment moderation dashboards come with a built-in keyboard controller making it easy to reply or delete comments.
  • When a user leaves comments, you can redirect them to specific URLs according to the nature of the comment.
  • Features like liking or disliking comments, replying to comments, and rewards badges are also available.


  • Users are allowed to subscribe to post’s comments keeping them updated with any replies.
  • Many post comments actions are there which makes users stay as interaction is there.
  • Can assign comments to other admins.

2. Comment Press

Comment Press uses Ajax technology, PHP, and jQuery which makes the comment section work much smoother. Users can see the comment section without reloading the page due to this feature. This plugin has a good review of 4.5/5.

Key features:

  • You can insert, edit, or delete comments very easily.
  • Security features are very good and captcha features are there to prevent spam comments.
  • The price starts at $29 but may vary with time.


  • Customization is available in the comments section to suit your website themes.
  • The plugin is very lightweight but comes with all the necessary features.
  • Constant reloading of pages is unnecessary due to the nature of the plugin.

3. Comment Edit Core

This is one of the most user-friendly WordPress comment plugins. Commenters can edit according to their needs and can also receive notifications for replies. This provides space for constant interaction till an issue is solved.

Key Features:

  • Mailchimp and ConvertKit integration for notification of replies for comments.
  • ReCaptcha features are available to maintain security and avoid spam comments.
  • Moderation tools with a set of rules for comments are also there.


  • Log-in users can edit comments at any time while users who are not log-in can edit comments for 5 days.
  • Comment avatars’ comment character control, mentions, etc. are available.
  • There is a free version available while the paid version starts at $29/year.

4. WordPress Comment Import and Export

This plugin is very unique as it not only lets users comment on your post but it makes exporting or importing comments possible. For instance, when you want to move one post from one website to another and don’t want to lose the comments then you can use this tool to move it.

Key Features:

  • CSV files are provided to help you format your comments properly.
  • Comments can be filtered by dates or titled for export or import.
  • The import and export can be scheduled and will be performed automatically.


  • It is very easy to use and has a help tap for any queries.
  • This plugin is free of cost for all the services it provides.
  • To avoid duplication, similar comments can be merged.

5. SearchWP

Users mainly go through the comment section to make sure of the credibility of the websites or the product they intend to purchase. It is a way of searching for reviews. For this, the plugin is important as it provides a search engine for your comments to quickly get the information they need without going through the bulk.

Key features:

  • Modular search form add-on is provided to add to your navigation menu.
  • This Modular search form is free but SearchWP is not and has a payment plan.
  • There are multiple ways in which the search engine can be added like the Gutenberg block or shortcode.


  • This plugin makes the user experience much better as it makes reviewing products easier for them.
  • The search engine lets you know what your consumers are searching for the most.
  • The search engine is very smooth and highly functional.

6. Comment Edit Core

This plugin will allow users to edit comments left on your website. This is a key feature and the basic that is needed for websites to allow their users to comment. Mistakes occur almost all the time, or additional queries pop up from time to time and to accommodate these needs, edit features are necessary.

Key features:

  • The time users can edit their comments can be limited by you to avoid unwanted comments from spammer.
  • It also has protection against spammers from adding links to the comment.
  • There is a free version available while a one-time payment of $19 is available for the pro version.


  • Mistakes of any form can be easily corrected by users.
  • The free version has most of the features available as compared to the pro version.
  • Better experience for visitors to your website.

7. Lazy Load for Comments

This is another unique WordPress comment plugin as this tool allows the page to load quicker and easier when the lazy loading option is added to your website.

Key features:

  • Hooks can be applied to change the way the comment section looks.
  • The loading of comments is optional and can be performed only when required.
  • This plugin supports sources like Divi and Genisis.


  • This plugin is beginner-friendly and is very easy to set up.
  • It helps in making sure pages are loaded quicker when necessary.
  • This WordPress plugin is also developer-friendly.

8. WP Comment Images and Videos

This WordPress comment plugin allows users to add images or videos as comments on your website. This is great for product reviews or problem solving where images or videos can be seen to make the point clearer.

Key features:

  • It is compatible with all WordPress themes and the latest WordPress version.
  • The payment plan is currently at $12.
  • This is great for global users as it has multilingual theme support.


  • Create a more engaging environment with customers with the integration of images and videos as an option for comments.
  • This plugin can also support well-known platforms like YouTube and Vimeo.
  • It has a very high review of 5/5 showing its credibility.

9. Akismet

This is a WordPress plugin that is supported and trusted by 100 million websites. Its main feature is detecting spam and deleting it for the website. They can detect spam very quickly and won’t allow it to enter your comment section. This is one of the best comment plugins when security is a concern.

Key features:

  • You can see how much spam has been detected or deleted by Akismet as it shows detailed analytics.
  • Spam comments will be automatically deleted in 15 days if no further checking is done.
  • Limited API calls for the free version, the pro version will be recommended to go through all the comments.


  • Easy to use, and once it is plugged in the tools will start detecting spam.
  • Manual works are not needed anymore as it can work automatically.
  • Security for the website is maintained with few resources.

10. Comment Extra Field

This plugin tool will allow you to add extra custom fields to your website. For instance, if you need an added space for your email subscription in your comment section. This is one tool that will encourage more engagement in your website as well as outside the website.

Key features:

  • These custom fields can be made visible or invisible to certain visitors according to your liking.
  • The timing of when this custom field will pop up or where can also be customized.
  • There is a 10-day money-back guarantee for the premium.


  • Comment Extra Field makes it easy for websites to add custom fields.
  • The size, color picker, text area, and checkboxes are all customizable to fit your theme.
  • The interface is very easy to understand and is beginner-friendly.


Commenting is one way to build credibility, to get feedback and reviews to better your performance or products while at the same time getting inspired by new ideas and serving the demands and needs of the consumer. This is one way a business can grow with a loyal fan base. Thus to solve problems for consumers and gain their trust, giving them a platform for them to comment is very helpful.


What are comment plugins?

Comment plugins are tools available to allow users to comment on your website.

What is the best comment plugin for WordPress?

Ans. There are many plugins available serving different purposes, you need to find one that suits you and your budgets best.

Are comment plugins necessary for a website?

Ans. While it is not a compulsory tool to have, it is a nice feature to have in order to have more interaction with consumers.