List of Body Parts Names In English and Hindi (Pictures)

Body Parts Names In English and Hindi: As children grow, they have curiosity about the various senses & body parts in their body, the functions they have & why they are important. In the beginning, children are made familiar with names for common body parts such as the head, shoulders, knees, and toes. They need to be aware of other important body parts as well & their respective functions. We will see what are the different senses & body parts in the human body.

In this article in this article, We have covered the list of Body parts Names in English and Hindi along with their corresponding location. We have also provided the List of Internal and External Body parts Names with Pictures.

Let’s dive right in.

Body Parts Names in English List

The human body consists of various parts, both external and internal, each serving specific functions. From the head to the toes, these body parts play important roles in our daily lives and overall well-being. The following is the list of Body parts Names in English with pictures.

Name of Body Parts

Body Part


Head Uppermost part of the body, containing the brain and the organs of sense
Hair Keratinous filaments growing from the epidermis, primarily on the head
Forehead Part of the face above the eyebrows
Eyes Organs of vision
Eyebrows Strip of hair growing on the ridge above a person’s eye socket
Ears Organs of hearing located on the sides of the head
Nose Part of the face that houses the nostrils and organs of smell
Cheeks Fleshy part of either side of the face below the eyes
Mouth Opening in the lower part of the human face, surrounded by the lips
Lips Fleshy structures forming the exterior of the mouth
Teeth Hard, bony structures in the jaws of vertebrates, used for biting and chewing
Tongue Muscular organ in the mouth, used for tasting, swallowing, and articulating speech
Chin Protruding part of the face below the mouth, formed by the apex of the lower jaw
Neck Connects the head to the torso
Shoulders Junctions between the upper arms and the torso
Arms Upper limbs of the human body, extending from the shoulders to the wrists
Elbows Joints in the middle of the arms
Wrists Joints connecting the hands to the arms
Hands End part of the arm beyond the wrist
Fingers Digit extending from the palm of the hand
Chest Front surface of a person’s body between the neck and the abdomen
Stomach Internal organ in which the major part of digestion of food occurs
Back Rear surface of the human body from the shoulders to the hips
Waist Part of the human body below the ribs and above the hips
Hips Projection of the pelvis and upper thigh bones on each side of the body
Legs Lower limbs of a human, used for supporting the body and for walking
Thighs Upper part of the leg between the hip and the knee
Knees Joints in the middle of the legs
Ankles Joints connecting the feet to the legs
Feet Lower extremity of the leg below the ankle, used for standing and walking
Toes Digits of the feet

Name Body Parts in English and Hindi

The following is the list of important body parts name in English and Hindi:

Names of Body Parts Chart

1. Hair – बाल

47. Larynx– कंठ

2. Eyes- आंखें

48. Temple– कनपटी

3. Mouth– मुंह

49. Wrist– कलाई

4. Arm– बांह, भुजा

50. Skull– खोपड़ी

5. Tooth, Teeth– दांत

51. Kidney– गुर्दा

6. Back, Waist– कमर, पीठ

52. Knee– घुटना

7. Shoulder– कन्धा

53. Chest– छाती

8. Stomach– पेट

54. Jaw– जबड़ा

9. Knee– घुटना

55. Thigh– जाँघ

10. Throat– गला

56. Liver– जिगर

11. Leg– टांग

57. Joint– जोड़

12. Hand– हाथ

58. Nostril– नथुना

13. Nose– नाक

59. Nerve, Vein– नस

14. Ear– कान

60. Paw– पंजा

15. Eye– आंख

61. Rib– पसली

16. Foot– पैर

62. Lung– फेफड़ा

17. Head– सिर

63. Muscles– माँसपेशी

18. Face– चेहरा

64. Spine– रीढ़

19. Smiley Face– हंसमुख

65. Bone– हड्डी

20. Neck– गरदन

66. Palm– हथेली

21. Beard– दाढ़ी

67. Belly– पेट

22. Moustache– मूंछ

68. Calf– पिंडली

23. Hip– कूल्हा

69. Uterus– गर्भाशय

24. Nail– नाखून

70. Rump– चुतड

25. Skin– त्वचा, खाल

71. Bun– बालों का जूडा

26. Fist– मुठ्ठी

72. Index Finger– तर्जनी

27. Lip– होंठ

73. Palate– तालु

28. Blood– रक्त

74. Snout– थूथना

29. Brow– भौंह

75. Molar Teeth– दाढ़

30. Breast– स्तन

76. Artery– धमनी

31. Elbow– कोहनी

77. Pulse– नाड़ी

32. Nipple– स्तन का अगला भाग

78. Bile– पित्त

33. Navel– नाभि

79. Spleen– तिल्ली

34. Armpit, Womb– बगल, कांख

80. Eyeball– नेत्रगोलक, आँख की पुतली

35. Chin– ठुड्डी

81. Eyelash– बरौनी

36. Forehead– माथा

82. Embryo– भ्रूण

37. Cheek– गाल

83. Middle-Finger– बीच की ऊँगली

38. Ankle– टखना

84. Urinary Bladder– मूत्राशय

39. Brain– दिमाग

85. Saliva– लार

40. Face– चेहरा

86. Trachea– स्वास नली, कंठनाल

41. Eyebrow– भौं

87. Body– शरीर

42. Eyelid– पलक

88. Fingers– अंगुलियाँ

43. Tongue– जीभ

89. Thumb– अंगूठा

44. Heart– ह्रदय

90. Intestine– आंत

45. Toe– पैर की उंगली

91. Heel– एढ़ी

46. Body– शरीर

Important Body Parts and Their Functions

Important body parts & their functions are:

  • Liver is the largest solid organ in the body. It removes unwanted fluid from the body’s blood supply, maintains healthy blood sugar levels, regulates blood clotting, and performs various other functions. It is located beneath the rib cage in the right upper abdomen.
  • Kidneys are bean-shaped & are two in number. They are required for the survival of a human being. They help in producing urine and purify the blood.
  • Heart is located in the ribcage of the human body. It is the organ that operates continuously beginning at birth. The blood is pumped into the body by the heart. Children can hear their hearts beating through their chests.
  • Brain is the most important part of the human body.
  • Pancreas is an important part of the human digestive system, responsible for regulating blood sugar levels. It is located in the abdomen. It converts the food we eat into fuel for the body’s cells.

External and Internal Body Parts Names

List of External Body Parts:

External Body Parts

Body Part Location
Head Uppermost part of the body
Forehead Part of the face above the eyebrows
Eyebrow Strip of hair above the eye socket
Eyelid Covering over the eye
Eye Organ of vision
Ear Organ of hearing located on the sides
Nose Part of the face housing nostrils
Cheek Fleshy part of the face below the eyes
Mouth Opening in the lower part of the face
Lip Fleshy structure forming the mouth
Tooth (Teeth) Hard structures for biting and chewing
Tongue Muscular organ in the mouth
Chin Protruding part of the face below mouth
Neck Connects the head to the torso
Shoulder Junction between upper arm and torso
Arm Upper limb from shoulder to wrist
Elbow Joint in the middle of the arm
Wrist Joint connecting hand to arm
Hand End part of arm beyond wrist
Finger Digit extending from palm of hand
Chest Front surface of the upper body
Breast (Females) Part of the upper body
Back Rear surface of the upper body
Waist Part of the body below the ribs
Hip Projection of the pelvis and thigh
Leg Lower limb for support and movement
Thigh Upper part of the leg
Knee Joint in the middle of the leg
Calf Lower part of the leg
Ankle Joint connecting foot to leg
Heel Back part of the foot
Foot Lower extremity of the leg
Toe Digit of the foot

List of Internal Body Parts Names

Internal Body Parts

Body Part Location
Brain Inside the skull
Skull Bony structure enclosing the brain
Scalp Skin covering the head
Brainstem Part of the brain
Spinal Cord Protected by vertebrae in the spine
Lungs Inside the chest cavity
Heart Inside the chest cavity
Liver Upper right side of the abdomen
Stomach Upper part of the abdomen
Kidneys Abdominal area on either side of the spine
Intestines (Small and Large) Abdominal area
Bladder Pelvic region
Pancreas Upper part of the abdomen
Spleen Upper left side of the abdomen
Gallbladder Below the liver
Uterus (for females) In the pelvic area (females only)
Ovaries (for females) In the pelvic area (females only)
Testes (for males) In the pelvic area (males only)
Prostate (for males) Below the bladder (males only)

Body parts with their corresponding locations:

Head and Face:

  1. Head
  2. Forehead
  3. Eyebrow
  4. Eyelid
  5. Eye
  6. Ear
  7. Nose
  8. Cheek
  9. Mouth
  10. Lip
  11. Tooth (plural: Teeth)
  12. Tongue
  13. Chin

Neck and Upper Body:

  1. Shoulder
  2. Arm
  3. Elbow
  4. Wrist
  5. Hand
  6. Finger
  7. Chest
  8. Breast (for females)

Back and Torso:

  1. Waist
  2. Hip
  3. Abdomen
  4. Navel (or Belly Button)

Lower Body:

  1. Thigh
  2. Knee
  3. Calf
  4. Ankle
  5. Heel
  6. Foot
  7. Toe

FAQs on Body Parts Names in English and Hindi

Mention some important internal organs.

Some of the important internal organs are: heart, liver, kidney, stomach, pancreas, etc.

Is blood an organ?

The blood constitutes approximately 8% of the human body’s weight. It is one of the largest organs which also transports the exchange of substances between the organs.

What are the 5 parts of the body?

The five basic parts in the outside human body are: head, neck, torso, arms and legs.

Define Sense Organs.

Sense organs are the specialized organs which have sensory neurons, that aid in perceiving and responding to our surroundings. The five sense organs are – eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin.

Define Olfactory Organs.

Nose, nasal cavities, mucous membrane and other parts of the respiratory passage associated with the sense of smell are known as the olfactory organs.