Name Body Parts in English and Hindi

The following is the list of important body parts name in English and Hindi:

Names of Body Parts Chart

1. Hair – बाल

47. Larynx– कंठ

2. Eyes- आंखें

48. Temple– कनपटी

3. Mouth– मुंह

49. Wrist– कलाई

4. Arm– बांह, भुजा

50. Skull– खोपड़ी

5. Tooth, Teeth– दांत

51. Kidney– गुर्दा

6. Back, Waist– कमर, पीठ

52. Knee– घुटना

7. Shoulder– कन्धा

53. Chest– छाती

8. Stomach– पेट

54. Jaw– जबड़ा

9. Knee– घुटना

55. Thigh– जाँघ

10. Throat– गला

56. Liver– जिगर

11. Leg– टांग

57. Joint– जोड़

12. Hand– हाथ

58. Nostril– नथुना

13. Nose– नाक

59. Nerve, Vein– नस

14. Ear– कान

60. Paw– पंजा

15. Eye– आंख

61. Rib– पसली

16. Foot– पैर

62. Lung– फेफड़ा

17. Head– सिर

63. Muscles– माँसपेशी

18. Face– चेहरा

64. Spine– रीढ़

19. Smiley Face– हंसमुख

65. Bone– हड्डी

20. Neck– गरदन

66. Palm– हथेली

21. Beard– दाढ़ी

67. Belly– पेट

22. Moustache– मूंछ

68. Calf– पिंडली

23. Hip– कूल्हा

69. Uterus– गर्भाशय

24. Nail– नाखून

70. Rump– चुतड

25. Skin– त्वचा, खाल

71. Bun– बालों का जूडा

26. Fist– मुठ्ठी

72. Index Finger– तर्जनी

27. Lip– होंठ

73. Palate– तालु

28. Blood– रक्त

74. Snout– थूथना

29. Brow– भौंह

75. Molar Teeth– दाढ़

30. Breast– स्तन

76. Artery– धमनी

31. Elbow– कोहनी

77. Pulse– नाड़ी

32. Nipple– स्तन का अगला भाग

78. Bile– पित्त

33. Navel– नाभि

79. Spleen– तिल्ली

34. Armpit, Womb– बगल, कांख

80. Eyeball– नेत्रगोलक, आँख की पुतली

35. Chin– ठुड्डी

81. Eyelash– बरौनी

36. Forehead– माथा

82. Embryo– भ्रूण

37. Cheek– गाल

83. Middle-Finger– बीच की ऊँगली

38. Ankle– टखना

84. Urinary Bladder– मूत्राशय

39. Brain– दिमाग

85. Saliva– लार

40. Face– चेहरा

86. Trachea– स्वास नली, कंठनाल

41. Eyebrow– भौं

87. Body– शरीर

42. Eyelid– पलक

88. Fingers– अंगुलियाँ

43. Tongue– जीभ

89. Thumb– अंगूठा

44. Heart– ह्रदय

90. Intestine– आंत

45. Toe– पैर की उंगली

91. Heel– एढ़ी

46. Body– शरीर

List of Body Parts Names In English and Hindi (Pictures)

Body Parts Names In English and Hindi: As children grow, they have curiosity about the various senses & body parts in their body, the functions they have & why they are important. In the beginning, children are made familiar with names for common body parts such as the head, shoulders, knees, and toes. They need to be aware of other important body parts as well & their respective functions. We will see what are the different senses & body parts in the human body.

In this article in this article, We have covered the list of Body parts Names in English and Hindi along with their corresponding location. We have also provided the List of Internal and External Body parts Names with Pictures.

Let’s dive right in.

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