Chargebee Interview Experience For Software developer Engineer 1


The first round comprised 5 MCQ questions including aptitude, logical, Java output questions, and technical portions (Test Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes):

  • Quantitative aptitude and Logical part were much more predominant, the questions were more intuitive and not typical paper pen/formula based. They were not very difficult but were very tricky.

It also included 2 coding questions from DSA and 2 Database questions and both were pretty easy.

Round-2 (Technical Interview Round-1)

  • Questions from the project. My project was on REST, so he asked various typical questions on REST (Why, How, etc). He later asked me to design a REST API for a part of my project.
  • She asked me to design a restaurant service. She gave me an instant scenario that there are 5 lakh restaurants, and they all are sending a request to the server & database at a particular time. She asked how could manage these requests efficiently. I gave answers by using the concepts of Load Balancer, Sharding, Master-Slave, etc. and she was pretty much happy to listen to the concepts.
  • She asked me questions on various spring-related and core java related questions.
  • I was asked to write an algorithm for merge sort and binary search.

Round 3 (Technical Interview Round 2)

  • Again discussion on all projects.
  • Discussion over REST and SOAP.

Round-4 (Managerial Round)

  • Basic questions about team management and team conflict.
  • What problems did you face in doing projects technologically and managing wisely too?
  • He gave me instants that can arise while working in a team and asked what would do with them.
  • Some discussions over what technologies I know.
  • Which project do you like the most and why?

Round-5 (HR Round)

  • Tell me something about yourself.
  • What differentiates you from others?
  • Little discussions over my extracurricular activities are written in my resume.
  • Team Conflict questions.