So, In the first technical round, I was asked a medium-level DSA question. The question was to find the number of islands given the following matrix/ grid:

0 0 0 0 0

0 1 0 0 0

0 1 1 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 1 0 0

The question was very similar to Number of Islands. I explained the approach (DFS) and then I was asked about the time complexity which was O(row*col). He then asked me to code the function and again explained the code with an example.

Next, I was asked some basic Django questions (because I mentioned Django in my resume). I was asked two questions from Django :

  1. Explain about the Django Project structure.
  2. What are Django models and why are they used?

Many of my friends were asked about the variation of the DSA problem (no. of distinct islands, the perimeter of islands, etc.) along with some Puzzles. A few of them that I remember are :

  1. Given two strings that take 1 hour each to completely burn how will u measure 45 min using these?
  2. What is the minimum no of colours required to colour all islands such that no adjacent island can have the same colours? (This is related to the DSA question)

Out of 17, 9 students were called for the next round which was mostly HR (HR + tech).

91Squarefeet Interview Experience (On-Campus) 2023

How do I apply?

So, 91Squarefeet visited our college for campus placements (intern + FTE). No criteria related to CGPA/Marks were mentioned. Everyone was able to give the test if applied.

PS: We didn’t have any OA rounds. Mostly the selection was based on CGPA. Around 17 students were selected for interview rounds. There were two interview rounds and 1 HR round, However, for some HR was included with interview rounds. Both the rounds were eliminative.

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