CITI India Interview Experience

Round-1(Online Round)—2:00 hrs: 

3 sections were there of MCQ questions  

Section 1: SQL queries and PL/SQL.  

Section 2:Data Interpretation  

Section 3:logical aptitude.  

They shortlisted a total of 25 students for the interview round. 


Round-2(Technical Interview): 

  • In this round, their main focus was on Database and my projects.
  • As I had mentioned 3 live projects in my resume. so, They asked me to explain one of the major projects which was NIMCET-2019.
  • They also asked me about my role as a tech lead of an official NIMCET2019 Website Team Member.
  • After that, They told me to draw an ER diagram of the NIMCET project and to write code for my project on the White Board.
  • They also gave me some SQL queries to solve: 
    • Write a SQL query to find out the Second youngest student in the student table and his hobby?
    • Say you have a preference in car type – you like sports cars the most , then sedans , then SUV, then anyone else. Write a Query to have a summary based on your preference?
  • Then, they checked my GitHub account and they all were very impressed by my huge open-source contribution.

At the end of the 2nd round, 10 persons were shortlisted to go further. 


Round-3(HR + Managerial): 

In this round, The Panel consisted of 5 people. They all were asking questions related to my role as a tech lead and also gave me some situations based questions. 

For example:  

  1. Why should we hire you?
  2. How would you help your team members in some random situation?
  3. Also, Some Hypothetical questions based on some tough situations?

In the end, a total of 4 students were selected from NITK Surathkal and I was one of them. 


Advice for the particular company: 

If you are aiming for a company like CITI India so you should have Database Projects and your decision capability should be strong as well as your communication skills matter. You should be confident enough to answer every question. 


Your Way of Preparation 

w3wiki, SQL, PL/SQL, C++, Operating System, Data Structure, Sanchit Jain video’s on Operating System. For coding Beginner for Beginner, HackerRank, interview bit, LeetCode.