Citi Bank India Interview Experience (On-Campus)

First Round (Online Test): The test was conducted on The AMCAT platform which had 4 sections:

  1. Quantitative aptitude: 14 questions 
  2. Logical Reasoning: 12 questions
  3. Technical MCQ: 25 questions 
  4. Coding section: 2 questions.

The first three sections are relatively easy and can be done well with good practice and speed. Remember to manage your time efficiently and you are not allowed to change answers or move back to the previous questions once submitted.

Coding Questions:

  1. Bit Manipulation(Gray code)
  2. Backtracking(Rat and cheese problem)

My code passed 80% of the given test cases for both the coding questions. 

After the online test, 178 students were shortlisted for the second round.

Second Round (Technical Interview): This interview was held on the Aspiring Minds platform. There were 2-panel members who introduced themselves and asked for my introduction and my passion for technology. Later I was posed with questions from the projects that I had mentioned in my resume, C++, and DBMS. They asked some basic questions like fundamental differences between C, C++, and JAVA, what is static and dynamic binding, macros, and the advantages of using OOPS, what are applets and servlets. Then they went on to put me in different hypothetical questions and asked me what my actions would be in such situations. One of the panelists also asked me about my short and long time goals. My suggestion to all the candidates out there is to be confident and answer all the questions in a precise manner. They even asked about what I knew about Citi.

After the second round around 50 people were shortlisted for the next round.

Third Round (HR Interview): It was a really easy round which was a phone call interview.

  1. Introduction
  2. What are your strengths and weaknesses. ?
  3. Tell me about your summer internship.
  4. Why do you want to join Citi?
  5. How many interviews were you selected for before Citi and why didn’t those companies select you?

Any questions do you have for me?

They announced the results around 12 at night, and I was one of the 47 students whom they hired as a Full-time Employee. A big thanks to GeekforBeginner for helping me learn all the concepts and improve my coding skills.