Classification of Industries in India

Classification of Industries in India: Industries refer to the economic apparatus whose main purpose and motive is for the production as well as distribution of goods as well as services. The development, as well as the growth of this, is mostly in a linear way and industries are prime for any economy because they are singlehandedly important for manufacturing goods and services that fit the demand in the market. The size of industries is categorized based on their benefits as well as shortcomings, as large initial investments are required but also yield much more profit than smaller industries.

Table of Content

  • Three Types of Industries
  • Distinctions Between Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Sectors
  • Classification of Industries

Three Types of Industries

The term industry is used for exercises within which mechanical apparatuses and specialized skills are concerned. Enterprises may well be separated into 3 general classifications of industries in India: primary, secondary, and tertiary.

Primary Industry

Primary industry refers to the first sector which comprises the first stage of the production cycle and includes agriculture, fishing, hunting, and other activities. The primary sector involves simple methods and does not inculcate sophisticated methods for the production or distribution of goods and services. Basic needs are provided by them for humans and this sector uses minimum technology for the cultivation of products. This sector can be divided into:

  1. Genetic Industry
  2. Extractive Industry

Secondary Industry

The secondary industry refers to the industries which process the raw material into more useful and consumption-based products for people and convert raw materials to more refined as well as useful forms. This is for increasing the market value of the products and also for preparation of more useful and for increasing value of a product. The secondary industry hence plays a crucial role in adding value to raw materials and marketability of goods. They involve in refining products, rather than producing them. Two types of secondary industries are:

  1. Heavy industry
  2. Light industry

Tertiary Industry

The tertiary sector is involved in the economic sector for the provision of services that are not directly related to the production or processing of raw materials. Tertiary activities include banking, retailing, and other services. Tertiary industries do not produce tangible goods but intangible goods and include professionals like professors, educators, hairdressers, etc. The tertiary sector is divided into two sectors:

  1. The profit includes companies and businesses which make money.
  2. The non-profit sector includes public education.

Distinctions Between Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Sectors

Primary Sector Secondary Sector Tertiary Sector
The primary sector comprises agriculture and related activities. The manufacturing industry forms an important aspect of the secondary sector. The tertiary sector is made up of the service sector.
The primary sector provides both goods and services along with raw materials. The secondary sector increases the utility of any product by converting it into a useful product. By the provision of services, the tertiary sector helps in elementary as well as secondary sectors.
The primary sector is mostly not organized and uses traditional methods. The secondary sector is more organized and used more efficient manufacturing units. The tertiary sector is more organized and also employs some advanced forms and systems.

Classification of Industries

Classification of Industries

The arrangement of these ventures is critical. Businesses are organized on the ideas of raw materials, size, and possession. Let’s dive deep into the classification of industries on different aspects:

On the Basis of Size

It alludes to what proportion of capital contributed, the number of people used, and therefore the volume of creation. Order of enterprises has likewise been drained lightweight of size, businesses are characterized into tiny-scale industries, massive-scale industries, medium enterprises, and house enterprises.

  • Large Scale Industries: Investment of capital is higher and therefore the innovation used is predominant in immense-scope ventures. Creation of vehicles with huge|and huge} instrumentality is the enormous scope of industries. Industries wherever the need for capital speculation surpasses ten crores or on top of. There are infinite individuals used within the business and have a high volume of deals. for instance, Tata Iron and Company, and therefore the merchandise invented are cotton, jute, or material enterprises and then forth.
  • Small Scale Industries: Use a lesser life of capital and innovation once contrasted with immense scope businesses that manufacture monumental volumes of things. Silk winding around and food handling enterprises are restricted scale businesses. cottage or family businesses are a form of restricted scope business wherever the things are invented the exhausting approach, by the craftsmen. Bin winding around, ceramic ware and totally different crafted works are instances of cabin business.
  • Cottage Industries: Area units are characterized as those ventures wherever the need for capital is exceptionally ostensible and might be run with the help of relatives. In the event that the ventures area unit is organized in cities or any country region, it’s referred to as metropolitan cabin enterprises. For example, bin winding around, ceramics, and then forth.
  • Medium Industries: Area units are characterized as those businesses wherever the need for capital reaches between five to ten crores. for example, calf enterprises.

On the Basis of Raw Materials 

These industries classified supported Raw Materials additional named agro-based, mineral-based, marine-based, and biome primarily based.

  • Forest primarily based ventures use terra firm manufacture as unrefined substance businesses connected with timberlands are mash and paper, drugs, pieces of furniture, and structures.
  • Mineral primarily based businesses essential ventures use mineral metals as their unrefined parts results of those enterprises feed ventures one item is Iron made victimization iron mineral used as a natural substance for the collection of assorted different things, for instance, massive instrumentality, building materials, and rail route mentors.
  • Agro-based businesses use plant and creature-primarily based things as their unrefined parts models are food handling, oil, cotton material, dairy farm things, and calf enterprises.
  • Marine primarily based ventures use things from the ocean and seas as unrefined parts Given models are Industries handling fish or collecting animal oil.

Basis of Product

Industries can also be classified on the basis of the product which is produced. The product which is produced is categorized into basic as well as consumer products. Basic products refer to the finished products which are also used by other industries. Consumer industries refer to the finished products which are used as raw materials to be directly consumed by consumers.

On the Basis of Ownership

The Industries on the premise of ownership are in addition ordered into non-public space, state-claimed or public space, joint space, and cooperative space.

Co-operative space businesses are possessed and worked by the manufacturers or suppliers of natural substances, laborers or each Anand Milk Union restricted or AMUL and Sudha’s dairy farm are samples of overcoming adversity of a co-usable endeavor. The pool within the assets provides the advantages or misfortunes proportionately just like the sugar business in a geographical area, the fiber business in Kerala. Joint space businesses are claimed and worked by the state and folks or a gathering of individuals. Maruti Udyog restricted is an associate illustration of the joint space business. Oil Asian Nation Ltd (OIL) is claimed by open and personal areas.

The public space business is possessed and worked by the general public authority, for instance, geographic region physics restricted and the Steel Authority of Asian nations restricted. Private space businesses are possessed and worked by individuals or a gathering of people.TISCO, Bajaj Motorcar Ltd., Reliance Industries, Dabur Industries, and then forth. are the instances of personal space businesses.


To summarise, understanding industry classification is critical in analyzing the economy and its various sectors. The primary sector is concerned with raw material extraction, the secondary sector with manufacturing and construction, and the tertiary sector with the service industry. The quaternary sector is focused on information services, while the quinary sector is focused on human services. By understanding the differences between these sectors, we can gain a better understanding of how the economy works and identify areas for growth and development. Furthermore, these classifications provide insight into the various career opportunities available in various industries, assisting individuals in making informed decisions about their professional paths

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FAQs on Classification of Industries in India

What are the classification of industries matter?

The industries are classified into the following:

  1. Primary Industries
  2. Secondary Industries
  3. Tertiary Industries
  4. Quaternary industries

What are the 6 types of industries in India?

The 6 types of industries in India include Iron and steel industries, textiles, jute, cement, paper, and sugar industries.

What are the 8 major industries in India?

The 8 major industries in India include coal, crude oil, natural gas, refinery, steel, cement, fertilizers and electricity.

Why are industries classified?

Industries are classified on the basis of raw materials, size and ownership.

What are the importance of industries?

The importance of industries is it helps in the advancement in innovation and technology to the place it is located in.