Distinctions Between Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Sectors

Primary Sector Secondary Sector Tertiary Sector
The primary sector comprises agriculture and related activities. The manufacturing industry forms an important aspect of the secondary sector. The tertiary sector is made up of the service sector.
The primary sector provides both goods and services along with raw materials. The secondary sector increases the utility of any product by converting it into a useful product. By the provision of services, the tertiary sector helps in elementary as well as secondary sectors.
The primary sector is mostly not organized and uses traditional methods. The secondary sector is more organized and used more efficient manufacturing units. The tertiary sector is more organized and also employs some advanced forms and systems.

Classification of Industries in India

Classification of Industries in India: Industries refer to the economic apparatus whose main purpose and motive is for the production as well as distribution of goods as well as services. The development, as well as the growth of this, is mostly in a linear way and industries are prime for any economy because they are singlehandedly important for manufacturing goods and services that fit the demand in the market. The size of industries is categorized based on their benefits as well as shortcomings, as large initial investments are required but also yield much more profit than smaller industries.

Table of Content

  • Three Types of Industries
  • Distinctions Between Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Sectors
  • Classification of Industries

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