Coforge Interview Experience For Data Analyst/Data Engineer Internship + PPO (On-Campus) 2024

Round 1 (Online Assessment in College Lab)

Platform: Mettl [Camera, Mic, Screen Sharing were on]

CGPA cutoff: 6.00

300 students were shortlisted for this round

Part 1: [Difficulty: Easy-Moderate]

  • 30 Aptitude MCQs ā€“ 30 minutes
  • 12 Technical MCQs ā€“ 12 minutes [Topics: DBMS, SQL, Python]
  • 1 Coding ā€“ 25 minutes

Part 2: Spoken Communication(SpeechX) ā€“ 30 minutes

Sections including

  • Read the sentence
  • Listen to a sentence and speak it
  • Speak on a given topic for 1 minute [3 topics]
  • English Grammar MCQs

Round-2 (Technical Interview)

  • Platform: Offline F2F interview
  • 50 students were shortlisted for this round
  • The interviewer introduced himself and asked me to introduce myself
  • Questions on the Data aspect of Resume Projects. Eg: Why did you use MongoDB as the database?
  • Asked me whether I knew Windows functions or not
  • SQL Query to find 2nd Highest Salary
  • Guesstimate Problem: Find the total no of fridges sold in India annually
  • He asked me if I had any questions

Round-3 (Managerial Interview)

  • Platform: Microsoft Teams
  • Project discussion
  • Questions on Resume
  • Since I did not put Python in my resume, he asked how I cope as the role demands Python
  • He asked me to explain the Bubble Sort algorithm
  • I had mentioned DSA in my resume, so he asked about the toughest DSA problem I had encountered
  • Why do you want to become a software developer?
  • What would you do if you did not get assigned any project in the company?
  • How did you assign the tasks to the team project?
  • How did you resolve conflicts in the team project?
  • Strengths & Weaknesses

Round-4 (HR Round)

  • Platform: Offline F2F interview
  • Introduction
  • Family Background
  • Open to relocation or not
  • Open to night shift or not
  • Whether Iā€™m okay with CTC or not
  • Why should we hire you?
  • Asked me if I had any questions

Verdict: Selected

13 candidates were finally offered an internship at Coforge

Tip: Be prepared with Resume, SQL and a little DSA[Linear Data Structures] and you are good to go.