Commands required to configure PPP

Nowadays, several commands are available on the router to simply configure, manage, and handle Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) on the router. Configuration simply means process of setting network’s control, flow, and operation to usually support communication over network of an organization or between routers. PPP can be required on synchronous links, ISDN calls, TDM groups, etc. PPP can also be used on router simply to carry IP, IPX, DECnet, and AppleTalk routing protocols, bridged protocols, and compressed or encrypted data. Some of the commands that are available on the router are given below :

  1. Activate PPP :
    This command develops and transmits PPP packet to particular PPP interface as if the packet must have been received from lower layer interface, and also is intended for diagnostic and testing purposes. There is parameter known as RXPKT that is generally required to specifies PPP packet simply to develop and transmit, as string of hexadecimal characters.

  2. Add PPP :
    This command adds synchronous port, an ISDN call, an ACC call, MIOX circuit, TDM group, or an L2TP call to the PPP interface simply to use physical layer.

  3. Create PPP :
    This command creates and develops the specified PPP interfaces that are running over synchronous port, an ISDN call, an ACC call, MIOX circuit, TDM group, or an L2TP call.

  4. Create PPP Template :
    This command creates and develops PPP template that is needed to configure dynamic PPP interfaces basically developed when an ISDN, LSTP call, or ACC is being activated.

  5. Delete PPP :
    This command specifies synchronous port, ISDN call, ACC call, MIOX circuit, TDM group, or L2TP call from the use or required by PPP interface simply as physical layer. This interface might be left without physical layers.

  6. Destroy PPP :
    This command destroys particular PPP interface, as opposed to simply DELETE PPP command that usually deletes physical interface being required by PPP interface.

  7. Destroy PPP Template :
    This command destroys particular PPP template and also eliminate or reject any of call associations.

  8. Disable PPP :
    This command disables particular PPP interface. Interface should be enabled currently or presently. For higher-layer network protocols, Interface is not available, but configuration is mainly continued to store in non-volatile storage. When interface is re-enabled, it is restored.

  9. Disable PPP Debug :
    This command disables debugging option, especially for particular PPP interface.

  10. Disable PPP Template Debug :
    This command disables debugging option simply for dynamic PPP interfaces that are being developed or created using particular PPP template.

  11. Enable PPP : This command enables particular PPP interface. Interface should be disabled currently or presently.
  12. Enable PPP Debug :
    This command is generally required to enable debugging option simply for particular PPP interface. Debugging might be already enabled or it might not be.

  13. Enable PPP Template Debug :
    This command enables debugging option simply for dynamic interfaces that are being developed or created using particular PPP template. Debugging might be already enabled or it might not be.

  14. Purge PPP :
    This command destroys all of PPP interfaces and also reinitialized PPP module.

  15. Reset PPP :
    This command resets particular PPP interface, or counters simply for particular PPP interface.

  16. Set PPP :
    This command change or alter all configuration parameters of PPP interface that is running over synchronous port, ISDN call, ACC call, L2TP call, TDM group, or MIOX circuit.

  17. Set PPP Template :
    This command modify and change existing PPP template that is being required to configure dynamic PPP interfaces simply developed and created when ISDN, L2TP or ACC call is being activated.

  18. Show PPP :
    This command displays total list of each and every PPP interface, list of users of interface, list physical interfaces that the interface is running over, and also list of current or present state of interface.

  19. Show PPP Config :
    This command displays configuration of PPP interface.

  20. Show PPP Count :
    This command displays interface MIB entry and counters simply for users of interface.

  21. Show PPP Debug :
    This command display all debugging options that are enabled currently or presently simply for particular or all of PPP interfaces.

  22. Show PPP Idletimer :
    This command display configured and all of current or present values of PPP idle simply for particular or all of PPP interfaces.

  23. Sjow Multilink :
    This command displays overall data or information or details regarding multi-link bundle simply for particular or all of PPP interfaces.

  24. Show PPP Nameserver :
    This command displays overall data or information or details regarding presently or currently configured global DNS and WINS servers.

  25. Show PPP Template :
    This command displays overall data or information or details regarding PPP templates.

  26. Show PPP Txstatus :
    This command displays overall data or information or details regarding status of transmission queue of PPP simply for particular or all of PPP interfaces.