150+ Common Proverbs with Meaning and Examples for IELTS Exam

Ever feel stuck in writing for IELTS? Proverbs can help! These short sayings add power and meaning to your essays. This article contains over 100 proverbs, their meanings, and how to use them in your IELTS writing. From social change to personal growth, proverbs will boost your score and impress examiners. Let’s unlock your IELTS success with proverbs.

Proverbs are likewise sayings that people have used for generations. They’re short and catchy and they often teach us a lesson about life. In this article, You will get the Proverbs definition in simple language, Types of proverbs, the Most common proverbs, and the List of 100 + common proverbs with meaning and Examples for the IELTS Exam.

Table of Content

  • What is a Proverb?
  • Types of Proverbs
  • 10 Most Common Proverbs for the IELTS Exam
  • List of 100+ Common Proverbs with Meaning and Examples for the IELTS Exam
  • 100+ Common Proverbs with Meaning and Examples for IELTS exam – FAQs

What is a Proverb?

Proverbs are short and wise sayings like “the early bird gets the worm.” Passed down over time, they offer life lessons in a catchy way, often using rhymes or comparisons.

Imagine a wise old grandma or grandpa sharing short, catchy sayings with you. Those sayings are proverbs! They’re like little nuggets of wisdom passed down from generation to generation. Proverbs are short and easy to remember because they often:

  • Rhyme: Like “early bird catches the worm.”
  • Use comparisons: Like “Don’t judge a book by its cover.”
  • Have two contrasting ideas: Like “easy come, easy go.”

These proverbs teach us lessons about life, like the importance of honesty (“honesty is the best policy”) or not giving up (“if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again”). They can also be funny or clever ways to say something, making them memorable.

10 Most Common Proverbs for the IELTS Exam

Here are 10 popular proverbs that are widely applicable and can be used in various essay topics:





1 Absence makes the heart grow fonder Being away from someone or something for a period of time makes you appreciate that person or thing more when you see them or it again “I used to hate going to my aunt’s house, but now I kind of miss it. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.”
2 Actions speak louder than words What you do is more important than what you say “Don’t just tell me you’re going to change. Do it! Actions speak louder than words.”
3 A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step You must begin something if you hope to finish it; something that takes a long time to finish begins with one step “If you want to lose weight, you need to stop eating junk, and you need to start exercising. Today. Not tomorrow. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
4 All good things must come to an end Everything ends; good times don’t last forever “I wish this vacation would go on forever. It’s too bad that all good things must come to an end.”
5 A picture is worth a thousand words An image can tell a story better than words “I wasn’t sure that he loved her, but then I saw them hugging at the airport. A picture is worth a thousand words.”
6 A watched pot never boils If something takes time to do, it doesn’t help to constantly check on it. You just have to give it time. “I know you think he’s going to be a great guitar player one day, but stop criticizing him so much. He just started taking lessons two weeks ago! A watched pot never boils.”
7 Beggars can’t be choosers If you’re in a bad situation and someone offers to help you, you have to take whatever they give you and shouldn’t ask for more “I was unemployed, and they offered me a job cleaning prison toilets. I didn’t like the job, but I accepted it. Beggars can’t be choosers.”
8 Beauty is in the eye of the beholder What is “beautiful” is different for each person “I think their house is ugly, but they seem to like it. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”
9 Better late than never It’s better to finish something late than to never do it at all “Hello, Mr. Jameson. Here is my final essay. Better late than never, right?”
10 Birds of a feather flock together People who are similar spend time together “I think we all started hanging out because we all liked anime. Birds of a feather flock together.”

List of 100+ Common Proverbs with Meaning and Examples for the IELTS Exam

Below is the list of 100+ common proverbs with meaning and examples for the IELTS Exam are as follows :




A stitch in time saves nine

Taking care of small problems early prevents bigger problems later.

“We should address these cracks in the foundation now to avoid a costly repair later. A stitch in time saves nine.”

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket:

Don’t rely on a single source of income or opportunity.

It’s wise for entrepreneurs not to put all their eggs in one basket by diversifying their investments

The early bird catches the worm

The first person to act has the best chance of success.

Students who revise early for exams are more likely to achieve good grades. The early bird catches the worm.

Look before you leap

Think carefully before you take action.

It’s important to look before you leap when making important decisions about your career.

Many hands make light work

Working together makes difficult tasks easier.

The community project was completed quickly thanks to the spirit of many hands making light work

Practice makes perfect:

The more you do something, the better you become at it.

Aspiring musicians understand that practice makes perfect, dedicating many hours to honing their skills.

Strike while the iron is hot:

Take advantage of an opportunity when it arises.

The company should strike while the iron is hot and launch its new product while the market is receptive.

Two heads are better than one:

Collaboration and discussion lead to better ideas.

Brainstorming sessions allow two heads to be better than one, generating a wider range of creative solutions.

Where there’s a will, there’s a way:

If you are determined, you can find a solution.

Despite limited resources, the team’s where there’s a will, there’s a way attitude allowed them to complete the project successfully.

You reap what you sow

Your actions have consequences, both good and bad.

If a company prioritizes short-term profits over sustainability, it will eventually reap what it sows in the form of environmental damage

Honesty is the best policy

It’s always best to be truthful.

Honesty is the best policy, even if it means admitting a mistake.

Keep your promises:

Being reliable and trustworthy is important.

It’s essential to keep your promises to maintain trust in relationships.

Kindness goes a long way:

Small acts of kindness can have a positive impact.

A simple act of kindness, like helping someone carry groceries, goes a long way in making the world a better place.

Sharing is caring:

Generosity and sharing are positive qualities

Sharing is caring, and it’s an important lesson to teach children from a young age

Think before you speak:

Consider the impact of your words before speaking.

It’s wise to think before you speak, especially in emotionally charged situations.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder:

Being away from someone you love can make you appreciate them more.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder, which is why some couples feel their relationship strengthens when they spend time apart.

All that glitters is not gold:

Things that seem attractive may not be as valuable as they appear.

Don’t be fooled by all that glitters is not gold; a high salary doesn’t guarantee happiness.

Birds of a feather flock together:

People with similar interests tend to be friends.

Birds of a feather flock together, which is why you often see groups of people with shared hobbies spending time together.

Curiosity killed the cat

Be cautious about excessive curiosity that might lead to trouble.

While curiosity is important for learning, sometimes it’s best to remember that curiosity killed the cat and avoid prying into sensitive matters.

Every cloud has a silver lining

Even in bad situations, there is usually a positive aspect.

The company’s financial difficulties were a setback, but every cloud has a silver lining, as it forced them to become more efficient.

A rolling stone gathers no moss:

People who are constantly moving from one place or job to another don’t achieve stability or success.

The company prefers to hire employees who are dedicated and committed, not rolling stones who gather no moss and lack long-term focus.

A stitch in time saves nine:

Taking care of small problems early prevents bigger problems later.

Regular maintenance on your car is a good example of a stitch in time saves nine, preventing costly repairs down the road

Don’t cry over spilt milk

Don’t dwell on past mistakes or misfortunes

The missed job interview is disappointing, but there’s no point crying over spilt milk. Focus on preparing for the next opportunity.

He who hesitates is lost

Indecision can lead to missed opportunities.

In a competitive job market, he who hesitates is lost. It’s important to apply for positions promptly.

It takes two to tango:

An argument or conflict requires the participation of more than one person.

The project failed because it takes two to tango. There was a lack of communication and collaboration between the teams involved.

A penny saved is a penny earned

Saving money is just as valuable as earning it.

A penny saved is a penny earned is a valuable lesson to teach children about financial responsibility.

Actions speak louder than words

What you do is more important than what you say.

The company’s commitment to sustainability is admirable, but actions speak louder than words. We need to see concrete steps being taken.

All good things must come to an end

Nothing lasts forever, even good times.

Enjoy this successful period in your career, but remember that all good things must come to an end. Be prepared for future challenges.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away

Eating healthy habits is important for good health

While an apple a day keeps the doctor away might be an oversimplification, it highlights the importance of a balanced diet

Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back:

Curiosity can lead to both trouble and positive outcomes.

Scientific curiosity has driven many important discoveries, but it’s important to balance it with caution. Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.

You can’t teach an old dog new tricks

It can be difficult to learn new things or change habits later in life.

Discussing challenges of adapting to new technologies in the workplace for older generations.

Life begins at 40:

It’s never too late to pursue new goals and experiences

Discussing the benefits of starting a new career or hobby later in life

Old wine in new bottles

Classic ideas or approaches can be adapted for modern times.

Discussing the importance of preserving traditional skills while embracing innovation.

Out with the old, in with the new:

Sometimes, change and modernization are necessary.

Discussing the need for updating educational curriculums to reflect the changing job market.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now

It’s never too late to start working towards your goals.

Discussing the importance of taking action, even if you feel you’ve missed opportunities earlier in life.

A friend in need is a friend indeed

True friends are there for you during difficult times.

Discussing the importance of maintaining strong social connections throughout life.

Blood is thicker than water:

Family bonds are strong and enduring.

Discussing the importance of family support, even when there are disagreements

Experience is the best teacher:

Learning from your mistakes and successes shapes who you are.

Discussing the value of practical experience over theoretical knowledge in certain professions.

Old friends are gold:

Long-lasting friendships hold special value.

Discussing the importance of maintaining childhood friendships in adulthood.

You can’t buy happiness with money:

Material possessions don’t guarantee happiness

Discussing the importance of finding fulfilment beyond financial success.

A closed mouth gathers no dust

It’s important to speak up and share your ideas.

Discussing the importance of participating in discussions and decision-making, especially for experienced individuals.

Don’t judge a book by its cover:

First impressions can be deceiving.

Discussing the importance of open-mindedness and avoiding prejudice based on age or appearance.

Hindsight is 20/20:

It’s easier to see the right course of action after the fact.

Discussing the importance of learning from past mistakes without dwelling on them.

It’s never too late to learn:

You can continue learning and growing throughout your life.

Discussing the benefits of lifelong learning and personal development.

Slow and steady wins the race:

Consistent effort is more important than short bursts of intense activity.

Discussing the value of perseverance and patience in achieving long-term goals.

Age before beauty

Experience and wisdom are more valuable than physical appearance.

Discussing the importance of valuing senior employees’ contributions in the workplace.

All that glitters is not gold:

Don’t be fooled by outward appearances; true value lies deeper

Discussing the importance of prioritizing meaningful experiences over materialistic pursuits.

For every dark cloud, there’s a silver lining:

Even in difficult times, there are positive aspects to be found.

Discussing the resilience and optimism needed to navigate challenges faced in mid-life.

It’s never too late to mend fences:

Relationships can be repaired, even after disagreements.

Discussing the importance of reconciliation and resolving conflicts within families or communities.

Still, waters run deep

Quiet and reserved people can have great wisdom and experience

the value of listening to the perspectives of older generations who may not be as outwardly expressive.

A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle:

Sharing knowledge and helping others benefits everyone.

the importance of mentorship programs where experienced professionals guide younger generations.

Leave the world a better place than you found it:

Our actions should contribute positively to society.

Discussing the importance of social responsibility and environmental sustainability, especially for those with established careers.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now:

It’s never too late to make a positive impact.

Discussing the opportunity for mid-career professionals to pursue new ventures or contribute to social causes.

The youth are the future, but the old hold the wisdom:

Young people’s energy and innovation are valuable, but mature adults provide guidance and stability

Discussing the importance of intergenerational collaboration in achieving progress.

You can’t take it with you:

Material possessions don’t matter as much as leaving a positive legacy.

Discussing the importance of focusing on experiences, relationships, and contributions beyond financial wealth.

A rolling stone gathers no moss:

Constant change might prevent stability and achieving goals.

Discussing the value of finding a work-life balance and focusing on areas where one can make a lasting contribution

It’s never too late to learn

Continuous learning keeps the mind sharp and opens new possibilities.

Discussing the benefits of pursuing new skills and hobbies in mid-life.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step:

Even small actions can lead to significant achievements over time.

Discussing the importance of setting realistic goals and taking consistent action towards achieving them.

You reap what you sow:

Your actions and choices have lasting consequences.

Discussing the importance of living a life true to your values and making ethical decisions.

Youth is wasted on the young:

Young people may not fully appreciate the opportunities available to them.

Discussing the advantages of having accumulated life experience and perspective that come with age.

A life well lived is a long life:

True fulfilment comes from living a meaningful and impactful life, not just a long one.

Discussing the importance of focusing on quality of life and positive experiences in retirement.

A life is what you make it:

You have the power to shape your own life experiences, even later in life.

Discussing the opportunities for personal growth and pursuing passions available in retirement.

Grey hair is a crown of wisdom if it is found in the way of righteousness:

Experience and wisdom gained through life are valuable assets.

Discussing the importance of valuing the advice and contributions of senior citizens in society.

It’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years:

True fulfilment comes from living life to the fullest, regardless of age

Discussing the importance of staying active, engaged, and pursuing new experiences after retirement.

Leave the world a better place than you found it:

Our actions, big or small, can have a lasting positive impact.

Discussing the contributions senior citizens can make to volunteer work, community projects, or environmental initiatives.

All good things must come to an end:

Even the best times eventually come to a close, but it’s important to cherish the memories.

Discussing the importance of accepting the natural cycle of life and finding joy in the present moment.

Every cloud has a silver lining:

Even in difficult situations, there are usually positive aspects to be found.

Discussing the resilience and optimism needed to navigate health challenges or changes that come with ageing.

For every dark cloud, there’s a silver lining:

Even in difficult times, there are usually positive aspects to be found

Discussing the resilience and optimism needed to navigate challenges faced in mid-life.

It’s never too late to mend fences

Relationships can be repaired, even after disagreements.

Discussing the importance of reconciliation and fostering strong family bonds throughout life.

Still, waters run deep:

Quiet and introspective individuals can have great wisdom and experience.

Discussing the value of listening to the perspectives of older generations who may not be as outwardly expressive.

A grateful heart is a happy heart:

Appreciating what you have can lead to greater happiness and contentment. (

Discussing the importance of focusing on the positive aspects of life, especially in retirement.

Count your blessings:

Taking time to appreciate the good things in life can cultivate a sense of gratitude.

Discussing the importance of appreciating good health, relationships, and life experiences, especially after retirement.

Don’t sweat the small stuff:

Focusing on minor issues can lead to unnecessary stress.

Discussing the importance of maintaining a positive outlook and letting go of worries in retirement

Home is where the heart is:

True happiness comes from being surrounded by loved ones, regardless of material possessions

Discussing the importance of family and close relationships in providing a sense of belonging and support.

Laughter is the best medicine:

Humour and a positive outlook can contribute to good health and well-being

Discussing the importance of maintaining a sense of humour and finding joy in life, especially after retirement.

All in good time:

Things happen when they are meant to, and patience is key.

Discussing the importance of accepting the natural pace of life and finding peace in the present moment.

Life is a journey, not a destination:

It’s about the experiences and connections made along the way, not just reaching specific goals.

Discussing the importance of appreciating the journey of life and cherishing past experiences.

There is a time for everything:

Certain actions or experiences are best suited for specific stages in life.

Discussing the importance of prioritizing peace and reflection in later years, while acknowledging the value of achievements in younger years.

You can’t turn back the clock

Dwelling on the past is unproductive; focus on the present and future possibilities

Discussing the importance of accepting the past and living a fulfilling life in the present, even with limitations.

You don’t know what you’ve got ’til it’s gone:

We often appreciate things more when they are no longer readily available.

Discussing the importance of cherishing loved ones and valuing simple pleasures in life.

A life well lived is a blessing

Living a life of integrity, purpose, and positive contributions brings a sense of fulfilment.

Discussing the importance of leaving a positive legacy through your actions and relationships.

A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops:

The impact we have on others can be long-lasting and far-reaching

Discussing the importance of mentorship and sharing knowledge with younger generations, even in retirement

Experience is the best teacher:

The lessons learned throughout life are invaluable and contribute to wisdom.

Discussing the value of senior citizens’ advice and perspectives in decision-making processes

It’s never too late to learn:

The desire to learn and grow can continue throughout life, regardless of age

Discussing the benefits of lifelong learning and exploring new interests in retirement.

The world is your oyster:

Opportunities and possibilities are still available, even at an advanced age

Discussing the importance of maintaining a positive outlook and embracing new experiences in retirement.

A thankful heart is a happy heart:

Appreciating what you have can lead to greater happiness and peace.

Discussing the importance of focusing on the positive aspects of life, even with physical limitations.

Count your blessings:

Taking time to appreciate the good things in life can cultivate a sense of gratitude.

Discussing the importance of appreciating good health (however defined at this stage), relationships, and a life filled with experiences.

Every day is a gift:

Cherish each day, as life is precious and unpredictable.

Discussing the importance of living in the present moment and finding joy in the simple things.

Home is where the heart is:

True happiness comes from being surrounded by loved ones, regardless of material possessions.

Discussing the importance of family and close relationships in providing a sense of belonging and support, especially for those living alone.

Laughter is the best medicine:

Humour and a positive outlook can contribute to emotional and mental well-being.

Discussing the importance of maintaining a sense of humour and finding joy in life, even with challenges.

A good name is better than riches:

A positive reputation built on good character is more valuable than wealth.

Discussing the importance of living a life of integrity and leaving a positive legacy for future generations.

Light a candle rather than curse the darkness:

Take action to improve a situation instead of complaining.

Discussing the importance of senior citizens’ continued involvement in social issues and advocacy, even with limitations.

The pen is mightier than the sword

Ideas and knowledge can have a greater impact than physical force.

Discussing the power of sharing wisdom and experiences through writing or mentorship, even at an advanced age.

What goes around comes around

Our actions have consequences, both positive and negative.

Discussing the importance of living ethically and with kindness, as it can have a ripple effect on others.

You can’t take it with you:

Material possessions don’t matter as much as the positive impact you leave on the world.

Discussing the importance of focusing on values and contributions beyond accumulating wealth.

Carpe diem:

Seize the day! Make the most of every opportunity.

Discussing the importance of embracing new experiences and finding joy in life, regardless of age

Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today:

Procrastination can lead to missed opportunities.

Discussing the importance of living life to the fullest and pursuing goals while you are still able

Every day is a gift:

Cherish each day, as life is precious and unpredictable

Discussing the importance of appreciating the simple pleasures and finding joy in the present moment

It’s never too late to be happy:

Happiness is a choice, and it can be found at any stage in life.

Discussing the importance of maintaining a positive outlook and focusing on gratitude for a long life

Laughter is the best medicine

Humour and a positive outlook can contribute to emotional and mental well-being.

Discussing the importance of maintaining a sense of humour and finding joy in life, even with challenges.

Common Proverbs with Meaning and Examples for IELTS Exam- FAQs

What is the meaning of proverbs in English for example?

A proverb is a short sentence that people often quote, which gives advice or tells you something about life. For example, `A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. ‘

How many words are allowed in the IELTS test?

You will be asked to write at least 150 words for Task 1 and at least 250 words for Task 2. Your Writing test will be marked by a certificated IELTS examiner. Task 2 is worth twice as much as Task 1 in the IELTS Writing test. Scores are reported in whole and half bands.

Which is the most famous proverb?

  • The most famous proverb are as following :
  • “Honesty is the best policy” – promotes truthfulness as the most reliable course of action.
  • “The early bird catches the worm” – rewards taking initiative and proactive behavior.
  • “Actions speak louder than words” – highlights that deeds hold more weight than simply talking about them.

Who wrote the first 10 proverbs?

Traditional Attribution. Traditionally, the Book of Proverbs was believed to have been written by King Solomon, or at the very least, Solomon primarily. This assumption comes from a variety of factors. King Solomon was known as the wisest man who ever lived.

What are three examples of proverbs with meaning?

Birds of the same feather flock together – people with common characteristics always end up together. 2) He who plays the piper calls the tune – when one has to act according to a superior’s wishes. 3) Out of sight, out of mind – once you lose sight of a thing, you can forget it altogether.