Most Commonly Mispronounced words in IELTS Speaking

One of the most important components of language evaluation is pronunciation, which is especially noticeable while taking the Speaking test of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). In addition to providing easy communication, accurate pronunciation highlights language proficiency and fluency. Pronunciation errors are a common source of difficulty for applicants in the challenging IELTS Speaking test, affecting their performance and perhaps lowering their scores.

In this article, we will explore the technical aspects of pronunciation in the context of the IELTS Speaking test, highlighting the most commonly mispronounced words that test-takers across the globe come across.

Table of Content

  • Common Spelling Mistakes in the IELTS Speaking Test
  • Top 20 Most Mispronounced Words in IELTS Speaking
  • Tips to Improve Pronunciation for IELTS Speaking
  • Examples and Exercises of the IELTS Speaking Test
    • Minimal Pairs Practice
    • Phonetic Transcription Practice
    • Tongue Twisters
    • Sentence Stress Practice
    • Word Stress Exercises
    • Shadowing Exercises
    • Vowel Sounds Practice
    • Consonant Sounds Practice
  • British or American Spellings – Which One is Accepted in the IELTS Test?
  • IELTS Speaking Test Most Commonly Mispronounced Words- FAQs
    • What is the importance of pronunciation in the IELTS Speaking test?
    • How can I improve my pronunciation for the IELTS Speaking test?
    • Are British or American spellings accepted in the IELTS Speaking test?
    • What are some common mispronounced words in the IELTS Speaking test?
    • Should I worry about my accent in the IELTS Speaking test?
    • Can mispronunciations affect my score in the IELTS Speaking test?
    • How can I overcome nervousness about mispronouncing words during the IELTS Speaking test?

Common Spelling Mistakes in the IELTS Speaking Test

The IELTS Speaking test evaluates candidates on their ability to convey information, express opinions, and engage in discussions coherently and effectively. Pronunciation, which includes not only the accurate production of individual sounds but also the rhythm, stress, and intonation patterns that define spoken English, is an essential part of this examination.

Test-takers who grasp the complex subject of pronunciation are demonstrating a deeper understanding of language variations and cultural norms than just phonetic accuracy. Candidates who are proficient in pronunciation can communicate intelligibly and clearly, showing confidence and clarity in their views.

  • Phonetic Accuracy: Mastery of individual sounds, phonetic symbols, and their corresponding articulatory mechanisms.
  • Intonation and Stress Patterns: Recognizing the tonal changes and rhythmic flow that give spoken English its expression and meaning.
  • Connected Speech: Understanding the concepts of elimination, connecting, and assimilation to produce speech that sounds natural in continuous discourse.
  • Regional Variations: Recognizing and accommodating diverse accents, dialects, and pronunciation conventions prevalent in English-speaking communities worldwide.
  • Commonly Mispronounced Words: Identifying and addressing pronunciation pitfalls commonly encountered by IELTS test-takers, ranging from tricky phonetic combinations to subtle lexical stress patterns.

Top 20 Most Mispronounced Words in IELTS Speaking

Here’s the list of the top 20 most commonly mispronounced words in the IELTS Speaking test:

No. Word Correct Pronunciation Common Mispronunciation
1. Colonel ker-nl ko-lo-nel
2. Entrepreneur ahn-truh-pruh-nur en-treh-pruh-nur
3. February feb-roo-er-ee feb-yoo-air-ee
4. Wednesday wenz-day wed-nez-day
5. Library lahy-brer-ee lie-berry
6. Comfortable kumf-tuh-buhl kuhm-fer-tuh-buhl
7. Nuclear noo-klee-er noo-kyuh-lur
8. Recipe res-uh-pee ree-sip
9. Choir kwahy-er choy-er
10. Clothes klohz klothes
11. Mischievous mis-chuh-vuhs mis-chee-vee-uhs
12. Anemone uh-nem-uh-nee an-uh-mown
13. Hyperbole hahy-pur-buh-lee hi-per-boil
14. Worcestershire wuust-er-sheer wawr-ches-ter-shy-er
15. Potpourri po-puh-ree pot-pour-ee
16. Epitome ih-pit-uh-mee eh-pi-tome
17. Draught draft drot
18. Anecdote an-ik-doht an-ik-dot
19. Quinoa keen-wah kwin-o-a
20. Pseudonym soo-duh-nim soo-dee-nim

Tips to Improve Pronunciation for IELTS Speaking

Here are some tips to improve pronunciation for the IELTS Speaking test:

  • Listen Actively: Engage with various English audio materials such as podcasts, radio programs, and audiobooks. Pay close attention to native speakers’ pronunciation, intonation, and rhythm.
  • Practice Regularly: Dedicate time each day to practice speaking English aloud. Focus on articulating sounds accurately and fluently, and gradually increase the complexity of your spoken exercises.
  • Use Pronunciation Guides: Utilize online resources, textbooks, or pronunciation apps that provide phonetic transcriptions and audio examples to help you understand and practice the correct pronunciation of words.
  • Record Yourself: Record your spoken responses to IELTS Speaking practice questions and listen to them critically. Identify areas for improvement and work on refining your pronunciation based on feedback.
  • Break Down Words: Break down complex words into smaller phonetic units and practice pronouncing each syllable separately before combining them into the complete word.
  • Focus on Problem Sounds: Identify sounds or phonetic patterns that you find challenging and target them for focused practice. Pay particular attention to sounds that do not exist in your native language.
  • Mirror Native Speakers: Mimic the pronunciation of native English speakers by listening to their speech patterns and imitating their pronunciation, intonation, and stress.
  • Utilize Tongue Twisters: Practice tongue twisters and phonetically challenging sentences to improve your articulation and fluency. Repeat them slowly at first, then gradually increase your speed as you become more comfortable.

Examples and Exercises of the IELTS Speaking Test

Here are some examples and exercises to help learners practice correct pronunciation:

Minimal Pairs Practice

Minimal pairs are pairs of words that differ by only one sound. Practice distinguishing between similar sounds to improve your pronunciation accuracy.


  • Ship / Sheep
  • Pat / Bat
  • Fan / Van

Phonetic Transcription Practice

Practice reading and pronouncing words using phonetic transcriptions to improve your understanding of English pronunciation.


  • Word: “Pronunciation”
  • Phonetic Transcription: /prəˌnʌn.siˈeɪ.ʃən/

Tongue Twisters

Tongue twisters are sentences with repetitive sounds or difficult phonetic combinations. Practice saying them quickly and accurately to improve your articulation and fluency.


  • “She sells seashells by the seashore.”
  • “Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.”

Sentence Stress Practice

Practice identifying and emphasizing the correct syllables in words to improve your sentence stress and intonation.


  • “I love to travel around the world.”
  • “She works hard to achieve her goals.”

Word Stress Exercises

Practice identifying and pronouncing the stressed syllable in multi-syllable words to improve your word stress.


  • WORD: “Photographer”
  • Pronunciation: /fəˈtɒɡ.rə.fər/

Shadowing Exercises

Listen to recordings of native speakers and try to imitate their pronunciation, rhythm, and intonation as closely as possible.


  • Listen to a short audio clip of a native speaker reading a passage and then repeat it, trying to match the speaker’s pronunciation and intonation.

Vowel Sounds Practice

Practice pronouncing English vowel sounds by listening to examples and mimicking the mouth shape and sound production.


  • Listen to and repeat the sounds of long and short vowels: /i:/ (as in “see”) vs. /ɪ/ (as in “sit”).

Consonant Sounds Practice

Practice pronouncing English consonant sounds by focusing on tongue and lip placement.


  • Practice the sounds of voiced (/b/, /d/, /g/) and voiceless (/p/, /t/, /k/) consonants in pairs.

British or American Spellings – Which One is Accepted in the IELTS Test?

Both British and American spellings are generally accepted in the IELTS test. The IELTS exam is designed to assess a candidate’s ability to communicate effectively in English, regardless of whether they use British English or American English spelling conventions.

In writing tasks, candidates should be consistent with the spelling conventions they choose to use. If you prefer British English, you should use British spellings consistently throughout your writing. Similarly, if you prefer American English, you should use American spellings consistently.

The key is to be consistent and accurate in your spelling, regardless of which variant you choose. It’s essential to focus on conveying your ideas clearly and effectively rather than worrying too much about which spelling variant you use.


Pronunciation becomes an essential ability for success in the IELTS Speaking test in a rapidly changing environment of language competence evaluation. We have identified various aspects of English pronunciation and provided detailed evaluations and helpful tips for development through our investigation of the most often mispronounced terms experienced by candidates. Aspiring test-takers now have the resources needed to successfully go through pronunciation issues due to our analysis of phonetic details, identification of frequent mispronunciations, and practical activities and advice. Each aspect of pronunciation, from perfecting articulatory accuracy to enhancing intonation and stress patterns, is essential to forming lucid and cohesive communication.

IELTS Speaking Test Most Commonly Mispronounced Words- FAQs

What is the importance of pronunciation in the IELTS Speaking test?

Pronunciation is crucial for clear communication and showcasing linguistic proficiency, impacting your overall speaking score.

How can I improve my pronunciation for the IELTS Speaking test?

Practice regularly, listen to native speakers, and focus on problem sounds and word stress patterns.

Are British or American spellings accepted in the IELTS Speaking test?

Both British and American spellings are accepted, but consistency is key. Choose one and use it throughout your test.

What are some common mispronounced words in the IELTS Speaking test?

Examples include “colonel,” “entrepreneur,” “February,” and “Wednesday.”

Should I worry about my accent in the IELTS Speaking test?

No, accents are natural and accepted. Focus on clear pronunciation and effective communication.

Can mispronunciations affect my score in the IELTS Speaking test?

Yes, frequent mispronunciations can impact your score, especially if they hinder understanding.

How can I overcome nervousness about mispronouncing words during the IELTS Speaking test?

Practice speaking English with confidence, focus on your message rather than perfection, and remember that mistakes are part of the learning process.