Computer Graphics – Reflection Transformation in 3D

Reflection in 3D space is quite similar to the reflection in 2D space, but a single difference is there in 3D, here we have to deal with three axes (x, y, z). Reflection is nothing but a mirror image of an object. 

Three kinds of Reflections are possible in 3D space:

  • Reflection along the X-Y plane.
  • Reflection along Y-Z plane.
  • Reflection along X-Z plane.

1. Reflection along the X-Y plane: This is shown in the following figure –

Reflection along x-y plane

The Reflection transformation matrix is used to perform the reflection operation over the 3D image, which is as follows:


Consider, a point P[x, y, z] which is in 3D space is made to reflect along X-Y direction after reflection P[x, y, z] becomes P'[x’ ,y’ ,z’].


2. Reflection along the Y-Z plane: This is shown in the following figure –


Reflection along the Y-Z plane


The reflection transformation matrix for y-z axes is as follows:


Consider, a point P[x, y, z] which is in 3D space is made to reflect along Y-Z direction, after reflection P[x, y, z] becomes P'[x’ ,y’ ,z’].


3. Reflection along the X-Z plane: This is shown in the following figure –


 Reflection along the X-Z plane:


The Reflection transformation matrix for z-x axes is as follows:


Consider, a point P[x, y, z] which is in 3D space is made to reflect along Z-X direction, after reflection P[x,  y,  z] becomes P'[x’,  y’,  z’].

Consider a cube β€˜OABCDEFG’, which is given below, perform reflect transformation over it along X-Y plane.

The given cube is as follows:




So, Matrix representation condition of Reflection transformation along X-Y axis: 


Point O[0 0 0] becomes O’ after performing Reflection transformation:


Point A[0 4 0] becomes A’ after performing Reflection transformation:


Point B[0 4 4] becomes B’ after performing Reflection transformation:


Point C[-4 4 0] becomes C’ after performing Reflection transformation:


Point D[4 4 4] becomes D’ after performing Reflection transformation:


Point E[4 0 0] becomes E’ after performing Reflection transformation:


Point F[0 0 4] becomes F’ after performing Reflection transformation:


Point G[4 0 4] becomes G’ after performing Reflection transformation:


After performing Reflection Transformation over the above figure (Fig.1) would look like:


Reflected 3D image