Concept of Callable Classes in Dart

Dart allows the user to create a callable class which allows the instance of the class to be called as a function. To allow an instance of your Dart class to be called like a function, implement the call() method


class class_name {
... // class content

return_type call ( parameters ) {
... // call function content


In the above syntax, we can see that to create a callable class we have to define a call method with a return type and parameters within it.

Example 1: Implementing a callable class in Dart.

// Creating Class w3wiki
class w3wiki {
  // Defining call method which create the class callable
  String call(String a, String b, String c) => 'Welcome to $a$b$c!';

// Main Function
void main() {
  // Creating instance of class
  var geek_input = w3wiki();
  // Calling the class through its instance
  var geek_output = geek_input('Beginner', 'For', 'Beginner');
  // Printing the output



Welcome to w3wiki!

It must be noted that Dart doesn’t support multiple callable methods i.e. if we try to create more than one callable function for the same class it will display error.

Example 2: Implementing multiple callable functions in a class of Dart.

// Creating Class w3wiki
class w3wiki {
  // Defining call method which create the class callable
  String call(String a, String b, String c) => 'Welcome to $a$b$c!';
  // Defining another call method for the same class
  String call(String a) => 'Welcome to $a!';

// Main Function
void main() {
  // Creating instance of class
  var geek_input = w3wiki();
  // Calling the class through its instance
  var geek_output = geek_input('Beginner', 'For', 'Beginner');
  // Printing the output



Error compiling to JavaScript:
Error: 'call' is already declared in this scope.
String call(String a) => 'Welcome to $a!';
Info: Previous declaration of 'call'.
String call(String a, String b, String c) => 'Welcome to $a$b$c!';
Error: Can't use 'call' because it is declared more than once.
var geek_output = geek_input('Beginner', 'For', 'Beginner');
Error: The method 'call' isn't defined for the class 'w3wiki'.
- 'w3wiki' is from 'main.dart'.
var geek_output = geek_input('Beginner', 'For', 'Beginner');
Error: Compilation failed.

A callable class in Dart is a class that can be invoked like a function. To create a callable class, you must define a call method inside the class. The call method can take any number of arguments and return any type of value.

class Adder {
  int call(int a, int b) {
    return a + b;

void main() {
  var adder = Adder();
  var sum = adder(1, 2); // Now you can call the instance directly
  print(sum); // prints 3

You can also define a call method inside an anonymous function, which allows you to create a callable function on the fly. Here is an example:

void main() {
  var adder = (int a, int b) {
    return a + b;
  var sum = adder(1, 2);
  print(sum); // prints 3


void main() {
  var adder = Adder();
  var sum = adder(1, 2);
  print(sum); // prints 3

class Adder {
  int add(int a, int b) {
    return a + b;

  // Define the call method
  int call(int a, int b) {
    return add(a, b);

Output: 3