Scientific Name of Cow

Scientific name of the cow is Bos Taurus. Cows belong to the family Bovidae, which includes other ruminants like sheep, goats, and bison. The scientific name of the cow depends on the genus and species in the classification. There are many breeds of cattle worldwide, each with specific characteristics and uses. Some common breeds include Holstein (dairy), Angus (beef), and Hereford (dual-purpose).

Table of Content

  • Scientific Name of Cow
  • Scientific Name of Cow in India
  • Common Cow Breeds
  • Common Cow Breeds in India
  • Cow Taxonomy
  • Characteristics of Cow
  • FAQs on Scientific Name of Cow

Scientific Name of Cow

The scientific name of the cow is Bos Taurus. Cows are members of the subfamily Bovinae and the most widespread species of the genus Bos. A mature female cattle is commonly referred to as a “cow.” They are distinguishable from bulls (mature males) and calves (young cattle). The domestication of cattle likely began around 10,000 years ago in regions of modern-day Turkey and Pakistan. Various cattle breeds are distributed across distinct geographical regions. Taurine cattle are predominantly located in Europe and temperate zones of Asia, the Americas, and Australia. Zebus, also known as indicine cattle, are primarily situated in India and tropical regions of Asia, the Americas, and Australia. Meanwhile, Sanga cattle are mainly found in sub-Saharan Africa.

Scientific Name of Cow in India

The scientific name of the cow commonly found in India is Bos indicus. It represents a distinct species within the domestic cattle group. These cattle are native to South Asia and are well-suited to the region’s tropical climate, with adaptations that allow them to withstand high temperatures. Bos indicus cattle are recognized for their humped appearance and are characterized by their heat tolerance and resilience.

Common Cow Breeds

Some of the famous cow breeds in the world are as follows:


This breed is black-and-white or red-and-white in colour and is famous for exceptional milk production. Milk is low in butter fat. Most common in North American countries.


Angus is solid black in colour or occasionally red (Red Angus. It is a highly regarded beef breed known for its meat quality. It is adaptable to various climate.


Jersey is light brown with white face. It is highly productive dairy breed, known for its rich milk. Milk is high in butter or fat content, suitable for cheese and butter production. Jersey is distributed globally for dairy farming.


Simmental comes in various colours,often red and white or black and white. It is dual purpose breed, famous for both meat and milk production. Found in many countries for both dairy and beef farming.

Common Cow Breeds in India

In India there are diverse range of cattle breeds, each with its own unique characteristics and purposes. Some common cow breeds in India are as follow:


  • The Gir breed is is an Indian breed of zebuine cattle that is known for its distinctive hump, rounded forehead and pendulous ears and horns.
  • It originated in Gujarat and has spread to Maharashtra and Rajasthan.
  • Its color ranges from red through yellow to white and they are resistant to hot and humid climates, making them well-suited for Indian conditions.


  • Sahiwal cows is also Indian breed of zebuine cattle and come from the Punjab region.
  • It is known for their distinctive reddish-brown color and display a well-developed udder.
  • The cows are the heaviest milkers of all zebu breeds.
  • They are highly adaptable to harsh climates, especially of the north India.


  • Jersey cows are a Bos taurus breed. It is a British breed of small diary cattle from Jersey.
  • It was introduced to India for their high milk yield and quality. It produce milk with a high butterfat content.
  • It cones in occur in all shades of brown, from light tan to almost black.
  • The Jersey adapts well to various climates and environments
  • Jersey cows are favored for dairy farming in some regions of India.

Red Sindhi

  • Originating in Sindh, Pakistan, Red Sindhi cows range in color from a deep reddish brown to a yellowish red.
  • It is primarily raised for milk production and are well-suited to hot and arid regions.
  • Red Sindhi cattle has widely spread in other countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and other countries.
  • It is smaller than Sahiwal cattle and produces a little less milk per animal as a result.

Cow Taxonomy

The taxonomy of cow is as follows:














Bos taurus


Based on the breed.

Characteristics of Cow

The characteristics of cow are as follows:

  • Depending on the breed cow comes in various colours and patterns. Cows are large, herbivorous mammals with a distinctive bovine appearance.
  • Size and weight of the cow varies according to the breed. Dexter and Jersey cows, weigh between 272 and 454 kg.
  • It have a sturdy body, hooves, and a long tail.
  • Cows are known for their large mammary glands known as udder. The udder of a cow is divided into four halves by two pairs of mammary glands known as teats. The front teats are known as forequarters, and the back teats are known as rear quarters.
  • Cows have a four chambered stomach (rumen, reticulum, omasum, and abomasum). The stomach is adopted for digesting cellulose-rich grass or various plant through a process called rumination.
  • Modern breeds may have horned and hornless individuals.
  • Female cows are known for their milk production, which varies by breed. Cows’ milk is used to produce dairy products such as milk, cheese, and butter.

Cows have played an important role throughout the human development history. It provides essential resources like milk and meat, supports agriculture, and contributes cultural and economic development.

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FAQs on Scientific Name of Cow

1. What is the Scientific Name of a Cow?

The scientific name of the domesticated cow is “Bos taurus. It belongs to the Bovidae family and genus Bos. Subspecies of the cow depend upon the breed to which it belongs.

2. What is the Scientific name of the Indian Cow?

Scientific name of Indian cow’ is Bos indicus, which is a species or sub-species of domestic cattle, that originated in South Asia. They are well-suited to the region’s tropical climate and have distinct hump appearance.

3. Name some Common breeds of Indian cows.

Scientific name of Indian cow’ is Bos indicus. Some of the common breeds of Indian cow are Gir, Sahiwal, Red Sindhi, Ongole, Tharparkar, Hariana, Kankrej, Vechur, Amrit Mahal.

4. What is the Difference between Bos indicus and Bos taurus breeds?

Bos indicus breeds are hump-backed cattle originating from Asia, known for heat tolerance, while Bos taurus breeds are humpless cattle from Europe, favored for meat production

5. Why is it Important to know the Scientific name of a Species like a Cow?

Scientific name of a species ensures that scientists and researchers around the world can refer to the same species without any confusion. It’s an important part of the international scientific community’s shared official language.