Creating array with repeated elements in Julia – repeat() Method

The repeat() is an inbuilt function in julia which is used to construct an array by repeating the specified array elements with the specified number of times.

repeat(A::AbstractArray, counts::Integer…)
repeat(A::AbstractArray; inner, outer)
repeat(s::AbstractString, r::Integer)
repeat(c::AbstractChar, r::Integer)


  • A::AbstractArray: Specified array.
  • counts::Integer: Specified number of times each element get repeated.
  • inner: It says the repetition of individual element.
  • outer: It says the repetition of whole slice.
  • s::AbstractString: Specified string.
  • r::Integer: Specified number of times each element get repeated.
  • c::AbstractChar: Specified character.

Returns: It returns a new constructed array.

Example 1:

# Julia program to illustrate 
# the use of Array repeat() method
# Constructing an array by repeating
# the specified 1D array with the 
# specified number of times.
A = [1, 2, 3, 4];
println(repeat(A, 1))
# Constructing an array by repeating
# the specified 1D array with the 
# specified number of times.
B = [1, 2, 3, 4];
println(repeat(B, 1, 2))
# Constructing an array by repeating
# the specified 2D array with the 
# specified number of times.
C = [1 2; 3 4];
println(repeat(C, 2))
# Constructing an array by repeating
# the specified 2D array with the 
# specified number of times.
D = [1 2; 3 4];
println(repeat(D, 2, 2))


Example 2:

# Julia program to illustrate 
# the use of Array repeat() method
# Constructing an array by repeating
# the specified elements with the 
# specified inner value
println(repeat(1:3, inner = 2))
# Constructing an array by repeating
# the specified elements with the 
# specified outer value
println(repeat(2:4, outer = 2))
# Constructing an array by repeating
# the specified elements with the 
# specified inner and outer value
println(repeat([5 10; 15 20], inner =(2, 1), outer =(1, 3)))


Example 3:

# Julia program to illustrate 
# the use of Array repeat() method
# Getting new string after repetition of
# specified string or character
println(repeat("GFG", 3))
println(repeat("w3wiki", 2))
println(repeat("a", 4))
println(repeat("A", 5))

