Creating Stamp Animation using Flash

When it comes to old-style animations which use a large number of drawings and then moving those pictures at a suitable frame rate gives the illusion of movement, to adopt this style with the modern method flash is the best instrument. It is wholesome of different features that help to reduce the efforts of animators. It has motion, puppet, and classic-style animation functionalities. It is a product of Adobe suite and can be used on different platforms.

Stamp Animation

Animating a stamp is useful when we want to make some intro videos or want to present the logo of any organization in a stylish manner. Animating a stamp is easy we only need a photo of any stamp, make sure to use copyright-free images. Follow the below steps to animate the stamp.

Step 1: Open a new project in Adobe Flash.

Step 2: Now import the stamp image on the stage.

Step 3: Add a new layer and name it Logo.

Step 4: Import a logo on the stage.

Step 5: On Layer 1 insert a keyframe at frame 14 or 15.

Step 6: Select a middle frame and apply classic tween.

Step 7: Now at the logo layer insert a keyframe at 14 or 15 before that all frames should be blank.

Step 8: Add a keyframe at frame 25.

Step 9: Select a middle frame and apply classic tween.

Step 10: At logo layer insert a frame at 25.

Step 11: Press the run button to see our newly created animation.

Congratulations your stamp animation is ready. Now press Ctrl + Enter to see the output. Here is the output of the Stamp Animation.