Creating Waterfall Animation using Flash

Animation software is widely used nowadays in different industries so there are a number of these software available in the market but the one which is the best is Adobe Flash. It is good because not only used for creating animations but also used for making games like Mario because it has the feature which allows us to code the objects and because of this feature certain events like click events can be added to the animation to make them interactive.

Animating Waterfall

The waterfall is a frequently used object in different projects so we should know how to animate a waterfall without drawing again and again so we will use one of the most simple methods to animate it. Let’s animate it using tween and masking features of flash, it gives a realistic view of the waterfall. Follow the below steps to animate the Waterfall

Step 1: Open a new project in Adobe Flash.

Step 2: Select the rectangle tool and draw a rectangle on the stage.

Step 3: Convert the rectangle into a graphic symbol by right-clicking on it and choosing the convert to symbol option.

Step 4: Now double-click on the rectangle to go inside it.

Step 5: Change its shape using section tool and free transform tool to make it look like a waterfall.

Step 6: Now select frame 30 and insert a keyframe.

Step 7: Applying the shape tween by selecting the middle frame.

Step 8: Add 8 shape hints by going into modifying and then shape and selecting the shape hints option.

Step 9: Place them on as I have done it.

Step 10: Now select frame 30 and again place these hints on the different positions of shape.

Step 11: Now double click to come out of the symbol and select frame 30 to add a frame.

Step 12: Again double click to go inside the symbol and add a new layer.

Step 13: Draw a rectangle and convert it into a symbol by pressing F8.  

Step 14: Now double-click on the symbol to go inside it.

Step 15: Again convert it into a symbol by pressing F8 and applying motion tween.

Step 16: Place the rectangle at bottom of the waterfall at frame 30.

Step 17: Now double-click to go inside the symbol and change the shape.

Step 18: Now come out from the symbol and add one more layer and then copy everything from layer 1.

Step 19: Now right-click and create Mask.

Step 20: Add 3 more layers below the mask layer and copy and paste the waterfall effect.

Step 21: Change the loop timing for each layer.

Step 22: Change the stage color.

Step 23: Now double click to come out of the symbol and press the play button and see the animation.

Congratulations your waterfall animation is ready. Press Ctrl + Enter to see the output animation. Here is the output video of Waterfall Animation.