Crossword Puzzle Of The Week #30 (Compiler Design)

In this issue of Crossword Puzzle of the Week, we will dive into the topic of Compiler Design. The solution to the crossword puzzle is provided at the end.

Crossword #30



1. An ________ converts high-level language into low-level machine language, just like a compiler.
5. The _______ of Compiled programs are generally more than interpreted programs because the machine code produced by the compiler is optimized for the specific hardware platform on which it will run.
6. The _____ also checks for other semantic errors, such as undeclared variables and incorrect function calls.
9. A compiler scans the entire program and translates it as a whole into ______.


2. The first stage of compiler design is _______ analysis, also known as scanning. 
3. Code _______optimizes the abstract code, and the final Code Generator translates abstract intermediate code into specific machine instructions. 
4. Compilers perform comprehensive _____ checking during the compilation process.
7. In _____ analysis the compiler checks the meaning of the source code to ensure that it makes sense. 
8. The output of the _______ is called an object file.
10. To ___ compiled code can be more difficult than interpreted code.

Solution for Crossword Puzzle #30:

Crossword #30