Crossword Puzzle Of The Week #34 (DBMS)

In this issue of Crossword Puzzle of the Week, we will dive into the topic of DBMS. The solution to the crossword puzzle is provided at the end.

Crossword Puzzle #34



1. In ______ database, data is organized in the form of tables and each table has a set of rows and columns.
6. ——— command removes all records from a table, including all spaces allocated for the records are removed.
8. A DBMS allows users to insert, update, and _____data in the database, as well as retrieve data using queries.
10. ____ command updates existing data within a table.


2. The ______Statement in SQL is used to retrieve or fetch data from a database.
3. ______Grant command is specifically used to provide privileges to database objects for a user.
4. _______ is used to delete a whole database or just a table.
5. ______ is considered the industry standard for any Relational Database System.
7._______ command withdraw user privileges on database objects if any granted.
9. The —— statement of SQL is used to insert a new row/record in a table

Solution for Crossword Puzzle #32:

Crossword Puzzle #34



1. Relational
6. Truncate
8. Delete
10. Update


2. Select
3. Grant
4. Drop
5. SQL
7. Revoke
9. Insert